In this video I bring you along as I go through the process of replacing the rear wheel bearing on a Toyota Tacoma. The Tundra's are very similar as well as some Nissan SUV's. It is not a bad process providing you have a few specialized tools. -Enjoy!
Part I :
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Brand new burn right from toyota: uh it's getting too late in a day, so i'm forgetting which way things go here. We'll say it goes that way. However, we need to make sure that the speed sensor hole faces to the rear of the vehicle right and then what we just talked about is anybody listening. Then you want to get your studs, your four new ones, we'll put them in.

I get a block of wood to stick this thing on and we'll bash them through before you bash them through making darn tootin, you got ta go in the right direction. Speed sensor holes in the rear, fella, that's right! Let's get a block of wood. Is there any reason you can't bash this together? Mr, oh, i don't think so should be the right direction. Daddy, dude right there there she is folks uh! Let's see, i believe we can leave the protective sleeve here that protects the magnet.

Ah, that's the hole for the speed sensor facing to the rear of the vehicle. We did do this right right, yeah, it's my time to ask. I don't ask right now, mr oh and uh yeah heck. Let's do it, let's go in the back room.

You watch your wavy washer, see how it's concaved in convex. Well, one side you're going to see the part number for the bearing that side goes towards the bearing that's the easiest way to remember that and then the tapered side on your lock ring goes up. That's what's got to go into the seal, but that makes sense to you. It'll all make sense to you once you that's where you have to trust me.

So we're going to slide this baby through all right, so ain't gon na go nowhere folks, but whoever made this press the traveling continental equipment company, they made it for guys that are about that tall. So about three and a half feet, not sure. So this is gon na go like this, so it's dished this way. Not this way, but this way what's up, dude dinner's ready, tell mommy i'll, be just little momentum, all right yeah, so we're gon na slip this on the axle shaft the way down, and then we're going to pick her up and slide that baby.

I'm going to press black under there and then the other press block under there. That's where it gets sketchy. I mean it's sketchy, don't uh! You know you got room for your studs all right and because we're slightly lazy, we don't want to raise this up. We'll take this one to fill in the space, that's where it gets sketchy and if you're going to send stuff flying, send a lot of stuff flying all right.

Pull attention. Huh get the rag off the floor, make sure everything's, nice and shiny, which it should be. We should be golden all right. This should always maintain a little bit of freedom here and then we'll get the handle we'll start pushing.

Now this point you say to yourself: eric. Is there any reason? I can't push this together? You got the black collar going the right way. You got the worser in there the right way the studs are in dinner's ready get her done. Oh she hit bottom.

I can feel it. I give that a little wiggle as it's going in, because when it starts into that seal, i like to make sure that everybody's happy that didn't it didn't end well worked out better in my mind. Let's try again, i just like making noise out here. That way.
My wife thinks i'm doing something awesome there. She is folks time to stuff it back in there. However, before you go in and eat the dinner you're smoking that wife made put on the snap ring. The last thing you want to do is get home at night.

You're laying there next to your beauty and all of a sudden it hits you did. I put that snap ring on or didn't i put the snap ring on. That is the question i blow gear oil around our seal here. Oh there, she is in the splines.

Now the best thing to do well, it's still out a little line up your brake line. It's a whole lot easier. Folks! Look at this. I guess we'll just finish.

Taking that up, we should have seen if this little mother will come loose. It will nah come on why you got ta, be like that there we go so the bleeder comes loose, so that's good all right, so we'll snug. That back up probably should check that in the game before you hook the hose back to your wheel, cylinder um. There's that i just got to throw the brakes back on it flush, this toilet wait for mrs old get back, so i can eat there with her.

Let's go pick up a child, so i figure we'll just keep going until she gets back i'll put those nuts those knots on the back, snug them up: uh factory specs, obviously my bride. What's up old girl? No, i was waiting on you. I was just telling the people well, i was waiting for you old girl, okay, never walk away from a bolt you put in finger tight. Let me tell you what my old man would lose his mind.

You walked away and left the bolt finger tight and went to do something you get the speech. He was pretty good at the speeches they weren't very elegant or uh. I don't want to say they got to the point real quick. I remember that speech from my old man once a lot of screaming and spinning.

He said i don't care if that mother, the building's on fire, you tighten them all. That was his uh. That was our speech and then, from that day forward you didn't care. If the mother loving building was on fire, you tighten the bowl.

Let's go eat, i'm here for you wow you're here for me. I'm here i'm here to see what we're eating looks like some veni, some rogies and some zucchini look how lucky i am thanks for dinner. Oh girl, you're welcome going back to work. Are you uh, gon na finish that tonight i am, but i can stay awake now.

Is it almost done? It is almost done. Get the old cable spreader there that helps putting the parking brake on a little bit easier, which we've left. You know we left this whole thing. It's just all together here, so spread that baby open flip that down and now kind of leave that hanging i've already cleaned up the little mounting pads there.
So we'll slap a little grease on them, so we'll slap a little break lube there they were pretty crusty. The truth be told i mean it probably could have benefited from putting backing plates on this they're pretty rough um they're. Not. I mean they're, not terrible, that you know the meat and potatoes part of it's they're, pretty dang thick, it's the annoying stuff like this little ring around it.

They have a tendency to hit the drum and make all kinds of racket, but i think she'll be okay. Put a nail in we'll slide this baby up get the spring right inside there make sure. Now where it goes in your wheel, cylinder, it is slotted, so make sure that it's facing right way in case she was fiddling with it. They'll hold the nail through get the shoe on the right side of everything here, just kind of get it to where it holds still for us.

Get your tool up right here and i got ta turn around line it up. Barry. Of course, you guys are right. Smack in my way, but i think we got it - anyways stand the spring up straight.

That's standing up straight drop. Your pliers, naturally yeah probably been easier. If we took the spring off all the way back to straighten up our uh slack adjuster grab our other shoe. I mean, you know, obviously make sure everything's you know moving and free on your shoes, all your parts and pieces and your self-adjusting mechanism and all that business got ta.

Get this one set up here set up there make sure the latch is good. There we're gon na take and i got ta reach back up in here. I have to get a pick. The star wheel, adjuster itself, slack adjuster there is in i need to push it out, get things kind of lined up uh.

We might be able to stick a nail on it first, so that's what we'll do? Maybe i don't want to make it any harder. So same thing we did on the other side except it's over here, where you can't see it. Stick that little guy in there. Oh yeah there she is, i think, we'll be okay.

Let me go get a little pet. Give it a little push. I'm pushing the ball there. We go come on baby, come on man all the way.

Why are you not wanting to cooperate? You never want to cooperate with me kind of annoying with the camera right now i got a movie guys it's awkward. I hope that baby up on that spring, then we can stick our self-adjuster arm back up in where it belongs, should have cleaned the hub face off the axle there. While we headed out shouldn't we not that you can really see anything. Oh, where did you go better? Get this light? I have no idea in the hole in that hole.

Oh do we got any parts left? Oh, that was great. I turned the damn thing off there we go. We got a couple spring and enemies left. Let's put our bottom one here on the shoes, mm-hmm gunski make sure clicker clicks it does.

I did back it off a little bit to get the drum off so we'll crank. Her up here, though, check the fitment of our drum before we clean everything up here. Oh yeah she's super loose. That's got a long ways to go.
I didn't realize i backed it off that far there. That's quite a bit closer now, they're, pretty close before we'll put our speed sensor in with the brand new bolt. Did i tell you to tighten up those if i didn't make sure you do that i like to snug them up and then i go through and i whack on the head of the stud just to make damn sure that thing seated all the way and uh Make sure that baby's snugged up a little bit put a little grease under it. Of course, click her in we got ta bleed out the brakes in the morning when somebody's here to help me and then we'll be done.

You got ta clean, the up, face off and stick the drum on, and i think all in all you get the gist of how to do the wheel bearing uh. The other thing we have to do is you know, top off the rear. Diff fluid make sure that baby's full this did come in with the abs light on the left front. Speed sensor was junk, so we changed that out and, like i said that bearing over there was trash and uh that'll be done, and this one's done.

This one was good, there's nothing wrong with this that the one we just did there was no no complaint, uh, no customer complaint on this side other than he wanted to do, both of them which, on this style, rear end or this style differential. It's not beneficial for you financially to do both of them um, and i say that because it's not like a you know, it's thinking like a chevrolet where you got to pull the differential cover and you you know, pull the center pin out of the spider gears And then push your axles in that, if i was doing a single wheel bearing i would highly encourage a customer hey, let's do the other one, because it takes another five minutes in this case it takes just as long to do this, bearing as it does that Bearing so let's say this is three hours so now it's you know six hours, total uh. So if that, if that makes sense to you the only advantage to you as a mechanic, is you got your tools out? You know, so it might save you. 10 minutes of time fishing out your tools, but on a customer from a customer perspective, it's not beneficial for them to do both at the same time other than let's say you know, they're doing it preventatively, but that's not up to me.

Uh go around with a pair of needle nose if you're uh in the northeast - and this little ring in here is a little bit tweaked in spots from doing stuff. Just take your needle nose kind of tweak it back straight. Otherwise, it's gon na scrape on your drum these things can be obnoxious and if it pisses you off enough, give it a lot of wiggles with your pliers until you rip the whole thing off and just throw it in the trash, because it's virtually kind of worthless, Especially in a deteriorated state, but i think we'll be okay, we'll get her straightened up here. She looks pretty decent anyhow, but somebody's here to help me bleed it out.
We'll bleed it out, we'll uh clean the hub face. Do the drum get the wheels on bleed? It ship it. Why don't you guys ship on down to the comment section comments? The concerns, the instincts of facebook. Just remember viewers.

If i can do it, you can do it thanks for watching.

By EricO

14 thoughts on “Toyota tacoma: rear wheel bearing remove replace – part ii”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars brandtharen says:

    I think I'd do the same as the customer in getting both sides done (given I can afford it), specifically if these are the factory original bearings or were otherwise changed as a pair in the past, figuring the "good" side is on it's way out shortly given identical mileage. That said I don't know if these can be killed by pot holes, in which case I could see them laying different amounts of time per side.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars scott carr says:

    I've done rear wheel bearings in a smallish Daihatsu and it was way simpler than that one, I did use the press at work to push bearings off then new ones on, but it was so simple compared to that Tacoma. To do those kind of jobs you do need specialised tools.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HouseCallAutoRepair says:

    I can't walk away until it's done, either! And I'll think it to death, until it's done! (later today I get to re-live this, on my buddy's 2004…. The parking brake works "sometimes?") CrAzY timing in the sense that everyone has been working on Tacos this week!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gary Meador says:

    Looking @ the brake linings, you could have sold him a brake job as well, I would think. Interesting though is the wheel bearing replacement, sure not that easy as some in the past. The rust don't help either.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Monkey Wrangler says:

    If you can do it, maybe I can do it, but it’s probably best if I just do it to a certain point and then take it to a shop with that big ass tool and a shop press and have that part done… then put it back together at home.

    Not as catchy an ending.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JohnBoyWalton Beard says:

    Eric O’…Do you ever pack some Grease in those new Bearings? I replaced a Rear Wheel Bearing on a Chevelle only to have it quickly fail. I was told that the rear end oil did not get out to the bearing quick enough. Ever since I add some grease to new bearings. P.S. Love the JEEP Hat!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rob Relf says:

    Please, do yourself a huge favor and get an air-powered jack for the press! A cheap luxury and a big time saver. I recommend you remove the wire bail for holding the valve trigger on because the first time I tried the jack the bail just fell into place and when I let go of the trigger the jack didn't stop!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars William Newman says:

    couldn't see press you used to take bearings out. Looked big? camera was too close to see entire press. Great video changing bearings a major job not for the beginners!
    Again great to see the whole operation. Not sure if one bearing failed wouldn't recommend doing both. assuming one side failed that the other wouldn't also be ready to go fail also.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Mehaffey says:

    I’m like your customer might as well do both of them if one was bad the other one might be the same, so instead being without transportation twice just suck it up and pay the man, great two parter Eric

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars south968 says:

    "Late in the day." Yep, your tired, off a decent night sleep.
    Been there my friend saying to myself " This is not that difficult, why cant I think think this out better.dammit." lol

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thanh-Danh Ho says:

    I love nuts and bolts videos! I don't even own a Tacoma. This is the best kind of advertising. If I lived closer you would be my go to. I wish more mechanics in my area did videos.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dwayne Berry says:

    "Remember viewers if I can do, you can do it."

    My grandma use to tell me all the time "baby……know your place in life!"

    With that said, "Not this time Eric !"

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Art Houston says:

    As you know, I used to do this. I left to fly jets in 2000, and let my four ASE master certs expire. I never looked back. It's good to see a man who has reason to still be doing this work, IE, your family and your income. If I put all of the bearings I removed into a pile, they would outweigh an HT4100, but they would both still be JUNK. Have a great day, and thanks for sharing.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John says:

    Might have not been beneficial financially but I've been around long enough to know Murphy's law says it would have failed a week later. I would have replaced them both as well.

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