In this video I take a second during a test drive to show you what a failing O2 sensor looks like and issues (codes) it can cause. When you see a car setting rich and lean codes and it is a MAP engine it is time to zoom in on the O2's and see if someone is lying! That is the beauty of having up and downstream O2's in this case. -Enjoy!
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All right folks, uh unusual video for me, i'm out on a test, drive we're in the jeep it's the 05. It's got the three seven, of course, the lights on uh real interesting. This one has uh codes in it for uh, rich and lean. So it says it's too rich and too lean all on bank one! Well, guess what you can't be both well, yes, you can uh it's a speed density engine, so we're not concerned with the purge solenoid being stuck open like we would be on a mass airflow.

What we're concerned with is a funky o2 sensor, somebody's lying we're not going to bother looking at bank 2.. We don't care about coolant temp, we don't care about loop status. I've already took it on a drive and i seen what it was doing. I was like i'll be dipped.

I ain't seen this in a while used to see this all the time back in the day, so i'm going to get some data here for you and i'm going to show you now everybody's, always quick to say when you go to the zone and you're. Like my engine light's on there like you need a gas cap and an oxygen sensor. Well, this is one of those cases where the guy would have been right. Minus the gas cap, but you can see right now.

Our fuel trims are mint. You know we're near zero, this thing's running perfect. You know we give her the old rev up tune up. It runs fine we're going to look at our o2 sensor data we can see.

We have a switching o2 we're going to look at our bank 2, which could be our catalytic converter um, and we can we'll see here. The alltel's been going kind of stupid when i zoom it in it does this now. So i don't know what's going on with that is after the recent update uh, it doesn't work correctly, so we're just gon na leave it maybe on 4x, okay, let's take her for a rip and but, as you can see, we have an o2 sensor that appears To be functioning fine, you know it's oscillating, fine, our catalytic converter is lit up and it's working fine, but watch this we'll drop her in d od see if anything's at least i'm not texting with my cell phone right. This shouldn't be illegal uh.

The bearings are wasted in this thing, so plug your ears, but we're gon na drive down the road and look what happens when we give it throttle. Look at that upstream o2 sensor, look at our fuel trims, our fuel trims are pegged out and - and i'm not giving her the beans we're just barely creeping along here, but that o2 sensor is deader and a door. Now and let's see here our fuel strategy, i'm trying to keep it between the white lines, i just let off the throttle, it should come back to life. Let me pull over here because there's other questions we need to answer because you have to be careful with chrysler's, because how do we know is the rear one stuck rich, forcing the fuel trims down or is the front one dead? That's what we need to know.

Chrysler's do use the rear action sensor for fuel strategy right now that frickin o2 sensor is not working at all there we go give her a little throttle, get it back to life, so two sensors back to life. Now, to answer your question: how do we know which one it's developing its fuel strategy from we're going to go out and put it in wide open throttle mode uh, in which case it should hit open loop? Let's see we're not going to look at our field. Trims because we don't care about them because we know what's going on now, see right now: fuel system strategy, uh was an open loop already. So when we go full throttle, it does go into open loop.
Therefore, it's not going to be looking at feedback from these sensors. So what should happen if, indeed we are not running out of fuel - and it is just a bad o2 sensor at wide open throttle. Our rear sensor will go high. It'll go full full power enrichment mode and if our front one's laying at zero, then we know we just have a bad o2.

So let's drop her down and drive, we got to wait for the people coming behind us. We don't want to whip out in front of nobody and then we'll go see what uh we'll see what happens, but you can see how clearly this this could kind of trick you, if you didn't know what was going on, got one more hondu coming all right Here we go folks ready, wide open, throttle, chevy thunder yeah baby. Oh this guy's turning we got to slow down, but we could clearly see during that wide open, throttle event that the rear o2 sensor was pecked right out rich. You know indicating that indeed, this jeep is getting all of its fuel.

It's defaulted to an open loop strategy, but the rear o2 sensor is functioning and how else can we prove that i me get up here. I got a guy right on my hiney, but let's put it in fuel cup mode, i'm going to take it out of overdrive, we're coasting and it just went into fuel cut mode. Wide open throttle we're back in business back into fuel, cut mode back into a lean condition. So that tells me the fueling strategy of the pcm is working everybody's happy, the rear ones, work and the front.

One is a liar liar pants on fire. It needs an o2 sensor. Um. Am i worried about the wiring that goes to it? Uh, probably not um, we'll do a quick bypass test on it, but i'm sure that's it.

Now, i'm gon na go back to the shop. You guys enjoy the rest of your day. I hope this helps somebody at some point with their chrysler and their funky o2 sensors um. It used to be what you would see is you would see this happen.

A lot like on the four liters and the five twos and the five nines, and it would make this thing run like garbage uh people would complain that when they take off it skips and box and backfires, but if they give it a bunch of shoe, put The pedal to the plastic, the cars would take off and run good uh and all they were doing by you know hammering down on it was putting it in open loop. But look you know now we drive all civilized boom, it's working. Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn't just like me anyhow work your way down in that comment section down there the questions, the comments, the concerns.
Oh you're, down there, the instinct, the facebook just remember viewers. If i can do it, you can do it thanks for watching.

By EricO

16 thoughts on “Sma quickie: o2 setting rich and lean codes!?”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tommy Knight says:

    I have a 2005 jeep liberty 3.7L it's doing the same thing. It run good full throttle. But when you drive it in town then run like shit. I change both back O2. Because it say it was the back one's. I change them still the same. So I ran the scan again. Then it reads the front two was bad. So I change them and now it reads the back ones are bad again. So I throw my hands up and run it how it is until I can find what's wrong with it

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Greg EconoMeier says:

    You seem to have what they call "experience".
    If you worked for an OEM they would offer you a lucrative early retirement plan and get rid of you. Why you might ask? Because experience costs too much money in their not so humble (and youthful) opinion.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars L j says:

    Well…afternooner is done. Got my ole sat dish removed. Or roof ornaments. Back to work after luncheee…thanks Dr. O…..i can Do it

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars scott McIntosh says:

    Do not call South Main Autto I really like the videos and I do not want him to stop making them so please no calls go to the coment section !

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars trotva says:

    I had a 1987 Jeep Cherokee I bought new. It was 1991 and on a first date, my camshaft sensor (from mechanic) quit and car wouldn't start. Had to tow. Problem was, I was parked on 3rd floor of parking garage. Long night. At least my date didn't care. We ended up getting married. The Jeep lasted longer than the marriage. Sure do miss that Jeep.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrew Sanderson says:

    You always do such a great job explaining your trouble shooting process.

    What about a video discussing what vehicles to stay away from and what vehicles you would recommend to purchase?

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jonathan Osborne says:

    As my best friend that's done went on to heaven said it's a Chrysler what do you expect haha have a good day eric

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Preston Ahlson says:

    7 minute video.. with more knowledge then most other auto repair channels put out in a 1 hour video. Thanks for the great info Eric.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cameron Schick says:

    Very helpful! I have a 04 grand Cherokee with the 4.7ho that I keep getting a p0171 that has come and gone for a year with very little disruption of performance besides fuel mileage, i also only drive an average of ten miles a day.I can tell it is running richer than normal. I will be looking into this, thank you for this video

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bolt Husky says:

    That 3.7 sounded a bit weak at full throttle tho,, is that because that O2 has wreaked havoc so long dumping fuel and then leaning out? Just didn’t seem like it had that low down grunt mine did. I could leave 11s over the white paint at a stop sign with my Liberty…. miss that shitbox 😂.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul Stafford says:

    Could it be that they updated the sampling rate on your device and now there isn't enough memory to display as much of the waveform as you were used to?

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brian Mason says:

    Great info as always! Years ago a coworker literally lived w his GF right behind our shop. Well, we had and hour for lunch, and needless to say a few times a week he'd disappeared for the whole hour….😁😁😁😁

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wallace Loper says:

    If you change one bad still change both. just saying

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars nickolaguez says:

    Quit calling this guy, people. You’re gonna ruin all this free and enlightening entertainment for the rest of us! Sweet vid Eric 👍

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark Kotyk says:

    I think I see the problem… $10 oxygen sensor can't be very good. You should spend at least $20 for a good one.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Infin1ty says:

    Lol, you're scanner's screen is so scratched up I was worried I had somehow scratched the screen on my new phone.

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