While most of the local shops turn these jobs away, SMA laughs in the face of rust and fires up the torch! Like memaw always said, "it can't be stuck if it's liquid!" Let's show this Subaru wheel bearing who's boss. -Enjoy!
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Hey viewers and welcome back to the self made auto channel. That's a 2007 subaru. It's got the big two five wheel bearing shot and it's up to us to get it changed. So i've got all the parts here.

We've got the new bolts, the new seals, the bearings and the snap ring and all the stuff we should need. So, let's get started. Ah, so so hmm, if you drum stuck on there like that in a perfect world, you'd get back here and you'd back off the star wheel, adjuster, but let's be honest: it's a mother to get to on these subarus they're they're kind of buried in back behind. On the spindle, i guess they're just a pain, so if you can kind of lightly gingerly tap it off, you know go for it.

Wow, ah yeah baby's ready to go back in. We just got ta wipe the grease off it. We got the race off easy. Peasy we have to remove the bracket here for the abs wire.

These things are oftentimes not friendly like to get all twisted up this bottom one, not so much the top one. It can be ugly and you might have to do what you have to do. Uh aka, you know, leave it in and just kind of bend it out. Otherwise, you just make a mess out of it that one comes right, loose now who's the liar.

Oh, she wants to twitch right there. So stop stop what you're doing twist the little bracket back, because it ain't gon na take much more and no pb blaster is going to help you there folks for the record uh. The main thing was: is we wanted to get this bracket that holds the parking brake cable on, so we can get behind here and get the nut off, but likely we're going to come in here with a sawzall anyways and go soon see if we can't get That uh nut off there, nothing there's a flat washer. Oh you can give it.

The old college try but a good chance. The bolt that's there that you can't recognize because it looks like you know, the rest of the car is not going to come out. So you know i would appreciate it, though, if this one comes out, i would be grateful so try to send it all right so that one turned so that'll be good, because eventually we're going to need to take this one out. Ultimately, the goal is is to get the cv axle out, so we can get to the bearing.

So this has got to go, that's got to go and then we're going to change the bearing on the car. So that's the plan in case you're, wondering missions, so fire fire fail so cutting that off sometimes that'll heat up the bushing enough. Where, when you rattle it, this arm will come back a little bit. So we can get in there easier with the saw, because there's not a lot of clearance on the inside to get in there, with the saw without risking cutting the knuckle slightly uh.

If it comes down to it, we just heat this up a little bit, get that bushing burning. Stick a pry bar in here, just pull it back just enough to be able to get in there good, with a saw blade, also doesn't like fire. This is really bad for your torch tip fyi, so just fyi there easy come on come on. It's really hard on your torch tip.
Don't ever let your dad hear you doing that he used to get really upset with me when i would do that, but guess who taught me folks, that's what i'm saying all right hypocrite. What do you see? Monkey do come on ping. I don't know where that went, but it was pretty toasty. You don't want to do that on.

I almost got baby there. She goes. You see how that wiggled back a little. That's what i'm talking about, because some people are in the comments like oh you're, hitting it in how could it be coming out? Well, i don't know the answer, because i'm not a physics professor.

However, i've worked on a lot of junk and i just know that's how it works. Plus this has some rearward tension on it and i knew that it would jiggle back that way. So, don't ask me complicated questions get in there, nice and easy. I don't know.

I just say: don't push too hard on the on the backing plates, usually they're pretty crumbly all right, so that baby is all up and out of the way there is a slim chance uh. We can just take cut that bushing off here up here, a little bit right here. A little bit right here then knock that bolt this way a little to get this arm away to get in there, with the saw. If that makes sense to you like, i said you can shove, if you got no torches or anything you can get in here with a saw blade, but just try to favor, i don't know right in the middle of the rubber.

So that's about the only thickness you have is, however, thick that rubber is which is about a sawzall blade's worth to chop this off without cutting your knuckle, which should be naked a little bit forget about it. But if you, if you take a big chunk out of it, i don't know forget about that too. I guess just pretend you didn't see it. Oh nick, that sleeve off there.

So this is the inner sleeve from the bushing all right, so we'll just cut the outside of it, leaving the bolt okay a little bit there we'll have to get a little more crazy how oxygen won't put out fires. You know we'll eventually there's a little co2 up on there um. We probably i don't forget enough off there to get the sleeve off. You got ta cut it halfway around.

We got a little bit here. Let's see close your eyes. Okay, the sleeve is gone. The bolt's, intact air, hammers and stuff are almost worthless on this, because everything's rubber mounted um we'll leave that right there, because we can come through we'll try to jiggle a little.

We just want it to go this way, just a scoach, so we can we'll see what happens fail there. We go uh so basically part fireman. She moved, i think i saw it move. It did.

Did that move through the bushing, though that would be super bizarre and helpful all the same time nope it's stuck in the bushing, but we did give it the old spreaderoo, which is good, because now we have lots of room nothing to worry about. No, it did not burn the cb boot for the record. Okay, we're good, let's chop it off, i don't know if this sawzall blade's got any saws all left in it, we'll give it the old try. Are we just making noise i'll put a little score in? It's going to take a while these bolts are harder and a banshee how hard banshees get.
I really should quit being cheap and just go put a new blade in here, but there's just that little bit of life left in it hey. What's up, this is oh! It's smoky so well that was utterly painful. Why am i being so cheap there's, just a tiny bit hold that thing there, my god three hours later and now, i'm going to officially retire that blade for the record calls all blades are so expensive. We use the diablos and the diablo carbides are expensive little boogers, but they work good uh, particularly when they're new um, you know the one that we just used was pretty well wasted.

Yeah, cb, axles out. We can do what we need to do so. Oh great now i got my bit stuck should be a couple seals in here. Both of them are gone.

Nope one of them's gone got the inner one here, come on baby they're, usually rusted in place pretty well compared to how easy they go back in. So a lot of people are down at the comments wondering why we don't take off the whole knuckle. Well, the fact of the matter is: if we wanted to do that, you know we would need a parking, brake, cable and a speed sensor all that stuff and it just hits the stupid level. This subaru's pretty well shot.

You can see the oils just dumping on the rear shocks. The you know, the body of the car is pretty well wasted, lifts already going up through the rocker panels and such so. You know if a guy just wants to drive it without the uh bearing screaming. Here i got ta move you guys and that's just what we do.

We just do the bearing try to leave all the rest of the crap alone. It's pretty typical new york stuff come on baby gosh. You think man, you just seals ain't in there. That time you go make me upset there good night, so there's the other seal.

So you got two inners and then an outer and you can see it's super rusty. So you once you get the bearing out. You got to clean all that crap up and clean up the face of the cv axle and, of course, you know we got ta put new bushings in let's see just for granted giggles. If we can get this one out, probably not josh had to borrow my torch, so we got ta go old school.

Sometimes you can hold that sleeve and you can knock her right straight out of there almost almost ah broke my dang air hammer a bit that sucks now this ain't gon na work. So there's all that's left of the bushing. I need less fresh air in here. Getting a little dizzy, uh so we'll let it evacuate gold brassness, though doing your school work yeah good.

All i have is: oh, is that pasta from a box you're such a pasta, pasta, wow, hi, kitty, kitty, hey luna! What's your mirror, pumpkin come here, come to your bathtub. How are you, oh, you didn't even eat your food over there loony you missed it here. Come here kitty, kitty, kitty kitty show me your trick. Oh yeah yeah get it get it what's: uh luna eat in there.
So a little bit of something a little bit of baby deer wow scavenge over there. Don't you feel guilty? No, not really me, neither so how long before lunch, you think not long! Oh god, i'll be out here doing got ta get my rifle ready, you're, so you're. So awesome, i'm married again. If i had the chance you can, i can really we can do the honeymoon again wait.

We go on the honeymoon. No, we did it never mind i'll, be out here. Man that misses oh she's, savage, she's, savage on import gear. Well, she already got a nice buck.

This year got my phone right. You want to see it so there's the buck. Miss, though, got with her bow and arrow, so she's pretty happy about that nice late point there. She got everybody in the house and then uh.

Well, this boy got a nice buck this year too. Let me picture that one. You got this one here, uh during the youth hunt there, so he was pretty excited about that and i'd show you mine, but i get to make it happen. Anyhow, nothing about deer hunting.

Is there ever enough about deer hunting, not really in my book? So what we're doing here is just using the ball joint press just to smoosh it out. I intended on just pushing out the middle, but the whole thing came, which is great, which kind of sucks a little because it might be stuck in here, but we'll knock. It out of here, but the good news is it's out of here now we're just going to take and clean these up a little with some sandpaper here wow. What's up miss, though i got a homemade tool there yeah, that's the sandpaper whipper.

I just showed people your deer told them. Your whole story too, which your buck you just got with your boat yeah show them a picture yeah. I didn't tell them the whole story. Nah, i didn't tell them how panicky you were.

You might not have made a good shot, but lo and behold you did, but you say that every time you get a deer, so i don't even believe you anymore everything so we're going to take and just push our bushings in we'll lube them up a little Bit just using some uh regular silicone paste here on these. They don't push in that uh difficult. To be honest with you, this is providing you have all the crud cleaned out in there now we'll just use the ball joint press to push it in also, i'm sure there's a special tool that does this. However, i don't own it, but this will work.

Just fine i mean you could darn near push them in by hand here like. So you don't need any tools. Really. It gets about halfway.

It'll start getting a little harder, but if you've got it lubricated good, they usually go in relatively easy. So the thing is, it's got the lip on it here. We need it to go through and pop that out. Uh i've just got a piece of pipe with a beat-up washer on the back of it.
It's about the right size. It seems to work pretty well for these, you just kind of finagle. Maybe you get a socket back there or something anything really! You just need that little extra space, so we're gon na push that straight through okay. That should be enough.

Now you'll see that it's pushed in a little bit further on this side than it has to be. This side has gone all the way through. So then, what we'll do we just kind of even it up we'll just push it back the way we came kind of get it centered in there, and everything should be good if you try to put these in without cleaning out the uh, the control arm, they're, A real pain in the neck and make sure you lube the heck out of them because then they go quite easy. So there that's.

That's it piece of cake. New bushings got that babysitting napper, not a sponsor, but uh. They still had them. So there that's good.

Get the other one in call today we need to clean some of that rust out of there we're just gon na use the old needle scaler. Oh man he's a little leaky. That's obnoxious looks like we got most of it out, except for the little angle. I can't get to uh we'll probably take well.

We got the old bearing and crap in there we're gon na take and clean this up. There's a lot of rust and junk on this yeah another piece of sandpaper you there what i was hoping for too much rust. It should be pretty decent right. There yeah all right now, the hard part's all done now.

We need to find the ends of the snap ring here. Looks like right. There see if we can't get under with our little pocket. Screwdriver work that baby out so don't lose that don't forget to put it in either rule number.

I'm one try to push the bearing out here with some threaded rod actually designed for this one. You guys just follow us. I've seen me use this tool, probably or three times anyway. I was gon na say a thousand times, but i haven't shown you everyone, we've ever done just sure done.

A few come on baby there. Oh she came inside here. There's here, there's the old bearing so i got ta get the new one wipe out any smooth. That's in there shouldn't be much just whatever we uh got in there when we were cleaning around on the back side.

Now we did all that cleaning on the back side with the old bearing in place. You could do it with the bearing removed and just do it any way. You want really make up your own rules, there's no right or wrong. Unless it doesn't work, then it's wrong.

I think we're in good shape, holes, nice and clean. Stick that baby up there put the nut back on the threaded rod and she goes now before you do anything. Even if you got to go to the back. Put the snap ring in trust me wipe off any shmoo you got on there.

I leave the plastic retaining sleeve right in the middle of that, bearing when i put in because these are double tapered bearings. You take that out. Everything falls apart, so i just i leave that in until i'm ready to put the spindle in and then we're not ready to put that in until you put the snap ring back and i'll wipe all the old grease and the boogers off of this thing, all Right and then just put that baby back in there listen carefully and squint, because if you send this thing flying you're going to a not want to hit yourself in the eyes and b you're going to want to hear where it went, these things go flinging. I don't know i lost my pocket screwdriver, i guess we'll use a socket click, the crack it's in now we can put in the outer seal and then we can put the spindle in and then we can put all the junk on the back side.
At that point, so you can't really mess up these seals as far as mixing them up, because they're only going to go in one spot so get that baby started. She looks like she started all right. Let's start a real nice. Let's get a seal driver and steel driver aka, just something flat.

You had sitting around the shop there she's in look on the back side, make golf sting sure that none of the uh that the spring didn't fall out of the seal. That'll piss you off. If it did uh free tip for you that's the case, if you have an issue with that on the back of this seal, you actually could have packed it with grease in if technically a seal driver. If we went got the appropriate one would fill this void in the middle, thereby holding the spring out and keeping it from falling off the seal using a flat apparatus, as we did to pound the seal in you, take the risk of knocking the spring off, not Seeing it you put it together, the seal fouls, it's leaking oil, all over you're mad.

You got to do it over or pretend you didn't see it, but you know what to do the right thing to do so: either a use the seal driver, the appropriate one to expand the inner lip to keep the spring from falling off or on the back Of the seal pack with grease - and it greatly reduces the risk of that happen - that makes sense we're going to take some wheel. Bearing grease this grease gun clean off the tip. You don't want a bunch of junk in the trunk we're getting all over this seal. So we're gon na coat the seal.

It's way too much dude but hey. This is hollywood, so we're gon na that is wow back there right down in there. That's napa grease and a napa bearing it's probably compatible. So there's that and then we're going to get our spare okay, there's no reason that this can't be pushed in right now, always ask yourself before you put the spindle on.

Is there any reason? I can't push this in seal's going to ride up here on this upper lip, which we've already cleaned, we've already removed the race very gingerly, i'm going to support the bearing on the back side with my left hand and then using our pocket screwdriver that i found On the floor, we're going to push out that plastic center retainer without jamming the screwdriver through your fingers and without popping the bearing apart, most importantly, and now she comes so there's that that's what holds the bearing together, i got a tiny bit of shmuel in there. Now that it matters, but it says youtube and we want to back up the race, so we don't push it out. I want to make sure that that is actually hitting the race meant to look from back here: hey i'll race, ya. Oh, i get a smaller one backing up the inner race sticking this little guy right here, get the nut on make darn sure you're pushing against the race, otherwise you're, just going to pop your bearing all apart and you'll, be upset.
Now we're gon na drive her home and when we get down towards the seal, we're gon na kind of wiggle it a little, so it doesn't get caught up on that lip. That, folks, is that that's changing the wheel, bearing on your subaru. Did you put the snapper in there? You did. This is the moment when you think about that all right, so we're good we're done show's over.

So now we need to pop the inner seal, the inner inner seal. Now this one doesn't have a spring. Yes, it does have a spring, so what i was saying is you can pack this whole inner edge full of grease if you were so inclined to do so? If you felt inclined to do so so we'll stick that up there and we're gon na have to go, get a driver, disc or socket, or something that fits that as well as we can. But it really sucks trying to do a video and try to get good light for you guys, because the light that i need is not the light that you need, but there we go so i'll.

Go get a disc, we'll see if we can't tap that and they don't go in very hard put it all the way no bottom leaves going a little bit all right. She looks straight from my house, then we'll do the uh inner outer seal. That's not confusing! Make sure you got it going the right way, this just kind of seals against the crusty cv shaft. That should sound solid because my disc driver is hitting here on the outside, and then we just want that seal in flush sounded like we had a pretty solid there.

We did so that's that you just got your two innings, your inner inner and your inner outer, and now we're going to take when our fingers clean we're going to put a bunch of grease in there call it a day. I guess we can just do it with the tip of our grease gun, because this is your first line of defense and keeping trash out of this, bearing it's a really piss-poor design that subaru made um. I think the same guy, who designed their head, gaskets and valve bodies also was in charge of designing the seal. Don't get me wrong, i'm a big subaru advocate, but this when this came out really really shaking my head and thankful at the same time, because these things go bad just about as fast as you can change them.
Thankfully, and nobody wants to mess with them. Hardly any shops around here will even do them. That's why i think, that's probably why we get so many of them, which i don't understand, because, as you can see, it's not an overly difficult task. So, there's that let's get the axle cleaned up, because we didn't do that in part one, because this is the dilemma.

Folks see the the axle shaft here, the inner seal that we just put in the inner inner is supposed to seal. On this surface, the inner outer seals on this surface, but you can see it's just all complete rusty crack and that's what happens. The seal goes bad, the bearing gets some junk in it, and you know robert's your mother's brother and shows over so we're going to take the whizzy wheel, we're going to clean this up. Technically, you should probably put a cv axle in it.

Every time you do. These to you know, get you the best of the best, but we're working with what we have already cleaned up the inside or just giving it the old. The old shoe shine with some 120 just to kind of clean up that surface there give it the best chance to seal i'll. Tell you a little something: josh just came back from lunch, and this happens often - and i've often wondered about this.

We got ta whisper. We don't want to hear us good kid. Is it normal for guys to spray cologne on themselves when they get back from lunch? I could understand if you're out smoking some dope and you're coming back and you don't want your boss to find out, but i know that's not the case for that young man and the other thing is the most eligible bachelor there jason he used to do the Same thing, every time they come back from lunch, they smell like they've, been on a thief, and i've also noticed some customers that carry cologne in their car, and i just wonder if that's some kind of customary thing i missed out on at some point in my Life used to be when i come back from lunch, i just smell like fried food or whatever restaurant i went to or whatever greasy dive diner i went in maybe something of the younger generation or they're smoking dope, one of the other, but i know that's not It something i always pondered, never put my finger on it. I think we're good, oh around that edge as good as we're gon na, be i mean that's pretty corroded.

I did take the whizzy wheel and clean that off we'll get some brake parts cleaner, hose that down put it back together, stick the bolt in it go home, so so not that it's ever gon na have to come back out. The car doesn't have much life left in it. We're not too worried about all that business. Give me the benefit of the doubt, though the bolt i haven't found aftermarket.

I think it's subaru only use our local subaru dealer has half a dozen or so in stock. At all times, so that's not a big deal so there's that folks got to set it down on a jackson, we'll tighten those up and then we'll set it down on a jack stand there to put it at ride height and get the bolts tightened up there. This bolt and that bolt and that's it so ah so so we'll snug that up that's torque, 100 100 expect we've got to knock it back down here over the little slot. Keep that from back off no cotter pins in these so and then that's it there.
You have it folks replacing the rear wheel, bearing on your 2007 subaru with the big two five uh. Fortunately, most of these have long been put in the crusher and made into razor blades as wes would say, thankfully uh the newer, subarus or hub assembly. So you don't see much of these old junkers anymore with this style, uh, rear suspension or this style rear wheel bearing thankfully these things are always a monster to do unless they were brand new, but we've never seen those cars because we only see rusty, junky ones. So that's that i'm gon na put the wheel on it.

I got ta, go warm it up, give it an oil change and adios muchacha. So why don't you guys adios into the comment section we're down there? The questions the concerns, the insti, the facebook and just from our viewers - if i can do it, you can do it thanks for watching.

By EricO

16 thoughts on “Rust belt mechanics nightmare – subaru rear wheel bearing”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bll Ence says:

    I love your dialogs and good for the wife's deer, I love venison here in the east. Question: Why don't you coat up the big bold with never seize as you stated, you will probably be doing that again. My kids can tell if I have ever worked on a car when they see tons of never seize on everything except the steering wheel! Thanks for you great explanations, it adds so much for everyone. PS, I have told a hundred people your comments about yoga pants not lying, fall down funny! Thanks again so much!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Charles Castillo says:

    It's not being cheap but frugal getting the last bit of life out of a Sawsall blade, seeing how expensive they are nowadays. Hey Dad taught you well, all those ass chewings paid off. I worked with my dad for 17yrs and now I miss him even after 21yrs since he passed.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bat Bam says:

    he probably thinks stinks from working and dont want people wherever he eats to think hes a dirtball, or the waitress there is cute. why do you think he puts on cologne for you is the real question?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Don Watson says:

    Hey Eric just a thought take pictures of the undercarriage rust problems and advise your clients to start thinking about another car down the rusty road of course

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aku2Dimensional says:

    I couldn't tell you why younger folk like to use cologne sometimes but I think one of the reasons why your younger shop folk use it is to smell decent for the boss lady inside the office, or for the boss ladies vehicles that they work on.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Knighthawk's Mowers says:

    As for Cologne after lunch, no before you head out for lunch maybe, but not after, and as for cologne in the car, yes I've had bottles of cologne in my car since I was 15, and yes in PA back in the 80s you could drive at 15.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Del says:

    Just a quick question. Can this be done by unbolting just the strut? I have learned quite a bit watching your channel. Great video and Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Eagle says:

    i couldn't guess why someone needed cologne on just to eat, possibly he found a lunch date? or i don't know, when i went to lunch i never applied cologne. by the way all that rust i would have just replaced the whole thing…lol. you and the family have a good day.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 86QUICKONSLICKS says:

    I'm not even sure why I watched this entire video, I don't think I'll ever work in a suburu but I figured I'll learn some great techniques for a rusted out car that can be useful on other makes. Great video

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Frank Pickett says:

    A masterful display as always, Mr. O. I cringe every time I think about having to do rear suspension work on a Subaru. I wonder if there's a way to keep the Long Bolt from getting so corroded. Stainless steel hardware? Zinc plating? Oil or other chemical coating? Because it's not just the basic grocery getter trim models that use this design: all of the Impreza STis and top trim Legacy and Forester models of the era use it and some people actually want to keep these cars on the road, preferably without having to take a torch or saw to the rear end every so often to get that bolt out.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brian Szymanski says:

    Thanks for the information, always enjoy your content of this show, the subtle jokes and ins and outs of the the cars we drive. Take care and if you continue to make them I will always watch em.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars strshooter says:

    The affect the weather and natural environment has on vehicles in that region is almost beyond belief! It’s like watching a disaster, you can’t believe what you’re seeing…!!!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mike thrapp says:

    First video I ever watched of yours was an older video like this. I then went and bought the damn took. Not cheap. And have used it once in the like 3 or 4 years I've owned it 🤣
    I think I've used some of the cups for other things but never on a subaru again 🤣

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gregg C says:

    Only one reason I know of for cologne to be used after lunch but you said you know it's not the case.
    Thanks for the video. Love the way you heated that race so it would just fall off the hub. I usually beat mine off with the air hammer but your way seems easier. Quieter anyway.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PhillLsx Ga. says:

    And foreign cars are better than American cars??
    I'll stick to my GM where I can change out the hub bearing assembly in my driveway with 3 different size sockets and my impact in about 45 minutes!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steve McRichards says:

    Galvanic corrosion be damned!
    Kill it with fire!
    Where's that cat heat shield form the Subaru Outback from a couple years ago to protect that CV boot?
    Water works.
    You know what I was thinking while you were taking apart this wheel bearing?
    Is a Toyota Tacoma rear wheel bearing easier?
    How many licks does it take and all that.

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