Somedays ya just don't have it in you haha. This day seemed to be one of those days. Seems like every thing I touched just fell on the floor and nothing went right. Oh well, every dog has his day! At any rate I do get the rear discs, pads, parking brake shoes and backing plates on this Nissan Altima in the end.
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Hey there, viewers welcome back to the south main auto channel. That's the 2005 nissan altima, it's csl! It's got the big two five needs some rear brake work. Um the brakes on this side don't appear to have been working for some time: they're, pretty rusty, pretty crusty. The backing plates are falling off, so we got all that stuff new from these hand the backing plates we did anyway.

So we're going to take and peel this stuff off, take the wheel bearing off put on the new backing plate, and then you know park and break shoes and that stuff, if it needs it um and that's it so, let's get after it and as you can See uh something doesn't work, i don't know if the caliper sees or the pads are seizing the brackets uh. This fella opted for new calipers, both sides. So now we don't have to find out. What's not man down unless it's you know hydraulic, but it's probably in its caliper here, so we're gon na take and pop the little rubber cover off the brake leader.

Simply because we're going to need that, and now it comes with a new caliper and we're going to take the caliper bracket, the whole shebang off. We don't have to worry about taking the pads or anything out, we're just going to pinch off the hose feel the hose out which we need the wrench. We just dropped for that job. Let's see, we need to undo the banjo bolt.

I think it's a 12. there we go get the wrench on there get her crack loose now that caliper comes with a new one, but i always save these just in case you never know if it doesn't come with one or something, but we'll take that out And then this brake hose goes into the caliper on a little pin there. So you'll see that sticks off the hose. If you can see it, hopefully you can so just be mindful of that and we'll get a pair of hose pinching pliers and we're just gon na very gingerly.

Put a very light pinch on this baby just to keep it from drizzling on the floor, get your favorite pry driver that ain't gon na work. You know why? Because you never took the caliper bolts off so put the pry driver away, give it a classic reach around here i think 19 mil is what it feels like that one has the bracket for the abs, so um, and then this one this bolt does not have The washer on it, but the other one will that's my guess. Ah, let's see where we're at baby there's the other one. Okay, now you can get this! Your pry driver get your caliper off, dump it in the pan and there's that we'll send that back for a quart, we'll stick our banjo bolt back in it, so we don't lose it.

Stick it to the side and get out big nasty senior. This is the dog 498k, only one of two in the entire world. What we're going to do now is we want to peel the bolts out and hold the wheel bearing on so it's these four right here. Oh put your fingers out away, though, then we're going to take these two nuts off here that hold the parking brake mechanism, because we're going to need them off at a later step here in the process.

You have to trust me on this one folks, i'll take get these bolts out, got one more there, so those are all out. I think that's all we need to take out down here right all right now we got ta go back out on the outside, i'm gon na bring out brooksy made in america. I don't have them every day there. Let me tell you what now some days you get lucky, we just give it a few taps and off it comes so uh which fantastic we're not gon na break about it.
We're going to set the bearing to the side break out the screwdriver, we'll get all the brushes again. We need to tap these. Get that one loose get that one loose. I suppose we will take the springs off here.

First, let me show you we will take the lower spring off. We are putting our new hardware, because these, even all the shoes are good, we'll reuse, the shoes, because those are great, but the hardware is getting pretty crusty and then this style we will pull. Our remember the threaded portion face towards the back. That's not super duper important, that's kind of important um.

Otherwise the spring gets wound up around it. When you're trying to tighten that quarter turn these little guys flat to straight okay, don't let the shoe hit the floor? Whatever you do and then these these nails, we don't need, are these retainers, so we'll pick them, they can hit the floor and then pick up our shoe we're going to save those, so these are still good. Let me set these to the side. Excuse me, okay and then we'll take brooksie here, pay attention the way this goes: okay, dirty on that side, shiny on that side, a little pin in here you just wiggle it a little pin falls out.

Hopefully, you saw that okay, then what we need to do all right see how that goes. Our faces up right. You got all that. I don't think you can put it on wrong to be honest with you, let's see before we get too far, can you put it on wrong i'll, be dipped you can, but it doesn't go in the hole on the back, so they make it kind of idiot Proof, so you don't really have to remember which way it goes so forget what i just told you all right.

I think that's all we needed to know dirty side went up on this guy. Damn it i just dropped the pin all right. I think we got everything memorized uh so now at this point, we're at the point where we need to clean it off we'll get the whizzy wheel. Hold your breath cover your eyes, scrape out here some of the corrosion where the wheel, bearing goes on.

We don't want to hit the uh speed sensor here, so we'll just scrape some of this off the bearing fits in there pretty nicely even with the corrosion. So we don't have to get super carried away. You don't have to get stupid with it. Just get the big chunks out if you get up in here with a mechanical device, you do risk whacking the speed sensor.

Of course you probably could unbolt it. Take the plastic shield out, if you felt so inclined to do so, but i guess i don't feel inclined to do so: cable's, nice and free uh. That's it! Let's get our parts from nissan, we'll break out the film made with real sheep. We're going to give this a good douching, that's good there and then we'll get our new plate.
We'll stick our little piece on the bottom. Now that we know it can go only one way, we'll stick that on there we will find our bolts that we removed from the wheel, bearing wherever we put those they're over here. Excuse me again, excuse me because it has a little slop and it's got a little slop okay and we want to kind of hold it steady, steady, adding because we want it to stay where we want it to stay, and then we'll put the nuts on the Back side of this little guy, so it's these ones here. Remember! That's your first day come on then we're gon na take and snug them up very gingerly wow baby.

Let's get the other one we'll go back, we'll torque them down to factory specs, but for right now we just wanted to hold the shield in the position approximate position right here where it needs to be we'll grab our parking brake mechanism freed up. If you got to uh or if you have to we'll stick the little pin back in the yoke here slide that back over that keeps the pin from falling out okay. So it goes like that not really worried about lubin. That's bait things behind years until five uh, not all rusty and crusty, so we're good for right now and uh.

Let's see, let's grab some shoes here, made a little mess on these there's stuff on them, so we're gon na stick these back on. Now they only go, they can go two ways, but they only go one way. The smaller opening goes down here into the parking brake. Actuator big slot goes up top.

Let's get our copy kit, our maxi pack, whatever you want to call it. Your spring hardware kit got the one from napper it's classic 3117. Then we will take one of our shoes holder up there. Now you can see how these are slotted, the slat goes up and down.

Well, this goes up and down you stick it in and you turn it sideways and it engages, and if they were manufactured correctly, the slot on the head is also the same oriented the same as the slot on the bottom of the nail. However, these are not that way. It's because of napa freaking aftermarket jump, so that makes it a little trickier. I mean not real tricky.

It's just. You actually got to look in there now and see which way it's facing so typically, these are you know the slot is indexed with the tip like uh. Well, this one almost is so slots. You know that direction so yeah this one's a little bit closer.

That one is about. I don't know eighth of a turn off guess we need a shoe to put this one in. Let's stick this one up here like so we'll push it in quarter, turn it and then we'll get it out to where it needs to be okay, it's kind of a waste of time and money. Really, nobody uses these things.

I mean this guy does, but in the real world some people do. I know he took a poll on it one time and i was kind of impressed with knowing that almost one percent of our viewing audience actually uses their parking brake. So there's that string and then we have a new adjuster. It comes in a few pieces.
Okay, we're gon na need some lube get yourself a little lube on your finger drop as many parts as you can on the floor. I stick it in the threaded portion and then we just wheel this little guy in there like so, and it's going to squeeze a little loop out. The other end, which is fine because that's where we need the loop it's on this end, because if we didn't drop the other piece on the floor, it would be perfectly lubed. Then i wind her out a little and i'm gon na put a little more lube on the threads, not a ton just enough to keep it from seasoning up for the next guy little runner back in there now we'll go pick the piece up off the floor.

Shake the dirt off it! It's this piece right here! You stick that in a little grease comes out, you wipe that off cover so nicely. Okay - and i remember the threaded portion went towards the back here. I'll show you why that's important or well. I guess it's really not important.

It just makes it less of a headache for you when it comes down to adjusting it as far as tightening it. Anyways we'll give a click on there, we'll hook them up and don't ever push one with your finger. It'll go right into it, so the thing is here: once we put the rotor on and we start adjusting it, we have to go down to adjust this. We have to go down to make it to make it get bigger.

Okay, you ding down, you go down and it got shorter. So what you need to do folks is never mind everything. I just told you and go like this, because you're going to want to trust me on this you're going to want it to flick down when you tighten it, because otherwise the spring has a tendency to get all wrapped up around it. Sometimes i mean one thing and i say another because see: here's the threaded portion all right, so you want to make sure that face is towards the back.

I don't even know why you guys watch this at this point and you drop that on the floor. Okay, you want to pick that up, make sure, there's no rust and crap on it. Put that back in there. It's just like real life here.

Isn't it everything's so slippery at this point, get up in there open there. I'll put our um back in here, like i say you want to make sure the threaded portion is facing towards the back. Why? Because, when you flick it down to adjust it, it keeps your spring from getting all wadded up. Let's hook the spring back up properly.

This time, all the way around there, oh gosh, so as i'm saying when you're adjusting it, it keeps the spring down out of your business. If you have to back the adjuster off this one's, not so bad, but in some cases that spring will hook on your star wheel here and wheels up around into your adjusting window, and it's super frustrating just like watching me - do a brake job. It's super frustrating! Anyhow, we're not gon na get any of the schmoo off our pads yeah or a lot of people are like. You forgot to grease your adjuster or your slide pads.
You know whatever dude, we need to get all the crap off the shoes that we got on. First, so everybody needs to calm down. Here's our wheel, bearing i stuck it in the sandblaster, got some of the junk off it used our new york compliant eco-friendly parts, washer cleaned the shmoo off the back. It will fit through here ever so nicely, we'll get her lined up.

I do not believe they're, yes, they are. They only go one way. I'm sorry, i was gon na say i don't believe they do, but they do. They only go one way and we had it the right way correct.

I did. I did have it the right way, but they are offset slightly so we're gon na hold that right. There don't fall out, stick a bolt in from the back side. I'm gon na.

Take it back out just so. I get the thread started perfectly here. All right now, that's all started. It sits in the hole, just fine and then i'll get all the rest of the bolts started back here and then we'll torque them down to factory specs.

Then we're going to clean off our shoes and everything then we'll put a little grease on the wear pads there. This little slide pads. So there there's that so once we snug, oh once, you've snuck the wheel bearing up to factory specs, where i'm going to take clean some of the schmoo off the shoes i got on here, make them just like new. They are just like new.

Actually, they've never been used we'll do that to both sides here we'll get this junk off them. The other thing you can do too, if you want to avoid getting stuff on your shoes and they're already clean or you clean them and you're messing with them. Is you put a piece of tape over them? You know painters, tape or whatever, so take our screwdriver we'll stick it in here pry it back just a little bit we'll put a little lube on these pads where the shoes hit. There's three raised portions here, we'll just lube those just in case the brake does ever get used there they're just you know just like this on the other shoe over here, i'm not showing you, but you have to trust me.

I'm actually doing it. Okay, there's that now, if we pried them out, we do need to make sure uh that they are centered and that they're not jumped up down here on the bottom, make sure they're on where they need to be this one's off. Just a whisker. Here there we go drag that down once we put the rotor on, they will self-center, but we want to make sure that they're on there they're, nice and wiggly, you can see how they're all wiggly and then, if you like to do so, take some more of The film and give it a little spritz on the hinging point here on the actuator mechanism.
It's made with some pretty loose tolerances, so i don't think that thing's gon na seize up, but you never know we will take a hanky. Mr hanky. Stick them right back here, so we don't get it all over our freshly cleaned shoes we'll give a little spritz on the face of the hub here to keep it from. Turning to solid rust, so quickly looks good to me.

We'll go get our new rotor medium and then we need to adjust her up. When i reach through the little hole here. Remember we want to flick it down. Remember that old episode take her down until it bottoms out.

Okay, it's just got tight. We can't move it we'll back off a few clicks golden, because that should have centered up the shoes and then you know put them at their max width but close to it. If you're never going to use it, don't adjust it all the way out, because it makes it a pain to get the rotor off in the future. But we'll take my advice now we need something we need this little guy we've got our new caliper here always take apart your new calendar, because rarely do they ever have enough grease on the pins.

These ones are pretty dry, pretty common, we'll stick them to the side. I've taken them apart before too, where the pins are just rusted, solid right in them, it's kind of amazing that they get through the quality control. Okay, so we'll do this we're going to use the hardware that comes with the pads, because it's a little better quality imo and then look at the hanky. We're pinkies wipe off our brush, get the purple shmoo off it that we had on it.

We're going to use some of our 3000 degree siliramic. I don't need much just a little put a little bit where the hardware goes, keep it from getting the rust and giving it the big squeeze in other parts of the world. This is probably a step you can skip, but in our little slice of heaven this is where the problem happens. We get rust under the hardware that squeezes the pads.

That brings everything to a screeching stop. We will put on our new hardware simple as that we've got some new pads, one with a squeaker one, without the one without will go out. I totally just made that up, although it's true, that's a little stain you can see to yourself and that fits so loose. We're gon na have to do it differently.

This is the one with the squealer it goes on the inside. So let's do it like this? Let's put the bracket on the car first then we'll put our pads on otherwise we'll be dropping them like a fool, so we're just gon na stick our back up there, we're gon na put a little loctite on it. We're gon na pick up the washer and the one with the washer goes on the bottom. Remember now, once you have that on there torque to specs.

Now we can stick our pads in it's a good thing. The pads are a little loose. It gives them a little extra room, just not squeal a little extra room to you know. Take on the rust we'll say before we put our caliper on we're, going to put a little dab of grease on the insides of the ears and on the face of the piston.
So a little bit there a little bit there a little bit of oh yeah. Thunder, oh man that guy's getting it out there good for him. That's awesome. I hope he doesn't burn out, can't buy entertainment like that folks uh.

As far as the pins we're gon na use some super lube as it is our habit to do. One pin has a rubber on it. I'm gon na put a lot of it right on the end. Okay, because i'm gon na take and smear it up and down here, never wipe some in the hole, because when you put this on a lot of it's going to be wiped off by the little rubber boot here, so we're going to make sure that we schmear A little inside of there also same thing on the non-rubberized pin wrong, we'll put a bunch down here at the end, we'll lube up our pin we'll take our excess.

If you put it right on the tip and then you can rest assured, when he's sticking on there, that'll go right in the hole just like that. So now, we'll take our caliper. I'm gon na take a rubberized. Pin we're gon na give her a couple screws in there.

We're gon na stick her right in up here. All right slide her down and around like our non-rubberized. Pin, i'm going to take old brooks here. She just needs a little just needs a little persuasion.

A little tippy tap my fingers are so slick that i can't do anything and then, like make sure you come back and torque these to factory specs, very important, beautiful leave guys hanging there for a little bit. Where were we? I think this is where we are right where we were left. I need to spray off the banjo fitting here, because i guess this is actually the banjo itself. That's the banjo fitting we've got new copper washers as long as we don't drop them on the floor.

Seems to be the theme today pick everything you have just throw it directly on the floor. We need to find out where this goes. It goes in that hole with a copper washer one on each side. You probably can't see it if i'm doing my job right and like i say there is a little hole in the back caliper that the little tab holding off the banjo goes into you'll see you can't really screw it up technically, not without a lot of effort.

So get that baby threaded in now, i need a wrench for that. It's probably 11 mil she's after market yeah, she's 11. and then we'll take and snug that up. Of course, you can't see never said i was a video producer folks and then we'll snug that up and then torque that right down to factory specs, we got ta go summon screen.

This is all glad to see in the kitchen good woman, but we need you. Oh everybody needs me story, my life story in my life. That's true! I need you. I know you almost fell over.

We hop inside this little hot rod. For me, please don't come out here. Does it smell, like cigarettes smell like the devil's lettuce, something burning? Oh, it wasn't us okay, we'll grab our pan. Oh come over here all right! Push down there.
Miss, though up down up down up down all right that side's good. Let's go! Do the other side! Oh you can let up you look like a little elf today. Santa's little helper thanks there we go, keep that from getting stuck same thing on this side. Folks, you can pack them full of grease too.

That works equally as well. Oh yeah and i put a couple new sway bar links on it because they were broke. At least one was on the other side: the wheels are all torqued down, shouldn't fall off. This has already pumped up the brakes.

I already checked the fluid made sure it was full nothing coming we'll take that too. We had about four inches of snow this morning. Awesome today is the 19th of april the year 2022. Speaking to you from the past, we're gon na take a little different route, because i had to um clear the engine light on this.

So now we have to make sure that we can run a full drive cycle because our inspection has expired last month. Usually these nissans run a pretty quick drive cycle. So we don't. I don't want to go to town a whole lot here.

We'll wait for this thing to get done doing its thing, but we had a cylinder one misfire there and i did a video previously uh or maybe i didn't publish it on uh doing the valve cover gasket to fix the leaky spark plug tube seals wow. This thing's taken forever, like i say, don't, follow these instructions. Do it at a very low rate of speed crew set. We just give her a couple of parking.

Brake pulls give them shoes make sure they work good. They feel good, it feels like well, we could lock her it up. Do some drifting if you wanted to oh a little shack. Usually these things are on the monitor.

It's pretty goddamn quick go around the round about best part about the roundabout whee. Sometimes i do that with my kids. They think i'm an idiot because i just keep going around it i'll spare you that big city of canona project iron gym, that's the gym. My sister owns - i don't know if you guys ever met her there's our current fuel prices.

What are we at today, 421 for the gasoline 549 for the diesel? Let's go well, we'll just have to try this one again tomorrow. Folks, i mean i'll. Do it? You won't be with me but i'll, be with me tomorrow, so i guess we have to leave this one in that folks, um, usually it's like say these nissans usually rip pretty good, but i did have this thing started earlier, so it might not have fully cooled Down that can screw up a drive cycle, but typically before i even get to the city of canona there. It has run the drive cycle and they're done deal and i hop on the highway and come back, pull and drive away and the evap usually runs and bada bing bada boom.

So why don't you guys boom into that comment? Section the questions, the concerns, the institute, the facebook, you can't flip you the gang signs, because i'm driving right now you got them. You know what to do just my viewers. If i can do it, you can do it thanks for watching.

By EricO

12 thoughts on “Nissan altima: fumbling rear brake job w/ backing plates”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chuck Schain says:

    your my kind of people. I like your work ethics and your humor. I could see myself sitting down and having a few beers with a guy like you. like your videos and your use and understanding of all that computer stuff. have a great one.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tsiikki says:

    I once reused original shoes, almost no wear but 10 years old and rusted. Well the lining fell off and locked the wheel and destroyed all inside. Never again. lol

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeremy Murphy says:

    There's something to be said for the electric parking brake. I cannot stand drum brakes let alone the seldom-used parking brake system. Oh, and nice to see the sheep ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ accompanying the Film again.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marksman Made says:

    "Then you drop that on the floor…then you pick that back up and make sure there's no rust on it" "I'm going to throw something, I'm going to throw something" I haven't laughed that hard in a while, I can totally relate!!!! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Streling says:

    also just watching your blogs makes me glad i am living in al without all the crude and rust you have to put up with,,, but i was raised in Mi till i was around 22 then moved south

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Streling says:

    what is your take on the rubberised pin if when you are doing a brake job and the rubber sleeve has swelled up,,,,do you replace it and also if the stores dont have it do you go without it on there ? i have seen it on several videos some say it has to be there and others say it isn't a big deal if you dont replace it, that it is a anti rattle item? what say Erick

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars cnchess says:

    This is the first time that your tag line, "If can do it; you can do it" was close to true because I am always dropping parts and getting things all bunged up….

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Al Ward says:

    Hi Eric. Like how you lube the bleeding valves . I do the same up here Toronto rust belt I cut a small nylon hose & make a collar cover the body of the valves then put on the cap . Like you say makes it easy on the next guy . Thanks for the detailed description as your working . ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alan M. says:

    Lucky you! Only $4.41 gallon gasoline? Here in N. California it was $6.89 when I went to fill up the other day. I hit the $100 limit after 15 gal., so didn't actually fill all the way up (24 gallon tank).

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Coker says:

    I enjoy all the videos, but really liked this one as it closely resembled what it would look like if I was doing it. Just having one of those days. We all have em.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Edwin Semidey says:

    You are having an AWESOME day I see. Love it no matter how good you are, We All have days like this. I was a Jet Mechanic For 24 yrs and tore down many Engines, And some days the simplest jobs were the hardest, where nothing went right. Not the job but ME. You know you stuff, thanks for the Video's

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars amandarosenberger says:

    I use my Parking Brake. I kinda have to since I have a millennial anti theft style vehicle. Funny thing is I got held up in a parking garage and the kid demanded my key. I gave it to him, walked away called the cops and when they showed up key was in the ignition and no kid๐Ÿ˜ถ they caught him, charged him armed robbery. He's sitting in jail still. My car was unharmed. Apparently he didn't know you have to push the clutch in to start it ๐Ÿ˜‚

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