In this video I bring you along as I swap out the leaking plastic A/C lines on a 2017 Jeep Renegade. I swear these newer Fiat Jeeps are the biggest pieces of junk on the road today. The plastic is brittle and these things fail faster than you can fix them but hey, I guess that is kinda my job right? -Enjoy!
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Hey there, viewers and welcome back to the self made knowledge channel got us a 2017. It's the jeep, it's the renegade. It's got the 2-4 multi-air and uh. It's got no ac, so i looked at it and it's got a few leaks.

Uh. It's a 12 34 in this, and one of the hoses that hooks to the uh condenser in the front is leaking and then, oddly enough, they made. It looks like the high pressure liquid line on this thing. They made it out of plastic, so uh.

Naturally, that's also leaking step. One remove the tire step. Two. We need to get the bumper cover off, so we're gon na take some screws out of this thing, because we've got ta pull the fender liner out, because we've got ta, take the fender flare off and i'll.

Tell you right now, folks, and i'm sorry if it offends you, but these cars are junk they're, a one-time use, throw it away, never to be used again. Fiat and their plastic is terrible. You will break some clips. Taking this off so be prepared cover your eyes.

If you got to, but it ain't going to be pretty another screw down here, it's kind of sad really for the price i get for these junkers, but i think it's only got 20 some thousand miles on it. There's the screws now we'll need a 10 mil prior to doing that. There is one oh, never mind. I guess we don't need the retaining tool, but yeah there's one push retainer down here in the bottom.

It wasn't even clipped in on this thing, so we're gon na take this pull that off, so we don't lose it. I don't know if it's ever in from the factory. Ah anyhow, so there's one of those then we'll take the 10 mil uh, preferably on a half inch gun, because it's convenient we're gon na peel these little plastic retainers. Don't don't go hog wild if you are using a half inch gun but peel all those those nuts - and i think that's it, for this could be wrong.

Yes, there's one other screw up underneath here straight up under the bumper cover, can't miss it right by the front mud flap. I didn't feel like raising the car up so you're going to get the crappy angle, but i think it's probably the only screw down here. They use minimum hardware on these things, trust me, but tell you just another one of those philip said now. I think we're okay, you're gon na have to pull it off these studs.

It's pretty easy to manipulate. So there we go now we can see what we need to see so here's the problem, my guy we've got to get the fender liner off or the fender flare off to get to the screws that hold the bumper cover on. But these clips, you even look at them, suckers cross side. They break so we're going to try our best effort to not break them by giving them a pre-squeeze to get them to pop out what they're going to break some of them are gon na break.

So get past it, okay, we'll have to get some new ones find out which way they squeeze here. The white ones come out harder that are better than these green ones, but if we can get our tool back in here, there's one we might get lucky and then the plastic also on these is very easy to dent and uh mar up. So you got to kind of be careful where you're in here prying, ah baby, there's two of them we'll see if we can't reach in here a little bit deeper if we get them off without breaking them off i'll, be excited get this wedged up in there. I should got a regular pair of needle nose, i'm kind of fumbling with these offset ones.
There's that one service beta does not tell you to do this. Just fyi. They just tell you to get a plastic trim tool and pull that's not how we do things here and the camera is right in my stinking way. Let's see we'll get up on that there and everything boom.

Okay. So once you got the old green weenies loose, then you got to come up to the white ones, which we shouldn't need a trim tool for. Let me reposition you. Hopefully you can see, but we're just gon na put a little out tension on this and then give them a little.

What and then give this one a little what for and then we just got ta kind of work. Your way around! Don't pull on this fender too hard? This thing is made out of tin foil, so if you, you can easily dent it mess it up, but we're just gon na go along, keep giving these to squeeze and pull them through and be a lot less casualties. If you make little grunting noises when you do it, it helps too, if you're, like you, know stuff like that, i find that helps a little bit in there boom boom boom, like a boss, we're doing this so anyhow, i just want to give you this free Tip for you not trying to pick on the jeep patriot owners, trust me it's just sad how they make these. Oh look at that the bottom one came out.

I can't believe it hallelujah, that's how you know you're living right boys and then this one this one. I don't know we might not be living right to get this one out. This kind of a pain in the hoo hoo right, ma, hoo hoo we got ta reach down here, give the little tab a flick. Gosh.

You just got ta work. It say that too say it when you're pulling it like work, it girl not happening fella gosh, these things suck there. It is boys somebody's already been here. This thing this this clip's all tore out.

We weren't uh. Oh, you guys can't see crap this clip down here this green one, that's on this paneling. It must have been wet because that one's all kind of ripped out - and that makes me wonder why this white one is out on the very bottom. This is the one that usually breaks because i say usually like i do these every day.

It's the one that's most likely to break because you can't get to it. So you just got ta, you know snap, but this is all chowdered up through here looks like she's been that way for a little while there, then we will peel off these two bolts here, the 7mm variety and everything we're doing on one side. You do on the other side, okay, that's how come i come over here and it looks like i know what i'm doing. I go break everything over there come over here, be like yeah, i'm an expert uh.
So there's that um, let me go, get the ones loose off the other side and there's some bolts across the bottom, some bolts across the top, and we pull so usually you get the bumper covers off. You just grab them most cars. You just grab them and push like this, but a little hesitant here got my hand back here behind it, so i can kind of push up near where the tabs are. I like to say it's just my experience with these that the plastic is very, very brittle.

So we're going to leave that about there whoa got some mouse damage here, folks, hungry little fella and uh. That's interesting. I noticed on the other side, when i took that fender liner out somebody changed this whole harness a lot of buck connectors over there, but i'm wondering if this is what happened or if the little mouse got in there. It was, i suppose, what we're right here, we'll unplug it we'd, probably get one of those connectors right from nap and we'll unplug these lights too.

So that's just a standard h11 bulb all right yeah! That's all that is it's regular, oh h11. So we should be able to get one of those connectors and i have to order it from dodge, because a little follow here up there at the plug. So underneath it here is a bunch of broken torx bits there. So you spun that right off the big quarter, inch gun no mac socket couldn't handle it.

Try to be a nice guy. Use quarter inch drive we're going to switch to the 3 8 nano with the astro 27 t27 in the reverse direction. Uh are those 30. They might be t30.

You stand by folks. Take three actions. T30, as i mentioned still no excuse for the mac one to explode. Oh, these are going to be fun that one snap clean the golf, let's see great, let's get some panther pee, removing the four bolts.

Take four we'll spray: some panther pee on it, give her 10 15 seconds to do nothing and then we'll try again imagine trying to take these cars apart after a few new york. Winters they're gon na be pretty. I don't know why i'm spraying it with more, but we are, let's give her a handy, see what it feels like. Let's see, oh, that bolts must be just soft as mashed potatoes, because these aren't really turning that hard and an impact is usually more forgiving than trying to get after it with a ratchet, because this is just a continuous torque and you know the impact is, you Know ugga dug and dug and dug it and usually, if a bolt stuck, you have a better chance getting it out with an impact than you do.

You know giving it a handy so okay, so this outer one she's feeling a little rougher. This one takes all the jump from the wheel, so we're gon na we're gon na go back with the impact and we're just gon na just just feather this baby: let's build a fastener with a gigantic head and little tiny threads. What we'll do we'll go down through here? Give them the no mercy reverses with the impact and work them out. Hey two out of three ain't: bad, oh three! Out of four, we should just snap the other outer one off, so it's even this one felt a little tight.
It's got popper in reverse there, but we're good four out of five. Let's give the broken one, some panther pee! Let that soak and fall right out. It's either turning or breaking one or the other, either way, i'm happy with it, because i got a plan b as always all right yeah. I think she's moving now more we're gon na stick, the old 4.75 millimeter twist socket on there give it a reversing look at that boom.

There's the broken piece he's out. We saved the day we're going to order one of those in a few clips, so kind of the same thing here across the top. We will be ginger that wasn't real ginger dude we're going to skip one, i'm going to put the card ahead of the horse here a little bit. We don't want that to come loose.

We got a couple clips here and then the hood release flavor. I just said lever: what are these t25? We won't use. The impact on these ones probably should just be able to get them by hand. Here, i'm thinking we got a ratchet just in case some other pearl there.

We go okay, so there's that these are the astros. Maybe i haven't mentioned it. I've used these in the past. You can buy the set of them.

I've used them a lot and they work quite well. It takes quite a bit to break them in comparison to your regular chrome jobs you get like for mac and snap-on, which tend to explode when you stick them on an impact. These work pretty good. I can value for them.

You got my personal vouch reference. I guess so now we're going to work out getting this cable off a couple little clips here and then stick this to the side. They have a very over complicated, uh, latch system. It's a you know.

It's a latch here, latch there everywhere latch latch. It's it's very chintzy and i can clearly see it's already broken, so i don't want this cable to get any more broke. Frustrating folks, we're gon na grab this tool right here and we're gon na pop. These clips out right here, there's one on either side of the headlight, so we're gon na work these up and out save them.

There's a four in total we're gon na leave that one home, because that one's gon na break down here that one broke, i could say some of this stuff is quite frustrating because it is so cheap. Unfortunately, a lot of customers. You know they don't know when they're buying these cars either that i mean unless they come here and i give them my opinion. You know, opinions are like armpits.

Baby everybody's got one, some of them stink. Okay, there we go now we can take the last bolt out over this direction and we'll pull this off. Hopefully without casualties uh. We must be missing something here.

Folks, it feels like there's something right here. I make sure i've got all the clips on the bumper cover gosh. I keep doing that. Okay, so all the clips are released.
The top half is loosey-goosey. Let's look on service data to see if we're missing something or if we just need to you know get after it. So this is just about handy. There is a metal retainer, i believe it's metal and we can't get to it.

So it's probably going to break. They just tell you to use a plastic trim device like this. They say that use a plastic trim device and stick it in here and pull well. You know darn! Well, if i do that, it's definitely going to break.

I was hoping that i could get down here with a pick well kind of prying out on it and use the pick to help release it. I'm not sure i'm gon na have to move you and get over there and then, even if it goes bad i'll tell you hey, it went super smooth, but let's uh try it here. So i get something in here. I can hold tension.

Oh look at that. It actually popped loose wow first time in my life, okay, yeah. Maybe let's go try that on the other side i better go, get the very lovely! Mrs, oh it's like looks like around the mouth. There's some mouse damage we found underneath.

Oh, that would have been a great time for the plastic to break with the noisy truck driving by set him right now, instead of right now, and it's going to be quiet, ah baby, all right, so we got a whole little fella. Oh there. It is it's a jeep thing. You wouldn't understand folks bring this over here.

We're gon na pull the lid off this thing. So this little fella right here, which i think we have to take this bolt out for at this point - we're just winging it now. There's that so we're gon na go stick this somewheres, but yeah the. As mrs was saying there, the hood blanket got chewed up a little bit right there out of frame where you can't see it.

It appears to me that we have to remove the air cleaner to get to where the lines go back there and plus what it's covering up over here on the passenger side. There's no hose clamp there. It's just a like a cv, boot style, clamp. We've got the breather hose uh down here, where it looks at throttle.

Body looks like probably the seven or the eight mil variety, and this thing here i don't know why i've got the hook, looks like you just give it the old spreader room that pops off hose feels about like jello and uh. This looks like it's probably just a couple: rubber clips got a connector here on the air intake sensor. Let's get a socket or something down in there, so she's a seven get down here and just get this loosened up that should be loose enough clamp, looks pretty jiggly, get our socket back, come on baby and then looks like a 10 mil over here. That holds that tube on it should be, should be loose down here, though oh yeah, that's loosely goosey, oh, and there is this tube here looks like a coolant line must be, and that hooks on here somehow i have to figure out how this comes off.
I certainly don't want to break it, there's that so that should be all loose there figure out how this coolant line comes off. Oh, it looks like a classic little clicker thing. It's like your reusable uh, zip tie type thing. I don't know hard to explain here.

Maybe i'll get her out, i can show you if i can get it undone all the way there she is now she's unclipped, you heard it. You know, that's the official sound. It makes fantastic plastic baby, just like a corvette, only a little crap here we can try to take the screws out of the air filter here. They'll probably all want to snap off, oh that one's coming all right that one came out.

Let's see what happens down here, oh she's, gon na snap, the head off, oh she's, going super tight. Usually you touch these things. It just breaks the heads off them like i say these are big time, just throwaway car folks, a lot of rust coming out of that. Even in new york, the plastic gets rusty.

Let's try this one. Usually the jiffy loop has he's so stripped out. It doesn't matter anyways, you got to make sure you've got a good fit in number two boom there. We go.

There's that right there right i'll. Take this we'll leave that right there, like i say, we'll get out of the pick, so we can make sure we rip it. We don't want to rip it, but there's a crack. Inside there we go seem nice, oh sweet, baby, we're hallelujah to take the little shark bite thing off there, wiggle that oh look at that nothing broke wow that'll take a time.

So there's one of those plastic nuts up here. Oh, i thought i can get it by hand. We'll use a half inch truck ratchet on that. Oh actually, you're, pretty smart.

I think it's just one of those plastic ones. That'll get the rest of this air intake snorkel off might be a regular nut. Actually, oh, it is okay, that's why i couldn't get it so there's that we'll just stick that nut back on there and that's the rest of the little tube there so now we're after what we came to get, which is the ac lines here, we're gon na. I think these unscrew yeah there we go so there's kind of studs there.

I believe it comes with the new ones. There's one retainer there and one retainer right here. Like i say, this, ac line is plastic, so you know who would have guessed it would have failed. Oddly enough, though, the aluminium one is one that's leaking worse, but the plastic one is also leaking it's kind of depressing, because the fact of the matter is in just a few more years we're going to be right back in the same boat, we're in right now And then i'm going to look like the idiot, because, oh you just did that job? Well, sorry, charlie, you know it'll it'll get us it'll get the lady outside of our one year.

Warranty, i mean i hate to even say it like that, but it's just a cold hard truth, just every few years she's going to have to do this if she wants ac unless they improve upon the design, but high pressure switch. I believe that also comes with this line. Well, you know what i say i didn't build it, i didn't buy it. I didn't break it, except for that one clip in that bolt that i broke, but it's not my problem.
The the clipping stuff is i'll. Take care of that, don't you worry? Oh where's, my extension found it there's the ratchet around the floor where i left it and we've got a a five millimeter allen get right up in there and then you say the please don't break chant you ready. Please don't break, please don't break okay, it works uh. Make sure that you've evacuated your system in coordinates with state local area federal epa law.

This is the 1234yf system. You don't want to be blasting this stuff off into outer space, even though it has positive effects on the environment does not kill polar bears. We still don't want to waste it, because it is at the current time in the year 2022. where's my ratchet uh.

What was i going to tell you? Oh it's like uh, it's almost 700 for 10 pounds, we're gon na take the upper line off here, which is leaking way worse. This line is actually leaking so bad here, unfortunately, i do not know because i foolishly didn't spray. It down to find out if the ac condenser itself's leaking, if it's just at this connection, but the whole thing is covered with dye and oil and it's a big sloppy mess and it looks like the epicenter is right here. So we're going to get these lines.

Swapped out and get it done, let's retest that i really want to take some brake, clean and just blast all this off, but um. It's not a good idea because that's going to screw with our leak protector, i think i'm going to reach right in here. Well, whispering into your ear we're going to crack this baby loose using our inverted torques right off. The top of the compressor probably should be using an air tool at this point.

We're going to take this bolt out because i think it's going to be easier to get to right here and that was actually faster than an air tool. Take that boom. There's the bolt there wiggle these little guys loose shouldn't, be a problem shouldn't have any suction or anything out, so those sit right there and i think everything else is done from up top. So what we're after now is this holder here and then this holder down here and they have those gray uh flat heads just like they did on the outer ones that we did there.

I'm gon na put you down. You're gon na, have to trust me. I'm gon na take get a little flat head in here this one's on an angle, that's kind of obnoxious uh there is a bracket. I wonder if it's taking the bolt that single nut there off the bracket right there.

I wonder if that there would make more sense um, let me get down here where that bracket goes probably wraps onto something else with that nose. Let me see what i can do there folks you stand by. I think this has a little clampy doodad on it. We might be able to come right in here, give it one of these pop it open boom.
Just like that, and then i think what we'll do. Let me uh, let me get the bolt here and or the thing they call the nut off from the expansion valve and get the suction line out of there uh at least get it loose, get it back out of the way, so it bolts to the uh Expansion valve back here with just the 10 mil socket size. Six millimeter thread: i'm gon na undo that crazy that one is loosey-goosey. Ah yeah, yeah yeah yeah uh.

What do we got here? We got some fuel lines: boys we're gon na have to unhook those because this line well, i suppose we could probably bend it. It is rubber and i'm thinking, it'll be a little more friendly for us trying to pick my path in which we're going to come out. So this one's straight up over here, we can head out this direction over here. I think we're going to go right out and down this way, but i'm thinking i'm thinking to get this one out.

We will need to do something different. There are some connectors over here, i'm unhooking a connector. I don't know what it goes to, but i'm unhooking it we've got the high pressure hookup for our plastic line, i'm going to undo it you're going to get the plate by play. Folks, because i didn't move the camera and we're just going to use some common sense, we're going to look and see what's in the way, we're going to get that kind of stuff out of the way it is kind of nice for the line being plastic, i'm Not going to lie because you can just kind of like what you need to go that way: boom bend it okay, so i think well i'll give you the money, i'm ready to pull out and send it.

I'm just looking to see. What's gon na have to be undone, i'm thinking these fuel lines here i don't know if it's fuel or evap, it looks like i don't know. If that's a high pressure fuel pump, i don't know if this is even gdi. I know it's not even a gdi engine, so it appears to be fuel.

Of course i don't want. This is all plastic too? I don't want it to break any of these clips, so perhaps to save from breaking anything, because it is all quick connect, but it's the breaky kind. You know what i mean it's the kind that are quick like the first time, then after that you're. Not so quick, so we're going to go that way.

There is one wire clip here. I need to go. Get a plastic trim tool to move i'll, be honest with you. What i should have done is, i should have looked in the bag to see what i bought from the dealer, and then i would have realized that this is a quick connect here in this ac line.

Wow more plastic on the ac. So this is a section of hose i bought. I didn't realize it didn't come with the back section. Uh live and learn so we're going to set that to the side either way we still had to crack this thing loose, i think, to gain access to gain better access to our plastic one, so i'm not really ashamed of what i've done or admitted.
If i was we're gon na just set this up to the side, uh and then i'm gon na just work it out. Okay, i don't know if you guys can see where we're at here, but i'm just taking taking the line, i'm just getting it out of our way. It's not one that we're replacing today anyways! So here's this slide, because, with that line out of our way, it does give us much better access to our pressure side here set our extension down also has the 10 millimeter sized nut that we're going to crack loose and then see if we can get down Here with our fingers and spin, this thing off a lot of sharp freaking zip ties wherever the ding dong is at fiat, but not trim their zip ties. They're like razor blades.

It cuts you pretty good boy, razor blade, uh little zip ties here. Man i got a pair of snap on flush cuts for cutting those and they're nice, real nice nice for the next guy anyways, all right. So there's of that nut right. There set that to the side come on baby gosh.

Oh, she had a good grip on that, so there now we'll go back down over here and i'll show you we should be able to cut that loose too should be able to just reach down here, with our pick, try to get it where my hands are In the way, so you can't see it and we should be able to just give this a little a little action. I have to move the light and get some better action. I'll move my hand here for you just a minute, nope failed. Yet i didn't move my hand, but i just went in with my pick my cracker loose, so trust me folks.

There it is baby, there's your ac line, uh plastic kind of fun uh. Unfortunately, though, it's connections where it joins into a tee, it leaks where it hooks right here it leaks, pretty good uh. You can see some oil staining and stuff on it, but uh get the leak detector near it and it went haywire unenhanced. So that's that and they had all this stuff in stock.

Imagine that never seen it before, but they had it all mm-hmm. It's time. Mister though it's at the two hour mark baby remove the litmus, though i'm ready so good. Oh baby, look at that! Oh, my god, you see that, though we like kings around here and queens and our children are kind of like targets.

Uh napa not a sponsor just your classic apple cider, vinegar, your charcoal pit barrel, smoker uh, not a sponsor, but they could be or any rip company uh could also. We are also accepting sponsorships from all rib companies briskets things like that cover it up baby. A couple more hours we're eating dinner. I wish we started out this episode by saying today's episode of sma is brought to you by pit barrel smokers and such and such beef rib fair.

That would be awesome. Pork ribs, i guess there my baby backs, so it does come with that whole bracket which we're going to elect to not use because we don't have to - and i don't want to get in there to take it out, but that's a fun little piece there we'll Set that over here, um, oh the pit barrel smoker, let me tell you what man i got sitting here all day smelling that thing it makes it hard to work. I'm gon na take and fish this line back through in the same manner in which we took it out, and whichever way that was, it was this way just like, so that goes down there. This goes up here.
This goes up to the top by the headlight. Goes to the condenser goes to the evaporator to the expansion valve just going to fish it back in there, get it back in its clips and that will come get you i'll. Tell you what man we do eat like kinks around here, not trying to brag my wife's, a excellent cook and uh. I like smoking, not the reefer, the food and uh.

I love doing smoked stuff. Briskets pork butts everything, you name it tri tips. Whatever we got. Ta, do we do it? Ribs ribs are my favorite.

I think we got it. You couldn't see any of it, but trust me when i say this: we got it and we got to get this up in here. That's right there, this one here and there, but we're not plugging that one in quite yet we're not going to plug that in quite yet. I think i've got it clipped back in all of its holders.

Now we still have to hook it to the expansion valve. Flammable it says: flammable i'm gon na hook that back to the expansion valve uh difficult to see just has the one nut. Then we're gon na stick the other heart pipe back in and then we're gon na get our new front hoses that we have and then i think we're then i think we're golden baby. So the o-ring on this end still looks in beautiful condition.

We're going to take and try to fish this through i'm going to bring it down under the fuel lines, just kind of want to hold this and keep it from getting full of crud. But i need to pull it back out because there's a set of wires. I need to go under over here. Come on baby, we'll feed that around.

I think we've got it right where we need it, i'm going to take before we get any kind of contamination, and i'm going to hook it back to the expansion valve here. Just probably need a two-hander for that one, so i'll make sure that o-ring still feels good make sure it has some resistance when it clicks in, and it appears to i'm going to get that nut whatnot. It's not get that back on. There click this back and it's holder, then we'll get the new lines for the compressor quick connect on ac, who would have thunk see the double o-ringer should have our orange down.

Here we do. This is the connection up here that was leaking like a sieve. That goes down here. That's going to go like that, then we've got our one line that we're going to take bring around town.

I think we'll probably be better served to hook that straight to our compressor, without making a big old mess. So we're going to do that, i'm going to set this straight down right onto the compressor boom. Just like that, i'm going to get the bolt i'm going to tighten that back up on the ac compressor, and then we can take the cap off the quick connect. Bring it around town give it the clicky, take our wiring harness that we hooked earlier.
Stick that back in there plug it in out of whatever we unplugged it from, which is this connector right here i don't know what it is or what it goes to, but that's good there and then, while we're right here, we can plug in our pressure. Switch click, the red tab down, so that harness is all back. How we need it and then we just need to run our hose around to the condenser should be able to bring that right. Through there there skinny and then that'll line up there perfect.

That becomes a matter of just reattaching our lines. We got torque wrench we're going to torque those to factory specs, i'm gon na lube up our rubbers there. Now the only uh thing we got ta do now is start putting this thing back together. I guess before we put again we're putting the cart in front of the horse.

Uh we're gon na, take and put the snorkel back under here, because i forgot like a ding dong. Then we can stick this baby in. I think we have to stick it on the snorkel first, which we did then we're going to do the two pegs up in the fender and then we're going to do the peg here on the engine mount boom. Just like that she's ready to go, you got the little connector here the little.

I call them little shark teeth. Stick that on. If, when you pull them off, if the shark teeth flip around and go backwards, you got to straighten them out because they're a one-way barb, so they grab on that piece, but sometimes they spread out. Then you got ta straighten them up, like your children got ta straighten them up once in a while, otherwise they grow up to be jerks.

So now, let's see we had one bolt that goes in there, which we have over there. Uh we've got the reusable zip tie here that i showed you. I was going to tell you how it works, but you have to use your imagination. Bring this around get the reusable zip tie opened up.

There's slid back over that this is coming back over here. You got this song. It clicks on there, you've got the bolt. Stick that back in the hole, get your reusable zip tie, bring it around get in her slot.

Here, give her a little ratchet hold on my guy. Oh, the next one, i'm just gon na break off. No, i won't. You know me click that in there now we've got to get back down with the 7 mil.

I got to get a couple more clicks on that 7. Mil 10 mil get this tightened up at this point. Folks, the engine's together enough to where it can run the camera needs to be charged up here. So i'm going to take care of that.

I'm going to pull the vacuum on the system. Let that sit. Take care of some tools, kind of get things cleaned up, we'll probably put a little charge in before we put this whole mess back together, so we can make sure that we're cool and uh. You know we're happy and everything and we still got ta tighten up the one bolt there on the snorkel, so i'm gon na do that and you guys go get a sandwich or something we'll be right back.
So all right we're gon na let it uh take and charge up and just put a small charge on it. And i wanted to be sure here because, like i say, this thing is so oily and you can see how it's all oil soaked down in front of the condenser. I was 90 certain. It was just that line, but i wanted to be 100 certain.

I didn't want to clean any of this off with brake parts cleaner or anything, but now i can, and we can finish uh. You know charging the whole system here. There's a balmy 76 degrees in here 250 degrees in that drum outside and let's see where we're at here hold on we're at enhance 49.1 48.49 0.1 out of the center vents, uh doors closed and sausages, uh pretty bit chilly in there. That's about a 30 degree temperature differential.

So that's good! This is our robin air, ac, 1234-4 uh, 1234. Wife machine. Don't use this one a lot starting to see more of it did three of them today, so we are starting to use this more. You know, but not as much as the old 134a machine and then, of course, we've got the robin air.

The ld5 and this thing works great good for 1234, wyatt and 134a, and works really really well, and i just put a new uh to put a new tip on it this year, new sensor, uh and the second part, was the first one i ordered was no Good, so i had to get a second one uh, but that's that if you're looking for a good refrigerant detector, this one has my stamp of approval. We will finish you. In the morning i got distracted had to help some other people out here. This thing's gon na get finished in the morning.

It's uh time we're at the four and a half hour mark those ribs are done. I pulled them. This hose got them in here, and it is time for that money shot it's time. It's time, they've rested up.

They've rested, i've rested, you've rested, we've waited the rest of you trinity's getting mad because i keep delaying the time in which you can eat dinner. This is a homemade squash going on homemade. Let's have a little look: let's go for the full look. There's our baby bats.

Oh man, look at that boom, i'm the pit barrel cooker, not a sponsor, but they're welcome to be a sponsor. We were looking for any. Let's see what we got here. Let's get a fork.

We've got some good pullback on the bone. I don't want to flip them over because they'll break. I need to set this down. We need to get it set up all right come over here.

Miss though let's well first, you got to look at come on. Don't you watch any youtube? You got to examine it, how's the bark you got to talk about the bark you got to look at the pullback, then you want to give it the flop test, just cut it just cut it come on. I just want to eat it. I don't want to talk about it.
Yeah, okay, now after you, after you cut one, you got to look, we got a smoke ring. Then you squeeze it to get the juice man. You don't watch barbecue videos, there's a smoke ring yeah, there's a little bit of a smoking. Oh you got.

You got to squeeze the juice. How is it there's this piece? Is it amazing? Does it fall off the bone? You got to see how good it pulls off the bone. Let's see, boom. Look at that right off the bone clean bone in the evocus, smoker that what you waited all day for some good stuff.

That's why i didn't go to bananas, oh man! I guess i would have gone this morning, pretty legit, i got ta put this down it's time. This is a jeep video. What are we doing in here? This is all what we need you. I need you, the people need you, what about them? Ribs last night huh, oh man, oh man, the next day i feel like i should call them it was that good, so you just hold tight here.

Oh good, seem kind of springy all right golden where you going old girl here you go. You want to talk to us well, our last scene. It was yesterday and we was eating them ribs man that barbecue man. That cannot be good for you, but it did so good, definitely not good for you, and sometimes it feels like regret.

You know the next day, you're like man, i shouldn't have done that and then, like eight hours later, what are you doing? You're doing it again? It's like a drug. It is like drugs. We don't do drugs, you get an addiction. Oh, it's gon na ruin.

My physique depends on what you're into i guess. What am i into being random? Oh well, that's some good stuff, though i was telling people that pit barrel wanted to sponsor us. They certainly could. We won't accept a sponsorship from napa but gallaudet if a rib place wants to sponsor us a couple cookers, maybe lang.

Somebody like that we will take that sponsorship and we will fly their flag all right. Where did you put that in i don't know all right? It's friday, it's friday, it's friday, yep, and we got some more barbecuing to do one of those dates. Isn't it we're gon na go ahead and put all the screws back in the bumper cover minus the one we broke, because, oddly enough, i can't have that baby for about a week or so from our local dodge dealer. Oh thank you.

So i got the new uh connector there from napper. I almost forgot so we'll go to put this thing in so we're going to put a little poly loom on it, so it doesn't look so terrible fancy it up a little bit here. I'm gon na put a little bit of tape on this. I used a little bigger poly loom, so it would go over our crimp and seal connectors.

There we'll tape it there i'll tape a little bit on the end. Oh, let's check see if it plugs in. I suppose all right well fit plugged in nicely. I don't think we're forgetting anything else.
Get the plastic business back in here that behind there these go up under the lip there. There's that one there's those ones and then wherever our fasteners are here, we've got all the you know these 10 metal plastic doodads. They got to go back on here. We'll put these on get them all snugged up, not with the half inch gun, though we'll just give those a handy.

We got our 10 mil nut driver we'll, take and run all these on. So we've got four of those uh. We do have a plastic push. Pin that went down here in the bottom, if you remember this side, wasn't hooked up, so we're gon na have to push that in and then there's uh like four screws.

I believe there's three that are gon na go in the front, one that goes in the back down here and one up underneath so i'll get after that you don't need to see it pretty boring stuff. So if you guys remember this, car has a little bit of body damage right down here and you can see it underneath that whole pinch. Well, it's folded up in so there's somebody at the you know: jiffy lube was picking it up there and crushed it. All up in, but that's why this here was all messed up, so we're not even gon na bother uh trying to straighten any of that out, not a body guy.

You know we're just gon na clip it back together, we'll get that bottom piece started first and they all pretty much line back up just like legos baby reason number 420, why? I don't work on european cars? Who was a freak thought? This was a good idea. Gosh idiots what's up miss, though, let's bring your phone back, we're going for a rip. Hey you wan na go for a rip there bud, oh, my god, beautiful hey! When did you get as tall as your mother? It's coming out at a balmy 44 degrees. It's about 78 outside right now.

I lied it's about 73 right now. I thought it said. 78. he's all pretty steady about 44..

So i think this guy will be happy. Uh should be nice and chilly in here for him. There you have it folks, uh, pretty easy, peasy job to do the ac lines here on your jeep liberty, uh, compass, patriot. Whatever this thing is your fiat uh and it's not a cvt, i misspoke and it didn't explode.

We made it all the way around town and back with no casualties uh if everything went together, good waiting on that bolt - and i think that's about it - uh we'll put that in next time. This lady comes in for an oil change or something like that. So not a big deal there. We got four out of five of them, uh back in it and we fixed her fog light.

So that's good problem. She didn't even know she had and um. I don't know what else to say nothing more to say, except to tell you to go in that comment. Section! That's right down there.

You leave a comment. You leave a concern, you criticize the economy, whatever you got to do, do it down there, the insti, the facebook and just from our viewers. If i can do it, you can do it thanks for watching.

By EricO

12 thoughts on “Jeep renegade: a/c lines – suction discharge”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kodo nosaki says:

    Harbor Freight has 2 different sets of good functional, plastic trim removal tools. I have 2 sets of each. This allows me to customize the ends, when needed. Their cost is very reasonable. None have broken.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars R Winstanley says:

    Without a doubt, by the time I got all that “stuff” out of the way, I’d be standing in front of the car, hands on hips, thinking, what did I take all that stuff for again?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Monkey Wrangler says:

    We own one of these (cheapest 4wd at the time). It’s not a bad ride and the engines aren’t horrid if you watch the oil lol.

    It def is a fragile feeling csr though. Thin metal. I fluid filmed it about best I could without pulling so the panels. I’m gonna use your video for a good way to know where to drill for some 1/2” body plugs tho haha

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars lawbreaker sons says:

    Hey eric, I love your video''re commentary is epic and more knowledgeable and entertaining then anything on tv..I am learning mechanic and appreciate your tips and advice that you always post.. keep up the awesome work love your video's, if there is any merchandise that you sell please let me know in would love too rock a s.m.a. tshirt and support your of of luck


  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 351cleavland says:

    Everyone here in the comments is suggesting for those clips an 8 mm socket. Boneheads!! The only thing that will work is a 5/16 socket…

    Made you look!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kodo nosaki says:

    Silicone sealer/adhesive, blobbed onto a worn panel connecter that can maintain its position for 2 hr min. will hold that connection point together, yet can still be disconnected without much effort.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David says:

    I have a 2019 Cherokee and the best way to remove those clips are to slide an 8mm socket over them. This squeezes both ears and they just pop out. I've removed both the front and rear off this way without breaking a single one.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Max Perdue says:

    I have a question when you get a chance about my 1999 Yukon trans hitting hard ,,,, looked at a bunch of videos man,, from 1st to 2nd ,, for about 3 plus years,,, plz tell me the truth on it ,,, tcc valve, other valves 😭, plz tell me your advice sir .

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike TeeVeeDub says:

    How to fix the A/C on a Jeep Renegade:
    1. Lift car and remove wheel to access inner-fender access door to provide access to plastic A/C lines.
    2. Set car on fire


  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars J J says:

    Have you ever done any clock spring jobs on a ram 2012? Are these a common issue? I have a code b0020-13 squib sensor circuit 2. Can you do a video how to change one if you come across one please?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cuba's Automotive says:

    20k miles and needs AC line repair!! That's absolutely sad. If it were my Jeep… I'd be fuming! Not covered under warranty either? I wish consumers would put companies like this out of biz. Stop buying overpriced junk.

    Yikes. Those clips. I guess you've been seeing a lot of these to know how fragile they are?

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Justin Hayward says:

    Hey man use a 7 or 8 mil socket press it over the inside of the clips. It depresses the clip and pull on the flare and it comes right out. I work on these piles every day at the Chrysler dealer

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