In this video I bring you along the process I use to remove and replace the rear spring hanger and shackles on a Ford Ranger that are all rotted out. -Enjoy!
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Hey there viewers and welcome back to the south bend channel. Here's our 2007 ford ranger, it's a big four cylinder. It's a stick shift a one tire fire two wheel, peeler uh came in for state inspection. The rear spring shackles have rust holes through the front sway, bar links are broke, the money light's on and the fuel filter is leaking gas other than that she's mint, and we need to fix some stuff up.

Now we got to do an excessive amount of torching in the rear to cut the shackles and the hangers off the frame and to put new ones on i've got new parts. I've already gone ahead and replaced the rusted out leaking fuel filter. So we don't go up in a cloud of smoke and that's it let's rock and roll. So first thing: first, we're going to support the rear end already.

Has the doorman 69 7 710 differential cover from china must have rusted out at some point. We want to support that because we're going to cut this loose, i don't remember how far these springs will come down and it's been a while, since i've done a ranger most of these are in the crusher around here, so we rarely see one. It's kind of a rare specimen, but we want to support that's when we cut it loose. If we can let them down, we might have to unhook the shocks to let it down more to do what we need to do.

It looks like the one on the left may have been replaced. I'm going to give you a brief rundown show you what it looks like and then we're just going to stand. You back and just go silly with the torch, oh she's, rusty and crusty. It's got the classic hole through the shackle, so instead of trying to piss around with all this up in here always just sell the bracket with this job go up cut the rivets.

You got a rivet there, there's a rivet up there. Of course there's four of them, you know in here and here and just chop it off and uh. Then let the whole thing down, then we can torch it off. What we need to do press the bolt out of the bushing.

If we have to like i say, i think this one's been done before, because this one is bolted on, so you can elect to uh try to get the bolts out of it if you wanted to, but frankly, that's a big waste of time. When you have a torch, uh nope, it hasn't been done because those still have rivets in it. So look at me lying to you already, and this folks is why you can't trust me, but yeah she's, thin baby there's some preparations there. So it needs to be done.

As i mentioned, it's got the new fuel filter and then you come over here. You got your classic broken link, so we'll torch them off too. We have a torch out. Let's do it.

You want to whack off this. Mr though, come on just try it welcome to my oxygen bar baby it'll make it smarter, oh maybe i do need that. Can we just? Can you just put a direct line? Pure oxygen is deadly. I'm not 100 positive, wow.

Okay, let's get busy! Oh safety. Third, we're gon na put these babies on so we can see what we're doing. Oh, this, you crazy uh, all right that should be good for now. Folks um we're rolling some coal up there.
I might have to cut the tops off the sway bar links, but we got the bottom knocked off, we'll look at it. When we get there might be able to pull the plastic bits off and slide the bolt out from the top down. So we'll look and see, let me get a pry bar will knock these shackles off yeah baby. I think we're good that's what i thought little fella might be low enough to do what we got to do, if not, let's unhook the shot absorber um.

Let's see, let's see if we can struggle for a minute, i think we'll be okay. So what uh we anticipate i'm doing because we got this loose now i like to chop it off just take the nut cut it off, leave the bolt a little bit. If i don't have to change these old crappy bushings, i would prefer it. These things are a mother lover to put in, especially when everything is so rotted.

The kit you get from the doorman does come with the new bushings but they're a son of a bee to do so. If we can just chop it off spin the bolt out, you know in the words of derrick, if i skip garage we're just going to pretend we didn't see it, but no a very toxic customer. He knows the truck's rotted. If we can do it without replacing the bushing great, if we have to replace the bushing we'll cross that bridge when we get there, let's light this candle, so so so, oh that was loud.

I did take that shot down on the driver's side to let this down just a little bit, because we're gon na give it the old poken hope, with the sma 498k special edition, uh, bolts mounted and rubber. Typically, don't work well with anything impacts they just absorb too much, but let's give it a little poke just to see oh 498k. I'm sorry! I doubted you. Forgive me a bit of water in that hose winter winter, chicken dinner.

So now we got ta leave a little frame because otherwise we're not gon na have anything to put the shackle back on. I guess we can probably scoop it up and mix it with a little quick steel paint it back out with a brush, and i would have to say the two back here that were bolted on that's oem, because they would have been on this little bracket. But you don't really need it uh in real life, because we're going back out with nuts and bolts, anyways and uh rest assured folks, she's still pretty solid, he's not perforated. So i know there's about four pounds of it laying on the floor now.

But truly it's not necessary gon na do the same thing over here. Just you know, wash wrench repeat cut it. We're gon na take the shock down, let it down until it hits the tailpipe air hammer fingers crossing, knocking on the wood anything else you can do. Uh we'll get that bolt out and then you know obviously drive the rivets out same thing, pretty tip friday for you unhook one shock at a time: um the rear, end tents, that kind of cut loose and get a little squirrely on you.

If you unhook, both of them so just stuff, the bolt in you know, if you're doing the driver's side stuff the bolt back in the other one and then it's unhooked one at a time that way it just doesn't get away from you and then we're gon Na take and very simply install this little guy, oh yeah, we didn't need that anyways up here, so we'll go through and we'll put the bolts in it. They use a very aggressive, lock nut on the inside. They smush them almost to the point they're not round. They can be kind of a pain in the neck and typically, when you tighten them down it completely ruins all the threads on the bolt so make darn sure it is not something you ever have to take back off.
You see it a lot with like really crappy hardware that comes with cheap chinese parts. You'll see it like, with the napa sway bar links and stuff a lot of time i'll elect not to use it because, like i say they're so they're so flattened out, i don't know if it focuses or not, but they're so flattened out as you tighten it Down on the bolt it just strips all the threads on its way in which is fine, i mean it serves as a purpose. It doesn't uh, it certainly locks it on there, however, reusing it. If you ever had to take it back off is impossible now granted it probably has some literature at some point or an engineer is saying: well, those are not designed to be reused and you're, probably right um.

So just uh forewarning, you, you know just make sure you don't put it on with the intentions of ever taking it back off all right, let's see so that one there's that uh. Obviously looking service data come through, you know, factory specs, you guys know. Oh probably should have put that up in there prior to sticking this on i mean you can do it. It's doable.

Trust me just you got to give it the classic. Oh, not one of those the classic reach around to reach over and then line it up. There you go, and i think i think they give you just enough room to get your wrench up through here. So when we want to hold it, we can't get up in there.

We can hold that tighten this one see what i'm saying so, i'm up in behind the shaft. So that's super nice of them to be thoughtful and do that for us. Well, we've got to get this one in. We can go this way with it as long as it's not going to interfere with anything which it shouldn't, because it's always it's just going to go back and we have clearance now.

So it doesn't really matter which way they go unless you're trying to be super oem. Looking with it, which, let's be honest, this truck's only got about a year left in it for scrap, so that's going to be just fine now what we need to do, because we still need to tighten our shocks, we need to get it at ride height set. It on the ground get all the factory torque specs, for these get these all torqued down torque down the shocks properly, but do it with the vehicle sitting on the ground that way our shackle comes back to its ride height and then uh then. Do that, like a caveman down here, laying on the ground holy, i don't even know how to use an impact anymore.
This is the astro uh 1834 fantastic little gun for doing suspension stuff, because she's she's got the flexi head, looks like you guys are zoomed in a little bit there. Sorry about that. I got ta. Do this one by feel? Not my first time, though, but just like in real life, i got ta take a little look first, where we going baby come on.

Well, i really don't want to stick the box end up in there. Where are you at you over here? I don't want to get her stuck uh we're going to come from the top side. Let me see if i can get a. I don't know if i have a 21 stubby.

Oh this is the end. Let me go see: oh man, i'm overweight. Lo and behold, i do not. I do have a couple different 21s, though, let's see, if that's going to be helpful to us in any way, shape or form that one's fatter - oh better, not i'm going to try it anyways nope, not today.

Why did i do that dumbass? I can't well. Doesn't this just suck? Let me go: get the american equivalent to 21.. There isn't one just fyi, not even close, but seven eight is gon na, be our closest. That's way too big.

We could do a plan. Oh mother, lover 13 16, which is technically smaller than 21, because it should be 13, 16, 21, 22 and 7 8 in that order. Numerically, if memory serves me correctly see if we get this little guy up in there, i know i love you is stupid, see if i can get her to see if we can get her a grip like this, i doubt it take it down. Flip it around.

There you go: that's going to be a son of a who to get up in there with your torque wrench uh, but obviously don't skip that step. You know torque, that to spec we're gon na do the shock now and uh then we're gon na. Do the other side and then obviously go back through and torque everything so anyways, that's how you do it folks. Those little guys are all tight.

Of course, you've seen us tighten these up now before you ride me like a harley down a rough road. Yes, those are metric, bolts, okay, before we get too excited, you start harping on me. The reason the 13 16 work is because they are a deformed nut. Now i fiddled with it.

The 13 16 only fits one portion and that's the portion where it was smushed and deformed so that we use that to our advantage and fortunately uh. These ones are smushed. But the nut must be a little bit softer the bolt because it did not peel all the threads. I'm sitting here telling you guys they're going to be screwed and this and that, however, when i took a little look-see, i'm like i'll be jiggered they're, not so keep that in your back pocket now that it matters but uh like i say the ones that i've Gotten from krapa before have done that and you can usually tell because when they're crimped, it's the ones that they crimp and they deform, but they've got like the little ridges from the tool that deforms them.
If you know what i'm saying you guys know what i'm saying, you've probably ran across it before son of a mother bolts, i call them, but anyhow, let's move on up here. That's fun right! Let's see if we can't get uh all this crap broke off. You know what you know, what i think this truck didn't we do a video on this truck. Is this one? We did they had the wheel wearing that came loose.

We went down to the wilbert, she pulled a bath that doesn't sponsor us and got the parts. I'm thinking this is the truck, because i'm desperate folks, i mean real desperate for videos more desperate than a guy. Looking on the second page of his google search results that desperate i'm not a video, so we're gon na cut this into a two-parter huh. Some people just got upset uh we're gon na finish off, because i've got some more stuff to do this, we've got to do the thermostat sway bar links - that's pretty much it, but there's a lot of footage here from doing uh the rear shackles and instead of Getting so much stuff in one video, we'll chop it up into a couple two or three and cure my desperation and uh, i'm desperately anxious for you to go down in that comment section the questions, the comments, the criticisms, the concerns you have the bell ringing, while You're down there, the institute the facebook, just from my reviewers, if i can do it, you can do it thanks for watching.

By EricO

11 thoughts on “Ford Ranger: Rear Spring Shackles & Hangers”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gary Brown says:

    Tack that nut to the shackle bracket. Love the videos, my fellow Mechanics & I in the uk love saying there's your problem lady : )

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jorge fernandez says:

    I thought the back half of the truck was coming apart when you air hammered it. Safety tip of the day, wear glasses, goggles or a face shield. You don't want to have to dig out a piece of rust out of your eye. Nice video!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matt Jones says:

    Like you said for this truck that's only going to last a year or two more replacing the rubber bushings probably isn't economical. That said, usually if the job is worth doing at all then it's worth it to replace the rubber bushings because after age and wear and being torched a bit they are not doing much good any more.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars richard cranium says:

    i've seen more of that vintage ranger with the frame rotted out on the passenger side than body rot. that box just holds the salt in. a shame cuz they werent too bad otherwise

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeffrey Kortman says:

    It would be helpful to give the torque specifications so us do it yourself or’s wouldn’t have to search the web and find the specifications when we’re watching your video my question is what’s the torque specifications for the rear shackle to frame rail bolts love your show and everything you do I do too ! Oh and I have a Ford ranger 2000 restoring thanks bye

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dan Molumby says:

    Thanks for another informative video. I have an 04 Ranger 4 L that I have to replace the cover and gasket on the rear differential. I did make sure that I could remove the fill plug. Any advice?

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jennifer WhiteWolf says:

    If you are diving under water, pure oxygen gets quite deadly deeper than about 30 feet. In technical diving, we do use pure oxygen or 80% O2-20%N at a 20 feet deep hold for decompression after a technical deep dive, as the high O2 level helps to more quickly purge saturated nitrogen from the blood. . At atmospheric pressures, oxygen is generally not considered 'toxic'. So glad I don't live in an area where the vehicles so totally corrode away in a few years. It is appalling to see the damage from 'salt states' ( and provinces) on youtube, compared to the general state of cars out in the far western states. Anyone considering moving from elsewhere into the salted roads areas needs to consider the cost of 4 year vehicle destruction by corrosion.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars A.C.T. Solutions Inc says:

    Those bushings…. I'm not sure if you noticed but they got another 100K left in em for sure! Those cracks definitely are from the break in period and not age. I've read a book about bushings and watched a video on how they are made sooooo….. kind of a professional opinion here. You're welcome!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Travis C says:

    You should have gave the customer a freebie by cutting his spare tire out of the mount. With that much rust he's never going to be able to get it out on his own. lol.. That is crazy how bad vehicles rust back east.. Somebody should petition them to switch from salt to something else.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kenneth Reiver says:

    Just did all 4 on a 97 Ranger I got for next to nothing . With the price of used cars it's worth the time to fix it up and have a decent cheap truck .

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Home Pros says:

    You would think after all these years everyone in the salt belt would have heard of fluid film??!! I guess some people just don’t care and like wasting money

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