If you drive a Dodge Caravan, Grand Caravan, Voyager and so on and you live in the rust belt, you may want to have a mechanic check your front brake hose before you have an unfortunate accident! This video show what could happen if your front brake hoses blow. -Enjoy!
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But we got a dodge van here, no brakes. Lady said she went to the gas station and that was it. Oh baby pedal is on the floor. Oh, we can still stop.

Oh she's kidding. I better get the door open. No, i don't want to have to buy a door, the red brake light just came on. She said she checked the brake fluid at the gas station.

It was empty here we have the classic uh fatal design flaw from chrysler way to go the brake hose completely rusted in half. Now this is you can throw somebody for a loop. You look at this breakout, this thing's mint. I mean this thing doesn't even have a speck of rust on it comes down through here same thing.

On this side, not a speck of rust. You look at it up here. The brake line looks good. Everybody looks happy.

You probably wouldn't give two thoughts to that. Being a little bit swelled up up there towards the top, because nothing's rusty the bracket's not rusty, nobody's rusty. It doesn't look terrible, but i bet you it's 10 bucks if we uh, if we'll go 15 bucks, if we cut that rubber off. On the other side, i bet it's going to be all crusty under there.

That's what happened. This baby got rusty and then she just blew apart. So we're gon na get both front brake hoses. I can't get that thing to line up, otherwise we could stick a couple hose clamps on send it on its way.

But let's cut the rubber off the other side, see what it looks like. I'd go 20 bucks, but sometimes a lot of people watch our videos and i don't have that kind of money. Let's cut this rubber sleeve off, without cutting our hand, i always cut towards your buddy, not your body. There we go or the brake hose.

We just cut the brake hose, but we don't care about that. Let's get a new one, even if i am wrong for obvious reasons, one of those reasons being the other side blew apart and the other reason is i'm going at it with a razor blade. Let's get this sleeve off here, oops, let's cut outside the lines there, mr oh, we just want to have a little gander. Is this one as fatally designed as the other side? You bet it is look at that chrysler's been trying to kill their people this one's seconds away from blowing also and hence intense, so there it is folks that thing is ready to cut loose.

Look at that i'll, be jiggered yep! Wait! What's holding on that sucker! We could probably get a pair of pliers and flake off some more of that rust. It would fall right apart, so that can trick you tricky little guy a nets, an enhance, got some new ones here from uh, not a sponsor. I got your 382 520 and your 382 519, so we got a left and a right. Let's see, uh they're right from the mainland china did they change anything in their design.

Do the chinese care any more for it than the chrysler did? Probably not? Oh still has that big section of rubber on there covering up the end. You know where it's crimped on here, like this side and at a glance you know it is fatter up here. So when you look at the original, it's here's, the one we chopped off. You know when you're just looking at this thing on the hose, and you see that it's puffy you're not probably going to pay too much attention to it, particularly if the part sticking out of it is not rusty either.
So i guess, if i owned a carry van like this, this style or that had this style hose on it, you might be inclined to open her up at the top and have a look, because if it's collecting all the salt and debris up in the top And rotting out, underneath this nice piece of rubber, it's kind of counterproductive for what the rover is on there, for which is probably to stop flexing right at the crimp. Perhaps i don't know, i don't know the exact purpose of it uh why it's on there? But, needless to say, if it blows out and you're coming down a hill, you lose your brakes and you your whole family could die. However, thankfully, for this lady for everyone that was riding with her, it didn't happen. She was at the gas station, went to leave stepped on the pedal, and here we are said, to hold up wait a minute, something right.

That's what she said, call that something they had a toad here. Not let's get supposed. That's kind of ironic, though, isn't it folks, the salt that saves us is also the salt that kills us. Potentially, i mean nobody died here.

Let's be honest. We're gon na give her a little spritz of some penetrating oil count to three. Now that it's penetrated, let's try to crack stuff loose, which should come apart, just dandy on this, because everything is nice, shape, nice and clean. I guess it's technically, not the salt that kills us.

It's the effects that the salt has on the vehicles that we drive, that can get you and you know the people kind of whine and complain and cry about the salt what it does to their car. But i tell you what those very same people, if it snowed one hundredth of an inch of snow and the towns weren't out there, putting down the salt on top of it. They'd be the first ones to be crying. I don't know whatever.

I think they should mandate snow tires, in my opinion, just back here. Let's mandate snow tires learn how to drive. Not mandates no tires. I just think they should just use dirt.

You know not dirt, but sand. You know what they use in pennsylvania, santa cinder stuff like that we get so many frost or freeze and thaw cycles. It does make for a lot of ice on the road. But it's one of those necessary evils.

Come on ya, ding dong. I can grab a hold of that sucker down here, had a pair of vice grips in my hand, so see if we can't get it this way, get cracked loose out of that bracket. No, no come on break loose. Little fella usually give them a little poke and how they come.

Let's go get a striking apparatus. Typically, the brackets are rusted right off, but, let's be honest, and then we just zip tie it to whatever we can, but i'm feeling like a real ding-dong here, i'm gon na hold on to the bracket like that. Then we're gon na move the line out of the way give her a couple. Little whacks.
First, try out she comes there's that now we got ta find out which hose is which so we get the right one in here, we'll spray, some of the schmutz off this. Not too often you unhook a brake line in the great state of new york, especially on an eight-year-old car stuck on. There got a couple flat spots, two three flat spots and then should be a rounded spot yeah. This back corner here is rounded.

We got a flat spot here, not really hitting my target there. Let's see, there's that flat spot here, rounded in the back. So that's what i got ta remember get some of this good stuff. Don't dunk! I didn't show you the cannot enough room hose that off rounded spot towards the back, we'll end up flipping around seven or eight times before we get to fit anyways and it's oh first try fella get our brake hose.

Retaining clip on there grab the hamburger, tippy tap tap and then try to get him out. Crossthreading it don't cross try. This is one thing you don't want to cross thread. At least it's not dripping all over, because it's empty, that's good! There's that like so, i want to kind of hold that bracket a little bit the best that we can that way.

We can get our torque wrench here and twerk that thing down all right. Now we can hold that your torque wrench on there give her a little bit of a snug. Hopefully this thing is indexed correctly. There we go a couple, two three clicks on that one tweak your bracket back where you want it, everybody looks good.

Let's go down get a bucket right, because you're gon na beat me on the floor a little we're going to take this banjo bowl out. We have to save that because we need we need the bolt. You don't need the hose. There's the bad one drop that in your bucket and then there should be a copper ring on here still probably yep there.

She is and then well that's still flowing out we're gon na get some of the schmutz off it. I'm gon na get a dog and i'm gon na name him schmutzy. My next dog, it's gon na be its name. Little schmutzy make sure we get the schmo off.

That's been flattened out here just using the file, because that's what we have in our hands. You do it well, the fluids flowing out. It keeps all the junk from going in the caliper here, we'll take our banjo bolt and a couple new copper washers one on the inside one on the outside line, her up just like so once we get it there. We're going to snug her up a little bit then we'll get our torque wrench.

Obviously, and then torque this down the factory specs come back double check the torque on our brake line, nut there all right. We got that one. What we should have done about five minutes ago is to see if the bleeder will come loose. It does look pretty good shape, so i'm not too concerned, but i'm a little concerned but not real concerned concerned.
I didn't grab the right size, but i did boom. She opens that's good, so we'll leave that, like that, i'm gon na go pop the other side on. I need you, okay, okay, please and thank you. That's super goodness! I'm gon na double dip.

Okay, i'm double dipping that one's gon na fall. This is so good. I love working here. It's not so much like the people or the cars or that pays our bills.

It's mostly the cooking. I'm pretty sure. That's why this guy hangs around here, not so much the people or the paycheck, mostly the food. What do you think luna huh? Is that right, kitty kitty? Yes, are you ready there miss, though so we got both uh well now, when we're gon na push down there old girl, uh just go like three quarters away: ready down up.

Okay, just keep pumping it. Like that, i'm not feeling push my finger off, i'm wondering if this bleeder is plugged up. Ah just a second arrow girl uh go down. Usually, if you just hold your finger over it, the brake pressure will push it off down yeah it's puffing up, but this can be a bad way to do it too, because i can pull air past the threads down.

Let me get close up down up down up. That's an awful lot of air down up down up down up down up down up just keep doing that cycle there we go. You see how the fluid is coming out now, so we just hold our finger over that and it works like a little check valve the brake pressure, overcomes our finger pressure squirts out and then, when she lets off the brake, it stops so have a quick and Dirty way to get some fluid up here: okay, just a minute so now that she's off the brakes, we're gon na take and close it and we'll do it the conventional way. Here, let's go get the other side started.

That's good! Go ahead and pump them up there old girl, they start to get a little firmer. Okay, go ahead and hold down up down up down. Go ahead. Let up turn your wheels to the right down all right.

One more time run up down what up. Thanks for all that, you do miss, though yeah thanks for cooking for us and loving on us mm-hmm, all my personalities, yeah. You said we. Yes, the people, the people yeah the youtube people, you love, you don't tell them you, don't love them.

They'll! Never! Watch this again, i don't love them. Like i love you, i know that's special, that's it baby and that's that folks, uh just go through and clean off the brake fluid put the caps back on the bleeders get up there pump them up good double check. All your fittings, you know at the both ends of the hose connections, make sure they're good and that's it put the wheels on torque them down. Take it for a shake, and you know, call lady and ship it.

So this is one of many design flaws that could be potentially fatal, given the right circumstances, uh there's a lot of stuff that could be particularly when it comes to corrosion. Unfortunately, this one is kind of worse than some others, because it remains hidden. You know it's behind that rubber sleeve and at a glance you don't see it. You have to know it's a design flaw and you have to go after it.
You know it's similar to uh like the rubber. You know, dampener that honda puts on their axle shafts. You know rocher it out underneath that thing looks like a million dollars till it breaks in half, and you know very similar situation here at a glance walking by even do a train die. You look at it like yeah, but i mean it appears.

Fine until you cut it open and see the inside a little bit like our hearts, they could be. Hopefully, your heart's good and you'll go down there. In that comment, section leave us a comment, a question: a concern layer down there, the instinct, the facebook. You guys know what to do and just remember.

If i can do it, you can do it thanks for watching.

By EricO

12 thoughts on “Drive a dodge caravan? check this out!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Scooter Tramp says:

    The simple reason they use salt over sand for icy roads is cost. Salt is less than half the price of coarse sand. And then there are the costs of picking the sand up come spring and disposing of it. I live in an area where we still use sand with some salt added because it is a little more reasonable cost wise because we have plenty of it available for the asking. Also, the salt will melt the ice and then refreezes which retains the sand giving a pretty fair road surface.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gina Miller says:

    Weโ€™ve got a 10 year old Caravan and live in the rust belt of Wisconsin. Iโ€™m glad I saw this, going to check our lines asap. Thanks SMA!! ๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ‘

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SON OF MONTEZUMA says:

    Funny I bought a 2005 grand caravan out 450,000 miles 2 water pumps 2 radiators 3 sets of plugs , 1 alternator, and 2 fan belts, ton of oil changes at 3,500 with mobile oil. She was a trooper then it happened the chain let go and I shipped to the recycling center(used car lot) mines was a fine automobile best car I ever owned and till the day she snapped the chain the original factory a/c was kicking strong

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars G M says:

    Just replaced both CV's on my mom's Honda Accord. Rusted in half under the dampener. The replacements omit the dampener.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars localcrew says:

    My โ€˜04 Ram 1500 has brake line corrosion right where the protective coils stop on the hard lines up front. Had to replace two of them. And now that you ask about heart health โ€” I just had a stent put into one of my coronary arteries. Gotta watch that cholesterol!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Doug Jones says:

    I find if the bleeder has a rubber cap they usually open. I let one side gravity bleed while I change the other hose.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Too-old Forthischet says:

    Last Chrysler product I bought was a 1979 vehicle, but then it was a re-badged Mitsubishi, and yes, it was a dog.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mike thompson says:

    So many years ago I was at a shop and a tech was driving a customer car into the shop, I thought to fast, shop was 12 bays all openings on same side, the guy hit the 4 post lift, totaled the car, wrecked the lift and he said it had no brakes, Well the service writer put on a full sheet of paper on the left door window, the windshield, and stuck one on Steering wheel Stating NO BRAKES! guess the guy couldn't read, but you took it as you should, i was repairing a Tire balancer, and laughed my self silly we everybody went to the crash site and read the signs.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars William Sevier says:

    They used to use sand here in Idaho for decades, then recently they went to that liquid deicer crap, then they went to salt….yuck to both the latter…never had any issues with sand, and at the end of snow season they could go out and clean up the sand and use it again the next year….tons of hills around here that are nothing but sand.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steve Murray says:

    Pray for more global warming man made or natural who cares? CO2 is the molecule of life anyways if they still teach about photosynthesis in high school.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jimmy S says:

    I will keep this in my mind to check these if they come into my work. We got an 2002 one that comes in all the time but that one is really rusted out and the bosses will not allow anyone to use a 2 post lift on it since its that badly rusted out.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars zigz0911 says:

    It amazes me with all the gubment nannies, they haven't made auto makers use stainless or copper alloy for brake lines…

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