In this vide I help a customer out by replacing the fuel pump in their C5 Chevy Corvette Z06. Pretty simple job really and a pretty interesting tank set up. -Enjoy!
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Hey there, viewers welcome back to the south main auto channel, got our 2002 chevrolet. It's a corvette. It's a big z06 a whole whopping 405, each piece almost as much as a modern-day minivan. It has a bad fuel pump, no fuel pressure.

We had to push it in it'll, barely run, it almost run at an idle has almost no fuel pressure whatsoever, fuel pumps screaming it's a little hard out back there, so either there is a problem uh in the pump itself, uh or in the transfer system. It's got kind of a funny monkey business transfer system, two separate tanks, no transfer pump in the other tank. However, it uses some kind of siphon system. Uh was kind of reading about on service data.

Long story short: we got to get to its jiggly bits to be for certain and then see what's going on, but i'm pretty certain we're going to need a pump. The smell is strong. With this one smells a little skunky. The guy told me he blasted a skunk on the way here with it and it is pungent to say the least uh.

So she split up here, we got transmission differential assembly here left tank right tank. The electronic component should be here in the left tank. That's what we need to get to so it looks like it has this skid plate on it. Hopefully this is not what also holds the thinking, otherwise we're going to get a big surprise, so we probably should find that out first or we can just keep taking stuff apart and see if it's the floor, hopefully not.

We don't want to hit the floor um, but i'm gon na have a little look up in there. I might get an extension. We're probably gon na end up looking at service data, anyways uh i've got a new fuel filter, slash regulator for it also insanely expensive stuff from gm uh. I mean like uh over a hundred dollars for the little fuel filter, but, like my dad, always told me, you're gon na play you're gon na pay.

I can't be holding the tank in right, fella, there's a strap up in there. We better get a light nope that appears to be what holds the gas tanker. That's box, candies handy, but here it is handy handy is that's the only nice thing people say on youtube: uh, let's peel off this 10 ml on the back. I don't know if that's going to give us any room, it seemed like you know this.

Guy spent 500 a month on factory service data, he'd use it instead of guessing, but who am i yeah baby? So it looks like our pump is right here. Wait that candy that's pretty handy gm, except for the fact that i think it's got quite a bit of gas in it. So a good chance we're gon na make a tidbit of a mess um like i said, it's kind of a weird system, ooh that felt funny. I don't like sticking myself.

Oh okay, it's just dirt. Sometimes stuff surprises. Stick your fingers where they shouldn't be um yeah. It's kind of a funny system.

It sounds like it uses a bit of a venturi effect from this pump over to this tank over here to create uh. You know a high pressure, low pressure situation to equalize the tanks uh. I didn't read into it too heavily because my thought was is i could pull this thing out and kind of deadhead it. But i mean this thing is screaming it's screaming like either a it can't build pressure or b.
You know that tank's empty is empty um, which it doesn't feel like. It is. Let me set you down just because we're cracking loose here i mean it feels pretty stout. It feels like it has fuel in it.

Um i'm curious. Let's look at our new pump, so i got a new pump here right from the man all the way from mainland china, the chevrolet pump. I haven't even looked at yet: let's have a gander, your classic one, nine or four, two one: zero, nine or three. Let's have a look just like christmas: there, it is that's what 700 looks like huh wow there.

She is going all the way from the mainland, the fuel pump that must go in. It's got to go in this way. All right, let me have a look-see. Ah, i am right for once in my life i just figured it went that way, because that's the way the floaty float works and then this must articulate a little bit like that.

So uh kind of odd that gm built this one out of stainless steel uh, where it has about a zero percent chance of rusting uh a because these cars are never driven into salt b, because it's in a good location uh. How about applying this? To your chevrolet truck there, general motors, so if that's what that looks like, i was just curious what it looked like, because do we really have to let the tank down all the way or can we set it down a little bit, pull that out? Let it hit the floor and do what we got to do that's my question. This is the return must be from the other tank, because you can see that one just comes into no man's land and then this must be the pressure. This must be a return of some sort too, because i think did they say something or maybe this is the i will have to look.

This could be the other line that sends the high pressure over to the other tank to start to create the venturi to pull back through. Here i would have to look at ethereum operation, but perhaps that's it uh. We can always tell by where the hoses go. Who goes where? Who does what? Okay, let's get busy yeah? I thought she might hang there uh.

You know i'm still hooked up with the tube that goes tank tank curious here, get this little guy right out of the way. Let's do that got some sticky pads on the bottom of the tank. Stick: stick this on the ground and then now we're trying to support the tank um we're gon na take and unhook the fuel lines here, unhook the electrical connector! There's all that all that jazz. Let's see! If we can let her down a little all right, whoa fella, i'm wondering if you know once we cut this baby loose.

If we can give her one of those uh, i say we go get some buckets. Let's clean this off, get some buckets, because if we don't have to fiddle with all the crap up there to let the tank down completely, why would we you know we're just going to crack this loose? I mean i assume we're not talking about a lack of fuel simply because it's coming out one of the pipes here, but we're just going to crack it loose ever so slightly. So we can start getting it to dribble, because whether we end up taking the tank out all the way or not, it's gon na be nice to have it empty. I played my cards right.
This should all end up in my armpits, my gosh, that's right, although it's not the way, it works a little snap monday morning, all right there you go see, that's how it starts runs down the arm. We're gon na take these bottom ones out all the way. Uh not a good point to be using your brushed, uh brush type cord, cordless tools, i know guys, are big advocates of those. Let me stick that on the cart.

Please, when you're working around petrol, as they say across the pond, the sparks that come from your cordless tools are typically not a good idea, don't rule. So these are pretty unique. These have a ceiling washer on them a little loctite. Oh yeah.

She got some petrol in there. Uh go, get some flat head screwdriver. Would you josh my driver? Sorry loose knees up a little bit, don't get off silly with this, because when the sh tf, that means when the sugar hits the fan, you want to be ready. You go ahead and hold the buck up.

There josh. I don't know how much you're going to get out of there. Young man but we're gon na see man. Now it's going in my armpits right down the screwdriver shaft.

Aren't you if that's getting heavy, you want to swap buckets. Let me know: let's go ready, okay, pump kind of down on the side like this, the older grand marquis, all right, beautiful yeah. Let's see i'm gon na set these down this baby come out. Probably not there's probably some silly thing that we got: let's take it there, the gasket that thing's got just enough room to squeak out of here, but i don't know about the fuel level sensor.

White gm was pretty proud of this thing here. Let's see think i can just pop the arm off and get it out, but come on holy smokes there we go. Obviously it's not how we're gon na put it back together. I don't believe because i'm just gon na go and drop it down inside the tank and the baby is born.

Don't let that flick in the face yeah, all right, so that's out of there. Let me get the uh our floater stupid. I got ta get something to get the flow out. Okay, yep now it's cranking the opposite way, all right, yeah! So not much! I just try it again, that's good! So i see the gasket here has an l on one side and r on the other.

So must be the same same gasket. You must just have to flip it from the left side to the right side. Well, service data is about as useful as tits on a bowl. It says to be careful not to bend the arm and it may need to be twisted to be installed so super helpful about three pages on the cautions of gasoline, but no real help.
As far as installation says, the unit may need to be rotated, so we're going to see if we can't rotate it in there. It is going to be snug. As a mother lover, i tell you we're going to. We can only rotate it certain directions.

The thing is, you know it feels kind of springy and i don't know, are we hanging up on the fuel level sensor rod or is it the giant filter that we're putting there? I'm gon na say it's this fuel level sensor, because that thing is tweaking super hard. Okay, that's not too bad right there. Oh, that's a lot of pissing and moaning for something that slid right in you ever do that josh yeah sit there and and complain about something and all of a sudden they're. Just like.

Oh that wasn't really that bad. I think it helps. Sometimes it does. Yes, if you just cut loose on something someday too it's i don't know if it really helps, but that's always tells me it doesn't like did that.

Did that solve anything she'll say stay out of it. Woman it made me feel better. Okay, yeah yeah. It makes you feel better launch a few tools.

Make up some new swear words, yeah yeah, fun times good times be a mechanic, they said absolutely uh, they did say what did they say. Just wan na make sure everything feels right on the fuel sending unit here. Fuel center there is a flat mark which indicates it is level uh or the way in which it goes in and also on the gasket. Here there is a small nipple that lines up with that line.

Um, i don't know, is if you could really put it in in any other direction, because it only fits one way the holes are not equally spaced, so you really can't mess it up. So the nipple on the gasket and the line and the fuel level sensor are irrelevant because it only goes one way got some screws there. However, some engineer thought that he was doing a real stroke at genius. By saying you must line up the line with the black nipple and tank.

However, it is the only way it will ever fit, but hey whatever. He makes a lot more money than i do transfer these from the other pump. These are just the retainers all right. We won't hook them up yet until we jack it up.

Welcome to the south main auto fuel pump flow and test bench. Uh i've tapped into the positive side of the pump. We've got our ground up on the sending unit. It's submerged in an eco-friendly viscous fluid and we hook it up and she's barely peter in there.

Folks that's deadheaded, and it certainly is not. You know: 60 psi yeah i mean you can easily hold it back with your finger. We could stick a gauge on it, but i would reckon about uh seven pounds. We can go, get a gauge and it's got a low pressure gauge because we don't think we're gon na need anything high pressure, oh she's, pegging out, guess we're gon na need some higher pressure.

You can't wash your hands in the middle of my experience here. Good, don't hook that negative. If you would please all right, let's stick with this see. If i keep this whole mess together, go ahead and hook it back up.
Gosh whoops, crap you're, really messing up my life jack. Am i yeah okay here unhook gears for a second? It's quite cheery: that's not gas! You smell honey! Okay, go ahead hook that back up josh we're just experimenting showing people. This is a touch bench, so she's dead-headed at 20. One psi so see, i'm right! Okay, now we got ta: okay josh we got ta, get rid of all this environmentally friendly viscous fluid that we're using here our dispatch now in coordinates with epa and federal laws.

What's up, mr though hey such a good woman, are you cooking us? It's kind of like glass kind of like a goulash, oh roulasha, the kalin is that poor innocent baby beer over there is that a foreign baby cow. Oh that's here, poor baby, beer, yeah! Oh, that makes you feel hungry all right, good woman. So we started working on this chevrolet out here a couple hours ago. Was it done no? Well, let's see.

Where do i begin? Well, i would say you should be at the end all right. Well, we got ta go finish. How long before dinner i can smell. It out here cooking, not long all right, you holler back at me, girl.

That is the way the cookie crumbles today. Folks, i don't know what time we started this. I know it was a while ago uh, but since i've started to put this thing in, we had to stop, take a break and we had to fix the tire for. Ladies and then we had to program a fuel pokemon, gmc yukon, and then we had to add another lady stopped by with their lincoln town car.

Our trunk was closed and we had to replace the had the automatic, closing, opening and closing trunk automatic, not just power. Cinch power, you know open and close uh, so i checked out for yesterday. I had to order a new latch for it, so that came inside i'll put that in real quick like a little bunny, and then i was just oh and then another lady came in with her chevrolet malibu and uh. We had to uh take out her drive because she hit a big pothole and she was really nervous and scared, and she had to go pick up her baby and she didn't even dare drive it until.

I drove it and told her that it was okay to drive. So that's what i did. I drove it today, lady, it's okay to drive, she says: are you sure it's not really, but so she's gon na come back and see me tomorrow. We're gon na pick.

It up on the air pick it up in the air and see uh. If everything looks okay, i took it for a drive got her up to about 85. Everything felt smooth she just she's a nervous nelly. This lady is her name's, not really nelly, but you know smells like skunk, not the green, sticky kind, either the black and white guy, the nasty kind, very gingerly, all your bolts before you go get the torque wrench, we'll just make sure those are kind of lightly.
Snugged up and then we'll go, get a torque wrench. We will torque down the fuel level, sending unit we'll torque down all this stuff, we'll torque all the gas lines and uh before we do all that, though, let's change the filter here, so our gas filter hides up here. We've got a couple lines on the back side, one in the front. I've got the new one right from chevrolet.

Uh came right from the mainland, china, as trump would say: uh has the bracket. It's got, the grounded braided strap on. It got some minis indian audis. That's an audi, that's an innie! That's a return! Fancy okay, uh insanely expensive for what it is uh.

I believe i believe that it comes with a couple little clips, so it's got these little clippy doodads with it warning fuel system. Pressurized fire hazard filter should be changed by a trained mechanic. Final manufacturer instructions release fuel system pressure before servicing check, step. One check come up in there with our 10 mil thought.

We had a cordless ratchet, go, find it get the nut off and then elsa we're gon na need a pair of the needle nose type pliers because we're going to reach up in there and push them little clips down in order to release those fuel lines. Let's get that, let's see, can i get this situated where you can't see anything perfect, perfect, all right when you're good, you're good? Let me move it so you can see. I don't want to be at your quad. Can you see now nope, but not as bad as it was it's not as good as it once was, but it's better than it ever was it's like a country song, there's that they're different size lines, so you can't screw this up.

I mean you can screw it up. Anything can get screwed up, but technically you shouldn't be able to stick the line in the wrong hole. So we push the clips together. Unhooking those come up here, get off the bracket.

We're going to take our 3 8 quick disconnect tool, push push push push it in the hole: okay, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, ah right in the eye. Ah, you guys are always warning me um and they got me but good news is you get gas in your eye? It doesn't last long uh, so there's the old filter i'm going to set that down before i get it right. Yeah yeah we'll set it down. There seems like a good spot for it.

So now we'll take our new filter click on those little guys and you can elect to stick them on the filter or in the fittings themselves. Either way is fine, but we're going to come back up in take the fixed line, so the hard pipe stick it in. So you feel it click. Let me stick my hand up here.

Push push push. Ah there she goes. She clicked right. There sticking on the stud, the threaded stud after that and then we're going to realign our fuel lines here.

Push wiggle wiggle push. So what we're gon na do is we're gon na go to plan b come on baby, why you got ta be like that. Let's see so we're gon na take our little plastic doodads here our retainers and we're going to stick them in the actual line themselves, because everybody in the comments like bro, you can't stick them on the filter. Typically, you can there that one just made it easier.
This one we're going to leave right on the filter, push push darn through that tab. Without there we go she's clear, go answer your phone hallelujah, so now that we just did the entire process, where you could not see i'll get you up here. So we got ta tighten down that uh nut like i was saying you got ta unhook the unhook, these two little guys first squeeze the little ears with a pair of pliers and then it'll pull right off and then uh. You know, use a quick disconnect tool.

There, which looks like this little tool right here, it's your standard uh, you know just 3 8 quick, disconnect tool goes on the line up here right up here. Where you couldn't see. Okay, you push push push push you stick it in there all the way until it hits the bottom and that will release the fingers releasing the hard pipe from inside the filter. All right, we got ta torque that bolt down lightly and then get the torque specs for it.

We got that very gingerly snugged up until we can get the specs now we need to refill it through the gas hole. Get this baby cranking through its double filtration device. I think we only took out about four gallons, at least out of this half so like imagine, it's only half the capacity of what carry. I assume there's another four gallons on the other side, but i also don't ever claim to know anything so could be wrong, but we're going to put in just enough to make sure it runs make sure our fuel level sensor is not stuck somewhere.

As you know, what i'm saying you know, i hate to put a whole bunch of gas in it and find out that it's stuck on empty or something or full, rather somewhere in between got some leaf litter. Let's see this got the old uh millennial, anti-theft device. Here in the middle she's, a three pedal system: let's turn the key on. I can't even hear that fuel pump makes me wonder if it's working cycling the key a couple times here, all right - baby, oh chevy, thunder! Well.

She wouldn't do that before. So that's a good sign all right, fantastic, all right! Let's get these windows up here. Folks, our gas gauge is slightly over a quarter. Less than half it's gon na take a minute that stay.

I've got the rest of the fuel pumped in there before we had to. We could barely idle this thing in the shop come on baby. I don't want to push you in. So you got no fuel pressure.

Come on come on old girl. You can do it. Come on baby, oh you pos, where's, reverse there. We go that's backwards gear, so we're gon na take a pair of shake.

I don't know how the old tripod on the seat's gon na work - probably not real good, especially with all the hps on this little guy, and it's a stick shift. Wait for this car to come here. She's noisy i'll. Tell you that chevy thunder at least we're driving something with some chevy thunder, finally, foreign.
So all right folks, that's that uh replacing the fuel pump and filter on your 2002 chevrolet uh. It's the corvette, the z06 with the 400 hps uh in the weird little shifter and uh. That's it nothing more to say pretty easy job. Uh didn't really see it necessary to drop the entire tank unless you're dealing, maybe with some kind of contamination, and you wanted to clean it all out, even though that was actually pretty doable uh.

Where it was, i mean this is a job you could do. You know rolling around in the mud, the blood and the beer in the driveway on a piece of cardboard. Don't see why not, i kind of rather like that design of the fuel pump. I wish gm made the hole a little bit bigger to allow a little bit easier fitment of the sending unit.

You know why we have to have you know a thousandth of an inch clearance to you know get the pump in there is beyond me, but then again i'm not an engineer, but one thing is not is beyond me that i hope is not beyond you. That is to go into that comment section. The questions, the comments, the concerns, the instinct, the facebook and just for my reviewers. If i can do it, you can do it thanks for watching.

By EricO

9 thoughts on “Chevrolet Corvette C5 Z06: Fuel Pump Replacement”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PapaPriggs says:

    I'm going through some fuel issues with my 2003 Z06. I believe my problem is likely 2-fold. I think my fuel pump is probably doing something similar to this one (just not as bad) and I believe my "jet siphon pump" is bad which creates a delta between the two tanks and causes the car to essentially 'run out of gas' even though there is about a half tank left when it does it. Have you had any experience with changing this out?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tony M says:

    Hello , I have 92 corvette, the history is I just bought it from the second owner who had it 5 yrs but has not driven it in 2 due to medical reasons…in really good shape. I test drove it twice and no problems that I noticed. But here are some issues I have and need an opinion before I start … 1) the number 2 fan comes on when you turn on the ignition…I read that it should only come on when it gets to about 220 or when AC is on… 2) When I start it the main fan (drivers side) comes on in 5 seconds..I also read that it should not come on till about 180….Also they both stay on with or without the AC on..very confusing. 3) I just took it out for a 30 minute drive and came back home because the temp climbed to 235 and stayed…with 2 fans continuously running it is still 235…took it home and shut it down…just found a video and will cleaned the radiator area … that seemed to work because I drove it for 30 minutes and never got over 200…its the fan thing now. I have read that many people that have these C4's wire them different to control the number 2 fan but mine looks like all original wiring Any thoughts. Thanks

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jayjay nella says:

    The engineer did not do the job properly. If the fuel pump has been slightly longer, you would have had to drop the rear subframe completely to insert the pump. A few years ago on my Holden wagon, the pump died just after I filled up the tank.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Art Houston says:

    Eric, that style of transfer pump is similar to the design used on the Lear 35a that I flew after leaving the auto repair world. The pressurized liquid flows through a venturi, creating a low pressure, and the liquid in the tank flows into the device to fill that low pressure. It saves on weight and never fails, because it has no moving parts.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rein Ciarfella says:

    Next time just remove the exhaust so we can see what you’re doing. That’s easy, right? 😂 Anyhow, thanks for taking us along for “the shake” – that’s only the second time I’ve ever ridden in a Vette. The last time was 1969, when I experienced for the first time in my life getting shoved back into the seat when the pedal went to the metal. Back then I could have bought brand new the 427 with the cool hood scoop for just under $7K. 👍🔧🧰🚗

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Prevost says:

    I’m trying to get various opinions concerning the role of post-converter oxygen sensors. Some say they serve no role other than monitoring the catalytic converter’s efficiency while others say that they can change the fuel mixture. This has been a debate for about as long as post converter oxygen sensors have been on vehicles. I’ve been a technician for almost 30 years and I don’t have the answer but sure would like to know.
    As for GM, American tax dollars bailed them out only for them to produce as much of their garbage as possible from a Communist country. Hell will freeze over and Satan will be selling snowcones before I will ever buy their products again.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jimmy aber says:

    Ejector pump. Pump fuel from the always wet side over to the side with main pump. The ejector device is a venturi and if there is fuel to pick up then that fuel goes over to main side. If that side is dry then the fuel comes back aerated. You can't use an electric pump directly suctioning since those can't survive running dry when that side goes empty.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars j christensen says:

    Designer: makes a complicted automatic fuel switching system. All this to avoid putting in a second pump at a cost to gm of maybe 25 bucks?
    About those plastic hose clamps: They do not need a tool for install, so nothind wrong with destroying the old one when you have a new connector and cannot find the removal tool.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mario Saccoccio says:

    "… So you can't screw this up…"
    Oh, yeah fella?
    For every fool proof plan, there's a fool to screw it up!
    I've seen the round GM distributor rotor (points & HEI design, you know, with the round & square plugs to fit the same holes) be installed backwards!

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