In this video I bring you along as I knock out the rear pads and rotors on an old Cadillac Escalade (Chevy Tahoe) I might even share a few tips and tricks along the way.
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And here we go again folks: the o5 cadillac escalade, the big six. So we already did the fronts we're doing the rears, wow. Ah rookie mistake, taking that top one out. All the way looks like we'll come around and catch in the chin with the bottom bolts.

Tight and she is we're gon na - have to hold that in her pin with the sixteen man there we go. That's using your noodle kid pry, this baby up just a little bit just enough, so we get a screwdriver in there. These ones utilize a piece of brake hardware in the middle of the caliper, but you can still get out here on the outside edge. Now, don't just go prying it off you'll break the pistons, so you got to get the distance to push in ever so slightly.

Prior to just ripping it off right, cal pins on the other side of this vehicle were locked up tighter than tight, so i'd smoke the pads off the other side. This side still has a mile or two left on it, not many, but one or two. The other side has some ripped boots, so i had to call down in that first. I asked him to sponsor a second.

I asked him if they had the boots and they do, but they said it's gon na be a while. So this side, here's pads, are all cracked up kind of interesting. You don't see. Pads cracking too often looks like the advanced, auto platinums.

If they had to ask me hardware, is all busted up, not a biggie, it's all getting replaced anyways. So let's get this bracket off here now it's going to take an 18 and you're gon na want a long one, because those babies are usually tight. Tiger type get our socket back so looks like the old snap-on ratchet's coming apart there we're about to get caught right in the teeth. We don't tighten that up she's only holding them by a thread or so there folks danger danger.

So there's our bread want to make sure our uh cable is fully released and then we're going to gently start massaging the rotor. You can't get to the brake star wheel, adjuster for the counter, the caliper for the parking brakes, because you have to get the rotor off. First, it's an ingenious design. Gm came up with fantastic, not really it's actually one of the crappiest designs on the market.

So so, typically going around the edge of the old air hammer you can get. It started over the shoe because there's going to be a huge rust ridge inside of this, usually you can get it started. Then you just kind of massage it gently from four different spots and off she comes not today, baby we're gon na see. If we can't put just a smidge of pressure on it, we're not gon na go crazy.

I don't want to destroy the backing plate and the parking brake shoes and rip everything apart. I just want to see if i put a little tension on it and then vibrate it usually once you get it started up over the top we're good. The other side had to whack at it for a little while, but we're going to put just a little tension on it and then we'll vibrate it a little bit to see if we can get the shoes to release now. They're still hanging on tight hang on a toy.
What are we gon na? Do there, mr o? What are you gon na do poking out baby? Keep your tootsies out of the way stupid piece of crap gm. So so let me tell you i'd like to meet the gm that came up with this abortion and tell them it's time to come here and be like here. You take your rotor off your dips and tell me why you thought that was a good idea here. Let's put an adjuster and make it so nobody can get to it.

Okay, we're not gon na lie. I got no idea where we left off. I think we were beating the rotor off methadone came out, told me. Lunch was ready and now it's almost three o'clock in the afternoon.

So something happened in the meantime. But what i did do, if you guys saw part one, because we have a little time work on this vehicle will be sandblasted out of the bracket, and i give them a little spritz of the rust-oleum that has superior coverage and durability. Uh, the pins were all cruddy and nasty. I took them out, we cleaned out those holes or i cleaned them out rather and then blew them out with some brake, cleaner, make sure everything's good.

Now we were waiting on napper to show up, because on the other side, when i tore that apart, i noticed the boots were torn up over there. That side was in a little worse condition this side. So now we've got we've got these here. Napa showed up completely unwilling to sponsor us at this point, but that's fine.

We don't need them. So there's that we're gon na take. We need to put a little lube around where the rubber goes on here. That's gon na keep it from getting all rusty, crappy there and then we're going to lube up our pins, because these will have a tendency to get rusted up around that lip.

Where the rubber goes, then we're going to lube up our pin we'll make sure. That's all good and happy. Everybody feels happy there. We'll do the other one same same thing make sure we get a little bit of lube around the outside.

Of that lip get some lube on that lip man it'll go like this put it in. Oh. That feels great now, we've got our brand new rubbers here, we'll click them bad boys on uh, like so run that down in too slippery to get a hold of ah give up click that one on there clean up the excess and she goes wipe off our Patties and there it is, i just want to make darn sure that it gripped a hold of it same thing on this side, you want to make sure it landed in the groove of the pin. You know what i mean.

You want to make sure that the rubber is in the groove. Let's see, ah can't go ding dong. There we go, they got a little bit of a vacuum on it, but you want to make sure that it's stuck on the pin push it in make sure that folds back around how it should same thing with this side here and the best way to make Sure that the lube is distributed around that there is just to give them a little spin and that should keep that from getting all rusty and crusty. So, anyhow, that's done.
Let's go find us some brake pads, we'll drink our cream in our coffee and uh. Move on got some pads same thing that we did on the front if you've missed that video make sure you go check that out it's as lame as every other brake job. Video we've ever done so so well. These are gon na hit the floor.

You know what i think we're gon na be smart. We're not even gon na put these in because they're so slippery that we need to install this on the wheel on the hub. On the bracket on the rear axle before we put our pads in prior to doing that, though, we need to come down to the infamous star wheel, because that's the only nice thing to call it. Let's see we got some light.

We want to make sure it works okay and it does it's a stupid, stupid design. I think we've already said that, probably a few times absolutely ridiculous. We need to move it back. Oh my carpal tunnel, so freaking bad in that hand today i can't use it so let's try this spinner backwards.

Well, i just want to make sure it's backed off all the way and then leave it backed off. Okay, we'll give her one click forward for good measure prior to putting this all together, make darn two and like a parking, brake cable works in this case. It does i'll, go activate it for you, so you can see it all right see how that worked, but eric. Oh, it only popped out on one side when the shoes on i don't know.

If it did, it probably only popped out on one side. It's going to take the pass with least resistance, but when the rotor's on and the drums on it one side's going to hit, then it's going to push the other side. If that makes sense to you, if it doesn't, you just got to trust me. We're gon na find out.

Oh she slips on nicely. Oh, i really wan na adjust that parking brake. I know i have to because it's my duty - and i told you not to, but this is one of those do. As i say, not as i do things, i have an obligation to my customer that when it leaves and i'm doing a brake job on the back, that the parking brake will work and design as function.

But i really don't want to adjust it. But we have to so i'm going to take and start cranking out the star wheel here today. I'm gon na be really bad at myself. I think that's, probably gon na be good right there.

I can hear it just touching, so we're gon na leave it there. What was i going to tell you, i don't know, make something i'll make something up if you want to have a better success rate at getting your rotor off prior to bringing your vehicle in if your parking brake works, take it for a ride, set your cruise At like 35 to be safe or 60, if you want to look dangerous and then cycle, your parking brake as you're driving and hopefully burn some of the rust and crap out of the inside of the rotor prior to trying to beat it off like what we Did if that makes sense uh, but only do that if you got some common sense, otherwise you could be going for one heck of a ride. Maybe so we're gon na get some oh get some and before we stick this on we're gon na take and wipe out the inner portion of the drum here here in new york, usually parking brakes get used once and that is for inspection unless you're crazy. Like me, if you use it every time, you park not everybody's that crazy, though a little bit of the film keeper gets rusty.
Crusty that hub face was super clean. I don't know if you guys saw that this whole truck's super clean. The things that go on all the way forward - that's not going to work. It's not going to work like it does in your mind, nope you're, going to take it all the way back off, get a spacer axle.

Nut works great for spacers there we go just to hold that on there. I don't think it's going anywhere. Last thing you want to do is have a rotor jump off on you. Okay, we've got our bolts that are locked taut.

Let's stick up our bracket, usually we'd have the pads in it, but the pads are kind of slippery on this little guy. So we're gon na stick this up here. We're gon na get this torqued down factory, specs, hmm! So so! There's now we can slip in our pads, we'll slip this one in right from the back just like that. Tell us slip this one in from the front just like that they should move nice and free, which we know that these do.

Let's uh get working on the caliper here. Mother lover should have done this about 18 steps ago, but, like i say somehow, i got sidetracked. Imagine that about 13 different things going on today, we're gon na depress the piston here. Are we depressing it or compressing it? Well, i got some crappy video going on there.

I'll tell you that looks like there's an angel lighting's. A funny thing with the camera looks great. Irl looks terrible on the camera. Can i just say iro.

So where are my 14.? What we're gon na do problem solve no light. We're gon na take pop this little guy out of there. It's part of our hardware pay attention how it goes in or you'll never get it in the right way. It only goes in one of two ways: you got a 50 50 chance it actually pretty clean up through there.

We're gon na stick our brake hardware back in here, so that baby's in all right now we're gon na get a little bit of lube all right. Yeah, this little guy right here we're going to lube this baby up in here. I thought it was starting to warm up in here. What's up, mrs though um i just told the people, it was like four o'clock in the afternoon making it sound like.

I was busy now you just blew my whole cover. Actually i think i told him it was three. Maybe i was contemplating in my headline to him and telling him it was four. Why would you do that? I don't know to make them think that i was really productive and run a busy shop when in reality i was probably drinking coffee flirting with you did.
I do that remember yesterday i was so flirty with you. I wasn't. I needed you wow every day. I do i kind of kissed it he's so pretty um you're distracting me now.

Are you gon na look at them? You bet i am okay. I got ta go for bolts, black top already, stick them right there. I think we already showed on the video how to compress and clean that little guy, which we already did it'd, be interesting to see how this video comes together. I just had to look at a this poor girl.

This young young lady came in. Probably i don't know: 17 18 years old saving up her whole life bought her first car from a local dealer. Ford, taurus, 2010 used high mileage thing looks like a million bucks on the outside i mean shiny, clean inside is shiny and clean and smells good nice. Looking car can't put it on the lift, because there's absolutely nothing and by nothing i mean nothing left to the bottom of this car daniel.

I'm the second shot to tell her that the dealer refuses to give her her money back. The nice part is, though, it's their inspection sticker on it. So i gave her a fancy, little phone number to call and now that dealership can kiss her state inspection license to buy and give her her money too bad. I don't know why these car dealers got ta, be like that, like whatever not my problem, but i did tell her that if they were still refuse to give her money back to bring the car back, we'll make a spectacle out of them on the internet.

It'll be a lot of fun and they should pretty much sink them at that point, i know which dealership it was at. They already have a pretty bad reputation as it is so i just hope it ends well for, and we don't have to do that. There they're torqued caliper moves nicely uh. This bad boy is done, i'm going to bang out the other side, real, quick and we're going to move on, make sure the parking brake functions and all that stuff and we've got more to do on this vehicle.

So we're not gon na take it for a two, but if this is your car and you're all done with it pump up that pedal about two-thirds pushes until it gets nice and stiff make sure your brake fluid is full step 37 put your wheel on torque. It and then go out and burnish in your brake pads in accordance to the service manual, and that's that folks, that's not all that. What i need you to do is go in that comment. Section leave me your comments, your questions, your concerns make sure you subscribe because there's more videos coming up on the old toyota here, not a toyota cadillac, losing my mind.

Anyhow, just remember viewers. If i can do it, you can do it thanks for watching.

By EricO

12 thoughts on “Cadillac escalade chevy tahoe : rear brake job”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MRK says:

    have done plenty of the tahoe brakes (police fleet) love that rear rotor set up….. And I never skip leg day LOL

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MikeWoo says:

    Great as always Mr. O .Video posted just a little while ago 875 views, but only 146 likes. Come on people you can do better then that!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Richard Thomas says:

    OMG I feel sorry for the young lady that got shafted at the stealership.. I hope that she does not hesitate to contact the Better Business Bureau, or her States Attorney generals Office , New York Motor Vehicle Inspector. I wish you the best young lady , do not give up and keep calling and talking to anybody that will listen to you.. Thanks for helping her Eric.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jw '46 says:

    Every time I watch one of you young guys doing stuff, I wonder how much less scar tissue I'd have if I'd had access to all the electric and pneumatic tools you all have. Prolly less arthritis, too.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MoutainMan3000 says:

    I feel like GM engineers are specifically tested and hired for their ability to make crap that is difficult to work on.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Richard Thomas says:

    Do you use any coated brake rotors? There is a huge difference in how long they last. I have been using the Geomet coated rotors, I hate using anything else now.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Project Zero says:

    I hope that one day when Eric O retires (if he ever does) he makes some teaching courses that are used in school. I've learned a lot of electrical diagnosis from Eric that most people come to me for electrical work. All from your videos Eric! Thanks man, your doing more than you think.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MoutainMan3000 says:

    Do you guys have any education specific to electric vehicles? Think there will be a time when you'll be working on a 50/50 mix of EVs and ICE vehicles?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars pandrosik says:

    Little surprised..most vehicles you work on that are in the 2000s are rust buckets. From what I saw the underneath of that vehicle didn’t look to bad. Did one of your subs from a southern state drive up to see you?

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jimmy Pack says:

    One of my favorite things about this community… mostly no nonsense. I’m so sick of the rest of the internet 🤬

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jimmy S says:

    Another brake job eh? Same ole story at my shop. Probably do 3+ a week. I do have some questions though about customers. Do you ever get unhappy ones or ones that accuse you for stealing money because the junk yard part failed that they installed or they did a half-assed job themselves and expect you to sort out their mess?

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars localcrew says:

    Rear brake replacement is like leg day at the gym. You really want to skip it — but you shouldn’t.

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