In this video I bring you along as I have a look at a customers Ford Escape that died at a stop sign and he cant keep it running now. After pulling it into the shop it was a pretty fast diag with a surprising find. Not as surprising as what Mrs.O found in her car though....
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Hey viewers, welcome back to the south main auto channel, got us not a chevrolet, but a ford, a 2011 ford escape. It's got the big two five and it quit running on the guy. He pulled up to a stop sign and it said no beans stalled on them uh. I guess it ran like crap and then it stalled and then here it is so it does.

I did confirm it does start install, but you can give it a lot of throttle and keep it running. That's kind of how i got it in here, but it is running insanely rich. It's making the eyes water so i'll, give you the rundown. As far as what it sounds like like i said, i was friends i was able to get it in.

I thought it was like a fuel pump issue, but i'm not so sure so everything's normal here 192k on her. You don't touch the throttle. That's all it does and then it stalls that's the most. It's ran ever right there, but it is insanely rich and then it just shuts off no engine light um.

But i got a hunch: it's a mass airflow sensors they're super sensitive on well, almost every vehicle, but particularly on fords and i've ran this one. It's already up. I've ran across the these symptoms before on fords and have it like you know, a little bug or a piece of fuzz or just some minuscule little thing in the mass airflow sensor so before we even get out a computer uh or get too uh deep into This thing we're gon na take and pop the air box apart here double check the mass air flow and then we're going to move on uh, quick and dirty there's, usually a default strategy. You can unplug the uh, you can unplug the mass airflow sensor and forwards.

Usually have a default strategy that they'll run in um, so you can always do that just to uh just to see just unplug. It start the car and typically, like i said, it'll fill in like a substituted value. Oh hey who's in there uh, who was in there well i'll, be dipped we're right, because there is a big piece of fuzz in the mass airflow sensor, uh and possibly a bug. So i think we got the best of both worlds.

But this here is one of the super high flow air filters. I wonder if this little guy ate a mouse, because a little mouse sure ate this that's kind of funny. You always always poke with your tool. Don't don't stick your fingers in there because, well, you just never know little guy might still be home, but uh yeah.

We definitely have some mouse stuff and a yellow jacket. I just saw fall out of there. We got some leaves and whatnot. So that certainly, is this lady's problem yeah.

You just got a crap in your air box here, fella, so we'll, stick that to the side and we'll go dissect the mass air flow, so i'm not so sure, that's packed in there pretty well, but let's pop it out here and see what we can do. I don't imagine, our diagnosis is gon na have to go much further than this. I probably should order us an air filter before napa leaves on the morning deliveries here. Hopefully they have one.

They should have yes ma'am. I do believe we sucked up a bug and some fuzz it's classic bug and fuzz in the mass airflow here. Let me see if i can help you focus here. Can you guys see down inside there? Hopefully there's some white fuzz and a little bug in there? Let's see if we can't uh just go like this in case you don't believe me, hey there.
It is, and that is it's classic uh looks like a mayfly, perhaps they're hatching right now. I can't see without my, but without my way i can't see without my binoculars there's a guy who shoots too much 3d. So there's what was in there a bug. A piece of fuss will keep your modern day car from cruising down the road.

That's it! So that's what the mass air flow looks like. Let me just see if i can hold this here for you on the inside, when she's relatively cleaned out, we'll give her a little two to some mass airflow sensor cleaner and put an air filter in it, and this fella will be on his way. That'd. Be the cheapest fix he ever had so we're gon na see some of the old crc mass airflow, cleaner, i'll, give her a little squirt in there just make sure we have all the junk out of it.

I think we did another video on a ford that just had a little piece of crud in the mass air flow and i think it was just running rich on that one or maybe it was running lean or just reporting, falsely. I think because people were really questioning me in the video if i was going to charge a customer to fix it and just like this one. The short answer is yes, i always do, but because i charge somebody doesn't mean i'm going to take them to the cleaners just because i'm just going to charge them for what i do, because that's what we do. We have no different than calling like the appliance.

Repairman to come to your house and fix your dryer only to find out one of the kids socks got stuck in the vent. You still got to pay the guy, even though it was just a sock. You know just is what it is. You know there we go now.

We just wait for a napper. You got a few mouse problems yourself today, ellie i do. I was just getting ready to give you guys some fun facts. Oh fun, tech.

They like they like sunflower seeds, they'll chew through a bag. To get to them and then spread them throughout your car and hide somewhere inside the car, i need to kill it. You need to kill that hole. You do not want a mouse to die in your car trust me.

Do you remember the mouth? Oh, i remember. Yeah little mouse crawled up and underneath the car died, it was so bad. It was so bad. We found it little little leg hanging out, it was gross.

I got ta kill this mouse so, as mrs oh goes and deals with her mouse woes and you guys down there in the comments section warning me about the hannah virus because i just used the vacuum: cleaner, uh remember according to the cdc, it is a one In five hundred thousand chance of being struck by lightning and a one in 13 million chance of getting the rare hanna virus, especially east, of the mississippi five cases in new york since 1993. So please don't worry about me and if you are in the comments section, please tell me be careful outside and don't get struck by lightning. If you really love me all right, this is oh, let's go see this carnage from one of your dirty children. One of the critters brought the critter in so you got flowers yesterday, yes, they could have come with the flowers you're such a dirtbag.
I think he even started to like decide. Oh he's gon na make a little nest wow. This happened in one day, yeah overnight and then and then there's some carrying the seeds way back in here, you're an animal, oh, i hope you find it because i would like to see you go savage on them. Oh dude.

If this thing goes running, it's gon na be hot, at least make it run outside the vehicle. This is oh you're, an animal some karting animals around. If i see it, i'm going to scream like a little girl. Do you remember that one you caught in dog food bag? One time i had one of these chairs holy and i went to the baseball game and opened it up.

There was a whole family of myself. Did you gloss damage at the baseball game? I may have wow yeah, look at all the poop in one night - oh nasty, i don't know if you had a freaking mouse or a rat, i'm scared to even look. I don't. I know how these little suckers are.

I just killed one in my barn, the other day. Oh man, i tell you what, though, what's this oh, what is that? Oh, that's from the that's from our kids art project. Oh that's like asphalt roof. It is a roof.

Oh the birdhouse, roof wow. What you want to explain your tubes, because somebody's going to ask about them: you're still, that's how you carve fishing poles around for your children wow. I can't believe this mouse trashed your van like that in one day i know so he had seeds in his bag. From baseball yeah, not no more, that mouse is fat and happy.

Let me tell you what i know is he even gon na want my peanut butter? Look. I got some traps, i'm gon na set them up. I got lots of traps. Lots of trash i'm gon na set them all up.

In my car, i got two four six. Eight traps i'm gon na set him up, hopefully he's not that fat and healthy, yet you're savage savage. Oh hey! You don't get hit by lightning today. Okay, here's the suspect, flowers that could have brought in the mouse there's brand new uh, it's an apple gold.

It's a 2793 uh, not a sponsor, of course, as you guys know, nor do we want them as a sponsor. We just like saying it make sure. That's all the way down. At least this one has a steel cage, so they can't get through it at least that far anyway, we'll get this baby latched down.

Yeah miss zoe had a mouse there. One time got up in the underbody of the car. It was the most horrendous thing ever it was last summer two summers ago. I think the van was almost brand new at that point.
The old mouse got in there and died underneath the little sucker. It was absolutely awful. It took us better part of a day. I remember it was on a sunday we skipped going to church that day.

Let me tell you, got in the van and was like hold up something ain't right and we started tearing the van apart. I swore was in the hvac in the back tore that all apart and i was wrong - it wasn't in there, but it was. It died underneath the van in, like a little crossmember, a little portion of the unibody that was awful, but anyhow we got a little dead mouse out, but it's crazy. How much one little mouse could stink up ruin your whole day makes me wonder if she only had one mouse inside there.

That's an awful lot of stuff to get in there and chew up for one little mouse did we fix it? Oh baby run still and it doesn't stall even better. Oh hang on! Well there you have it folks, the mouse, the mosquito and the piece of fuzz that left the ford escape uh useless. They o-a on the side of the road left this guy hoof in it and uh. You know i had to get a tow truck benny, how that was an easy fix for this fella.

Hopefully, mrs oh, could catch the mouse that got in her car and uh. Hopefully the little sucker gets out of her car because that will ruin my day if that little guy's up in there, i will burn it to the ground if we have to - and let's hope that's not the case, but i do want the case for you to Be is you go in the comment, section questions the comments, the concern, the facebook, the insti watch out for the lightning, my guy and just remember viewers. If i can do it, you can do it thanks for watching.

By EricO

17 thoughts on “A mouse, a may fly and a broken car….”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jim panther driver vickers says:

    I got lots of traps…I'm gonna set em all up in my car

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Moose Mobile Auto Repair says:

    Good video Eric. I once had a similar Escape with the same engine and same problem before and learned from a tech at the old shop I used to work at long ago that there was a bee caught inside the mass air flow sensor that caused the start and stall issue. I wonder if you know ASL (American Sign Language) because you got some signing at the end there. My wife taught me sign language for the most part. Good job. Take care buddy.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Carlos Navarro says:

    I you find the little sucker just spray him down with brake Clean, it works wonders on wasps, or hey may get struck by lightning , Thanks for the great videos SMA all the way from Utah

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dan Beardshear says:

    it looks like a whole herd of those little nippers in Mrs.O 's van good luck

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Badass F150 says:

    I had a rodent guy tell me the best thing you can do to catch mice in a trap is with Slim Jim’s stuffing in there real good and tight so they can’t get it and you will get them have a good one guys

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars William Gagnon/ RoadBox Service says:

    I’m really surprised it didn’t throw a MAF code
    Great find
    Hope Mrs O traps her family
    Gotta be more then one with that much happening overnight..
    Happy hunting Mrs O

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Garry Lalonde says:

    that srewdriver looks a little bent ,,, i heard somewhere that screwdrivers are not prybars , i say anything is a prybar when the time is right and the world is full of hammer substitutes

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DIY Dave says:

    Last fall, we had to take out a twenty-year-old maple tree, with the stump ground…it wasn't a problem until we discovered that we had disturbed a mouse nest in the roots…and they headed (stampeded) indoors. It was *awful*. I lost count of how many we trapped, and how long they had snuck around before we discovered them. We practically sterilized the whole kitchen. Exterminator believes we finally got rid of all of them. Happy hunting to you and Mrs O to get rid of that awful vermin!! Thanks as always.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John D S says:

    you need to peppermint the car that will chase them away. I get them in my house every winter and sometimes they die inside the walls. Not good. Peepermint spray around the foundation and cellar and no mice.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars will d says:

    I love SMA so much, I disable the ad blocker when watching 😌

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars davidgriffin14 says:

    If that mouse isn't paying rent, then I would evict him! 🐁 🐀

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Billy Byrd says:

    And remember kids always run in a zig zag pattern to not get struck by lightning.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars davidgriffin14 says:

    Warren mentioned you in his his video today.
    YouTube…. Western Truck and Tractor Repair.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ToughAncientSpark says:

    Freaking mice! I keep four Victor mouse traps, with peanuts glued to the triggers, in my garage at all times!!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars pandrosik says:

    What trouble code gets set for the classic fuzz and bug in the mass air flow sensor? BUG99?

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Richard Thomas says:

    Dang , it must have been really turbulent in there for that mouse at 65 miles per hour! LOL The rush of air !

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars South Main Auto Repair LLC says:

    GOOD NEWS! Mrs.O. caught the mouse in her car the next day! As we thought it was really fat haha. She's playing it safe and leaving the traps in there for a few more days. Stay safe and watch out for lightning!

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