How i planned folks said live, it appears to be live. It was supposed to be scheduled for 6 30 trying to buy myself a little buffer, then you're right. We will play the hand we were dealt what's up. Timbasco um, i anticipated starting.

This live stream um. What was it gon na say? It's 6 30. It is now six. Whatever time it is 6 27.

I was trying to buy myself some time while i got some stuff uh situated here, so uh i'm on time. This time, i'm not on time. Give me just a moment folks, because i've got this pulled up here on my cell phone and it makes it difficult to read. I can't find my camera that goes with my computer.

Okay. So, let's see here, hey it's stuntman. What's it got stuck man um? Let's see here, i just wanted to get things set up here, because i want to be able to read the comments on my actual computer and then uh what i want to say be able to use utilize the camera on my phone, i'm not real techy in Case you haven't figured it out, uh, hopefully that you can hear me. I assume you can um kids are killing each other, don't worry about it! Uh.

Let me just make sure that uh uh you folks, can hear me and that we're all good in that regards and then we'll get started with what's up wednesday. 9. 22. 21 edition - i don't know, what's going on in the background.

Don't pay no attention all right loud and clear. Uh must be a little bit of a little bit of a delay, because from the time i asked that to the time you responded was a bit of time, but what i did is a little bit earlier today, not too awful long ago, i put a uh Questionnaire out on the facebook the facebook you'll use, yours of you use, use guys uh who follow us there. Um i put out, you know what uh. What did i write? I said what would be some good? What's up wednesday topics to shoot the sugar about uh question so 117 comments that got so i thought in lieu of that we could look and see what the people of facebook asked uh kind of addressed some of those questions or maybe spur some conversation and um Of course, we'll i'll try to keep up with the comments and stuff here, but without having my camera for the computer, i'm not super savvy with the youtube uh.

You know mobile app as far as turning stuff off so i'll. Just ask again: please don't use the super chat buttons, because i don't know how to shut that stuff off via the cell phone uh, not that they are unappreciated but uh. It just makes it easier and it makes it very difficult to uh. You know touch the phone and scroll and do all that stuff.

So anyhow, we'll just hang out. We got some coffee in the yeti. We got a stroop waffle warming up on the top one of my favorite snacks and uh without further ado, let's begin uh, so i'm looking on the facebook on the sma page uh, let's see here uh just please make sure it's available on youtube afterwards. Yes, david.

I will uh, unless i say something ridiculously stupid: uh, because with all the cairns in the world, you got ta kind of watch what you say, because people get butt hurt so bad that if you say something silly, then you know just let's just roll with it. Uh, let's see here uh, why do batteries go flat all the time? Why don't modern cars charge up battery properly? Well shane? I can't really answer that question. I don't have too many customers that come in about they're complaining about their batteries going flat. There are a certain amount of parasitic draw or key off ignition off draw that your car has, but usually it's in the tens of milliamps range.
So let's say 20 milliamps and depending on the amp hour rating of your battery, it should easily last a month. Sometimes two months you'd have to do the math, which i'm not good at uh. However, if your battery on a modern car is dying once a week, you got a prom lady you're, going to have to take it to a shop and have them do a battery. You know ignition off draw test a parasitic drop test.

I've showed on my channel on multiple occasions, probably at least four different videos on how to check for ignition off draw. So so that's that, ah, let's see okay, video, i got ta get past. Some of the compliments um. How do you decide on where to get specific parts? This is from jim how jim bowie likes to be called? How do i decide where to get specific parts? I've heard you and others say that fuel pumps should be oem replacement if at all possible.

But what about other things now he's had a couple of replies: let's see what they wrote and they wrote. Jeff writes solid question: jimbo uh sean. He writes i'm about to replace my truck's fuel pump and oem motorcraft is not available where it is greater than 500. So how do we decide where to get specific parts uh most of the time experience uh, let's say, for example, like you've been burned because you've used a dormant part on a said project and again and again and again, and it just it just burns you every Time you lose money, you end up having to pay for it on your own pocket, customer's pissed, you're, pissed, everybody's pissed.

Off at that point you probably go oem or i look at it in the sense sometimes like, let's well take. For example. Yesterday i had a later model tahoe in like a 16, i think was there 17 or 18 somewhere's in there needed rear brakes, go to look up the rear brakes. I have no problem going to the napper using their brakes, but there was a million questions on this different thicknesses and variations and rotor sizes and pads - and you know you know it wasn't just like you know, police option, non-police option, it had a lot of options In that case, and there was no definitive way - i looked up the oem numbers - the oem numbers wouldn't cross to aftermarket so that at that point i told the customer.

That's a customer, lady. Here's what i suggest your original brakes lasted 70. Whatever thousand miles it was. My suggestion would be: let's put on the exact same breaks we took off, i mean you have no complaints, they wore nicely.
The rotors didn't get rusty and chunk up uh. Let's just go back with the oem yeah, they were 180. You know a rotor. The pads were, you know, 80, some dollars for oem pads, and this is an acdelco.

This is actual. You know genuine gm. You know right from china. You know good quality gm brakes.

So that's what i did in that case same thing with gm fuel pumps. I typically uh. Well that's a toyota, but let's say we have a you know: late model, chevy, pickup pin you know 10 or newer. You know 07 up.

You know that body style, the new body style. If we get one of those in, i will go elect to use oem fuel pumps on them a because there are multiple options b they fit well. Uh and c. I can buy them cheaper than i can buy any pump from you know, napper or advance or down here you know fast freddies.

Yes, you can go online and buy your dollar tree. You know piece of crap, you know plastic fuel pump from you know, flea bay or amazon for 19.99. I can't do that to a customer i have to you know. First of all have to stand behind my work.

You know afterwards that we offer a two-year 24 000 mile parts and labor warranty. So therefore you know i you know typically will only use. You know good quality parts, but i guess to circle back to the to the question. How do i decide um gosh? It's such a such a broad topic experience experience is the number one thing um cost not uh aftermarket is not always cheaper, so don't uh, don't think just because you're heading down a nap or you're heading to the rockauto that it is cheaper.

We make less profit on oem parts, which is fine, because i would rather have a better quality part that is cheaper to my customer and make less money myself than to sell a part. That's cheaper for me to buy that. I make more money that they get less quality and it's probably going to bite me if that makes sense. I know it's not a good business model, it's not a way to stay in business, but it's a way to keep people from knocking on your door and it's a way to keep people from getting pissed off decline have to shut her down um anyhow, so hopefully That kind of answers uh a wee bit of the question.

So let's see we'll skip down through here uh. How do you deal with uh, dumb customers? How do you deal with pain in the air's cars aka, the junk ones um? How do i deal with dumb customer? I don't know what that means. Uh robert, as far as dumb customers like they're, uninformed about their cars like or they're, just like pain and ass customers, because those are different, um, dumb customers, we'll say most people call we'll, say: uneducated customers. Let's say they just they just don't know nothing about a car.

I try to break it down in layman's terms. The best i can depends on what the um, what the question is, or what i'm trying to reiterate to them about their car uh and sometimes in a lot of cases, if it's something that can be physically seen, let's say you know, we have an uneducated customer That comes in, they don't know, they don't know boo, they know where to put the gas gas and go baby, that's it and they come in and they say i got this noise. You know, i don't know what it is. So we pick up in the air and the ball joints try to fall out of it.
I can go in there and say well, dumb customer. You need ball joints and it's seven billion dollars. They're like oh, my gosh, you know they. They don't even know the easiest thing to do in that situation.

I go in and get said customer we come out, we laugh, we talk and i say, hey look at this. I show them. This is your steering. You obviously know when you turn your steering wheel.

Left to right, your wheel turns it pivots on this little thing. We call the ball joint and then i show them the good one. Then we go show them the bad one. We hook a chuck of that thing around and they say.

Oh, my gosh. That's loose fix it, you know, so sometimes it's as simple as that, it's as simple as showing or trying to uh, explain and um. I don't know the words i'm looking for um. You know just put it in terms that they understand, make it uh.

What relatable with something that perhaps they know, maybe you know a little bit about this person and what they do and you can somehow make it relatable to their trade or hobby or something but like i say, if it's something that can be physically seen. That's usually um quite easy to handle because you can just bring them out and show them, but and don't call them dumb. You know you can't be like you're, the dumbest guy i ever met so anyhow. Let's see todd wants to talk about the lack of inventory chip shortage, uh i'll, be honest with you todd, i don't keep track of of the news or anything like that.

I know it's a thing i don't know. I see all the car dealerships have no cars. I don't you, people can worry the snot out of yourselves by worrying about what's going on outside of your little corner of the world, some people say i'm real stupid, because i don't pay attention to anything. That's going on around me politics, the news any of that stuff, because it will make me crazy.

I know my limitations and i know how it makes me feel, and i know what it does to me physically and emotionally, and i have some really bad tendencies to be a really bad person. And so i make it my habit, make it my goal to not look into that stuff and not to feed off it, because i know myself enough to know that i very easily can do that, and i know what it does to a person. I know what it does to their family and i choose to not pay attention doesn't make it all go away. No, it doesn't um does ignorance make me exempt from it.

It doesn't. However, it makes me from going on a killing spree, so there's that and also makes me from being a super angry super ugly person uh. So that's the that's what i try to do. Um, like i say, not a coward.
I don't hide from anything, but i just tend to stay out of some of the garbage um but uh anyhow. That's that we're not gon na talk about any of that stuff. Carrying on uh scott wants to know about weird things found in customers: cars. That's a good one.

Scott i'd have to think about that. I typically don't rummage through their cars. I would say i haven't found weird things, but i have seen some insanely nasty things. Um rarely will i deny working on a customer's car.

However, i had one here the other day for a power seat, complaint uh, had two inoperative power seats or certain functions of the power seats. We'll say i won't even say what kind of car it is, because i want to really call this person out, but i went outside and i opened up that door and i just about fell over i've done some bad things, seen lots of bad things and i've Smelled lots of bad things and i got a pretty strong stomach. I opened that door and it hit me in the face. Like a bat, i just backed up a little bit and when you get something real pungent like that, it's best to kind of keep your teeth together and breathe through your teeth and it's a good way to fight a gag reflex.

Or you know. If you see something really horrific and you don't want to throw up, you know if you clench your teeth and kind of breathe through them, it keeps you from from vomiting. I was pretty close, not gon na lie. I mean i was super close where i'm you know like it was so bad that i came in for a second with, and you know when it hits you in the nose and just stops your breath.

Oh it's good. So, needless to say, i had to call the young lady and tell her. I was pretty blunt just says: listen, your car is nasty and that's the exact words i use. I said i'm sorry, i said i in order for me to fix your seats.

I've got to be able to stick my head down there and i said it is nasty. I said: i'm sorry, i'm not the guy to help you and we went our separate ways. So that was that no charge have a nice day, uh sean again another shan uh top fan he's got a top fan badge whatever. That is, he wants to know the ability or the availability of quality parts.

I guess uh define, quality and i'll. Tell you the availability, i haven't yet come across stuff that we haven't been able to get currently the things that are hard to get are some oem parts, uh oil filters and brake rotors, oddly enough, at least in my little corner of the world. Now i know that's different depending on where you live, but that's what we're seeing here: oil filters, brake rotors and some oem stuff um, and i don't think it's a lack of raw material uh when we look because we buy a lot of stuff through damper. Obviously so i can see you know on our napper system, where everything's coming from what warehouse they're in what distribution center - and there are thousands, i assume, because it'll stay down there.
You know 99 plus they're, all in the warehouse they're all in the napa main central warehouse. There are none of them in distribution centers and we have to pay shipping. So it's ridiculous. Napa is really freaked up right now, because they have tons and tons of parts in their warehouses and apparently no able bodies to stick them on a napper truck and get them to the distribution centers and then from the distribution centers to our local stores.

So uh. So that sucks so we'll end up waiting and waiting and waiting, but fortunately we're we're usually several weeks out on appointments, so the good, the good part is, you know, let's say we have to order it we're waiting for it to be shuttled. So we don't have to pay shipping that week buffer, that we have for our appointment, usually works out pretty well. So that's that and uh jason uh the most eligible bachelor.

He drives a brand new 21 chevrolet because obviously i pay too much and he can't even get an oil filter for his truck. I think he went to get the oem because it came up on his first oil change and they don't have oil filters. So we did get an aftermarket, you know we put a nap or you know, never gold on it. So so that's that um, my favorite tool and my most overrated tool.

Well, my favorite tool. We can't talk about my next favorite tool. Uh beyond that is my noodle, because without your melon you got nothing. I don't care how many tools you got in your box uh and the most overrated tool.

Gosh, i don't know i i think - to have a tool. That's overrated. You would have to have somebody really raving like this is the best tool ever and i could be like that freaking tool to overrate it but yeah. My favorite tool is my thing in my head and then physical handy tool, probably the toss-up between the hammer and the screwdriver um.

I don't know that's a good question, not an easy one. Uh. We could talk about small business ownership. That would take some time uh.

Let's see some some, not all questions, i'm gon na be able to answer there. Folks, just uh, fyi uh. Let's see uh rob here, he writes. Let's talk about parts availability, inflation use, car market madness.

What's hannah doing now, how jeep can claim a vehicle with aluminum axle housing is considered trail, ready, uh? Why trinity will soon be better at math than you are bad air follow-up? Why is why the quadrijet is the greatest carburetor ever developed. You know stuff, oh and scotty. Kilmer, well rob not much to talk about there. Uh i'll pick one uh how jeep can claim to make an aluminum axle housing and considered trail ready.

I don't know if he's throwing stones at my dub uh, however uh my dub j does have a dana 44 a so that's the aluminum center section, which is conveniently the same size as the dana 44 hd, which i put air lockers in, and i beat the Balls off and it hasn't broke. I assume, if you're out uh, perhaps you know rock crawling which we don't have big rocks on here. We just have trails and mud and blood and the beer and logs and soft stuff. So if we hit stuff with it, it doesn't seem to mess up the aluminum housing uh.
However, you know by simply putting a skid plate on the bottom. It might help, but any of that tdm, i see a jerk quad anyhow, i don't know you would really have to talk to a jeep guy like a guy who wears a gpap. All the time loves jeeps. You know eats sleeps breeze jeeps.

You know if my dana 44 aluminum housing busted in the back of the jeep i'd, probably just go down to wilbert's you pull it a bath, even though they don't sponsor us and uh. You know just get another one swap the gear set over and everything else and bada bing bada boom, but uh. I don't think my jeep has enough traction to to break the housing. You know.

So i don't know now my my amc model 20. I used to have in my scrambler cast iron housing. I ripped the entire center section right out of it um, where the axle tubes go in, they weren't welded, very strong, so one day, i'm out just giving it the beans and it snapped the drive. Shaft broke the yoke and stood the pinion straight up against the bottom of the box so and that was cast iron, but either way.

Where are we at here? Is there such a thing as too much fluid film chris? Is there such a thing as a girl? That's too pretty no uh, let's see two-ply or single-ply toilet paper, well pete, if your fingers ever broke through which, if you're a single ply user, i know it probably has then we'll know the answer to that is two ply fold it over. So you have four just to be safe. Ah, let's see i wonder if my coffee, if i can drink it, yet you got ta get the top off. I don't know who the mother lover is that invented the yeti.

I swear you can put boiling hot coffee in this thing. You put this plastic lid on it with the opening. You leave it on your toolbox. You come back four hours later.

You are gon na burn your face off. Trust me. I i end up spit every time i use this thing. I'm like i'll get some coffee i'll come back in a half an hour, nope still like lava.

Oh, it's amazing, mcdonald's, coffee with dunkin donuts creamer. It's got to be some sort of sin um, but that's what we're doing uh. Let's see joseph king wants to talk about scan tools. Well, joseph.

We can't because we don't have six days um. Oh, i missed this something, oh gosh, goodness gracious hold on folks here. Uh i did ask uh, please don't ask and please don't use the super chat, uh buttons or the super stickers or anything. That's super uh, but anyhow we'll try.

Let's see here. What do we got? Uh joe schroeder, he wrote uh 3030 or i6 for the deer hunting in dense woods, but i don't know jake either one whichever one you shoot, the best tom p eric. I have the same shirt. You've got a shirt like this with a pocket in it.
The only way you can get that is to visit sma, so it must be. We've met tom if yours doesn't have a shirt, it's a fake um anyway. Is there a tool like the rb3 that i can use on my jeep dub j that talks to the tcm um most any of your aftermarket tools there, tom obd2 tools will talk to it. I am not super familiar with small obd2 code readers and their abilities.

Um but yeah i mean all like your all - tells your 808, 908s and 909s and all those uh they they certainly will but uh anywho uh. Let's see mr giggles, his real name is giggles uh. Thanks for the videos fix my o5 escape. Now i have an 08 escape and i'm more comfortable fixing and diagnosed simple issues from brooklyn yeah you down here in brooklyn when they talk funny, that's like cameraman.

Does i love that guy all right anyhow? Well, good! I'm glad that we were able to work on the uh escape and i don't know if you mean you fixed your o5 by buying a no eight but either way you fixed it. That's how i fix them. Oh it's broke, go get another one. Let's see bill.

Oh no matt, he writes a segment on your sweet, vintage, forklift. Well, matt. I got rid of my forklift about four years ago, so uh she was a yao. She was pretty sweet but it's gone.

I gave it to my brother because he could use it more than i could uh. Let's see, then bill writes uh. You've done many repairs on vehicles sent to you by other shops. Have you ever been stumped by a vehicle with a problem and had to send it to another shop? I'm betting? The answer is, no, i don't believe so bill.

I'd have to give it some deep thought i don't remember being beat by one and having to send it to another shop. Now with that being said, i do know my limitations too uh, for example like uh. I don't do a ton of transmission drivability problems because i don't rebuild transmissions in house, so those if i get a customer comes in he's explaining to me his faults. Like you know it does this.

I got the shift flare it. You know i go and you know blows into neutral when it starts to shift uh those typically immediately. I will just refer them to a local transmission shop. Uh everybody's got to know their breaking point kid and that's mine, that's one of my weaknesses, so those i will i will farm out, but i don't take them in and then farm them out.

Perhaps i could, but i think, that's kind of a shady thing to do. I don't believe that if you bring your car to me, you want me to send it to another shop, although i do work for almost every other local shop here in our immediate area and fix their cars and do their programming and you know, keep their customers Happy it's kind of a bad business model, but whatever i don't, i don't. I honestly don't care you. They can bring me all the cars they want, i'll fix them, what they do with it from their standpoint.
That's their problem. I don't get wrapped up in it. I don't ask because i don't care you pay me adios, muchacho or muchacha, or whoever dan leduc he says include sma's most eligible bachelor. Give the ladies an email address to submit their application.

No, we can't do that dan. I don't want poor, poor old jay. Getting bombarded by all the ladies and i don't know if a lady who watches a car repair channel is kind of late once i'm not sure i just wanted a shout out just wanted to shout out work for the aaa in the uk. Also, could you just say money light the money like what's the aaa in the uk, somebody enlighten me as to what that is that the alcoholic's anonymous he just lives there um todd carson, well, another guy mark, yes about his 2014.

Volkswagen whatsoever has a time builder chain i wouldn't know, but what i would do is a google search and see - or i could look it up for you but uh. I would just google search it. Uh automobile association, okay, it's like triple a maybe he could do a what's up wednesday. We can ask him for sure.

Oh yeah todd here wants to talk about archery, oh todd todd i would love to because, as you know, i'm matthew's man and archery is one of my real passions. Far beyond the passions of automobiles. I absolutely love archery and it's one of my favorite things to do, but we can't talk about it because this is the south main on the channel, not the south main bow shooting channel um, so anyways uh. Do i have any thoughts about the ice where the ice is heading? Is it staying or will it go and be all replaced with electric motors i don't know uh, i don't follow it as closely as i should there frank so by icy means.

The internal combustion engine um will it be replaced. I don't know, i think it's a bunch of political mumbo jumbo, because now that we've lost the rule and reign of king andy, we have queen hucla or whatever the hell. Her name is and she's put up a pretty aggressive plan. Uh in new york state to you know, outlaw the sales of you know: diesel vehicles and blah blah blah same political crap.

They do every year. Will there be more, i'm certain there probably will be uh. Hopefully, i'm long gone done and retired, but a lot of people are gon na, say no you're, not it's gon na be here in the next couple of years. Well, if you think about it, most i'm working on is like 10 or 12 years old.

So i think i've got a little bit of a buffer, because that means in like 10 or 12 years i'll be working on the 21s and 22s, which are still internal combustion, the majority of and then i'll, be in my 50s and anyways. I'm not getting too excited or too butthurt over it, because there is very few people in our area. In our geographic area where i live and the cars that i service there are very few people that have hybrids. I mean i have three customers out of hundreds and hundreds of customers that even have a hybrid um.
You know i mean people around here, they don't drive, you know volkswagens and audis, and mercedes and bmws. That's why i don't work on european cars simply because i don't see them there is nobody around our area that has now. If i specialize excuse me, if i specialized in them and attracted those clients, i'm sure they would come out of the woodwork. You know i mean corning is not too far from here and that's going to be the nearest biggest place and if you were a guy who was specialized in electric cars and hybrids and um, you know or european cars, you could draw the people from those from Those areas, but i don't see uh, i don't see the need for me to try to you, know work.

I don't see the need for me to piss myself off by trying to work on euro trash and tooling up for it and learning about it and trying to become a specialized guy in something that i don't really care to work on anyways. You know why not grab the bread and slap up the gravy, that's already in your area, but that's just my that's my two cents on it. I don't know anybody that works on euro cars. That's really happy uh.

I know they make a boatload of money, but i also know they're, usually pissed off all the time and even though they're like oh i'm, 225 an hour to work on these. But i hate my life so but that's just in my little inner circle of people that i know but uh anyhow, that's that um! Oh, let's see huh! Let's see this guy oops he's a second try. Sorry i like again dn bra. I did ask pl, please don't use the super chats.

Please thank you uh, but let's see here, my bro in law is a soupy tech. I got him the astral ball joint tool and he loves it. Well. He should because it's an awesome tool.

Uh, do you have two or three other must-have tools for subies, so i would say if you're a subie guy, i would say the you know the cam seal installer for like the ej engines, the rear main seal installer for the ej engines and the cam shaft. Holding tools for the ej engines, if you want to properly uh torque the camshafts, oh and the other thing i would say, is this little guy hold on? Where are you at subaru? Is it gone, oh, where it is oh right here, so this mid-size, 14 millimeter 12-point snap-on makes it this uh. You can do this to put the head bolts on the car if you elect to not pull the engine, and this will clear all the camshafts. So it's a special socket that subaru or snap-on makes.

The part number is a sierra 6214 made in usa wherever that is, and that's a great little handy socket. They have anyhow, hopefully that answered questions. Sorry, i missed you on the first uh first score on there. Pal, let me fix my screen here now.

Anyhow uh, it's wednesday again, yes, sir uh, let's see the super scraper is the best tool. You've shown that i've bought. Oh there, you go tdm, and what he's talking about is one of my favorite tools. This is the og maple handled super scraper, fantastic tool comes in a variety of sizes, if you like them short and thin still gets the job done or you got short and thin medium length and stout or the all-time favorite crowd pleaser long and thin there.
She is carbide tip. This thing will destroy an aluminum head faster than you can say holy crap. I just destroyed a hat, so there's those there all right, super scrapers, fantastic tool. Now, last but not least, your classic 95 32 by astro, striking resemblance against the uh og super scraper uh, don't really know what's happening there.

Perhaps the patent ran out on that or perhaps there was no patent on it. Perhaps nobody checked, i don't know, but uh great tool, same concept, piece of carbide on the end, this will beat the heck out of any og style scraper all day long, except for this one. This is another one of my favorites. This is uh mac tools.

No longer makes this, it is a square cut carbide scraper there. However, it will beat. You know these style scrapers all day long. Now these have their purpose uh.

The carbide, though that's the way to go. Are you guys? Okay, this is what happens. You start freaking around. Just like your mother told you.

I hope i didn't kill, no one. I just had you teeter-tottering up here. All gingerly son of a brick hole bear with me folks. This is amateur hour at the club.

Where are we at damn? It come on baby good enough good enough. I'm still ugly drop. My super scraper right, my stroopwafel. Now it's called a super scraper.

You see what i did there. Well, let's set these down. I don't even know what's going on anymore click things on my computer over here. Okay, i don't know why this has to have a cover on it, but i put it back on just like my super scrapers.

I still keep them in the og tubes. I don't know why um anyhow, that's it. That's it for show and tell let's carry on. Shall we this seems weird to me.

Is it weird? Did things get weird, i'm trying to balance this whole. Damn thing on top of my computer computer? Don't hit the power button whoa, okay, are we good? Is everybody good? Can you hear me yeah make sure? Okay, everybody can hear me at least two people can. Nobody else cares. Ah sorry for uh, knocking you guys over there.

Oh, let's see shop tour, including the mysterious upstairs, which i imagine is a vast dark warehouse filled to the rafters, with boxes and crates and containers of every type and hose and fasteners and automotive chemicals known to man. That's what chad thinks i wish chad and yes you're partially correct. However, i can barely balance the phone on my balancing thing. That's over here, so um, so we're not gon na do a shop tour of the upstairs.

The only thing i keep up there is mysterious items that are uh resemble a vast dark warehouse filled with rafter, with boxes, crates, containers, every types of hoses and fasteners and automotive, chemical, snow demand and a few oil filters. Anyhow, oh, let's see here ah desert gun. I think it's i say absolutely love the way we attack problems and solve them, although actually taught me to deconstruct every problem into smaller ones. Well, good! I'm glad that's how it uh, how the cookie crumbles for you so to speak, and that's all you can do.
Take your problem break it down chase it around. That's a little rhyme. I just made up and it may not be true. Um uh, let's see blair, says uh.

If you put thread locker and anti-seize on the same bolts, would the fastener god strike you down? You may stop the whole time space continuum. If you did that, i don't really know what would happen if you did thread locker and anti-seize. However, loctite does make anti-seize correct it's kind of a what loctite anti-seize okay who's the joke. On now, that'll make you wonder: anyways boy, there's a lot of uh there's a lot of people up on the youtube that asks a lot of questions and um.

We're 39 minutes 40 minutes even into this uh. Let's see brian writes not wanting to sound weird, but that's always a good way to start out brian cause. That just makes you sound weird anyhow, let's hear what weird o'brien has to say just kidding brian you're, not weird what about a day or two in the life of erico and family outside of the shop i.e, which means, for example, unwinding from the week's work hunting Fishing golf: i don't play no golf um. Well, brian, that's uh, a neat idea.

However, it is not real. What do they call it? Pr man, these damn mosquitoes this year, craig cray um, it's not pr public relations, i'm not a good pr person outside of the youtube on the the youtube here in the shop. I try to keep it pretty civil, pretty neutral, so to speak. Um except corvette videos.

People get really pissed over those and it's friggin hilarious and i love it and anyhow we won't talk about that. I try to keep it pretty non-controversial. Of course you can always criticize. You know how i do something: that's something that that don't match water off a duck's butt you know but uh outside of work.

I do a lot of stuff that would be extremely controversial, especially in today's uh. Today's society there's a lot of nancy's and a lot of karen's and a lot of very sensitive people that, if i posted stuff that i do outside of this little world, you see here there's so many crybabies. That would be just devastated that uh, that it wouldn't work out. Well, we'll leave it at that um.

So i just leave that alone. I skip right over that um because, like i say, people nowadays are are sensitive, uh, extremely uh to the point where i just i don't understand, uh, my brain just doesn't work that way. I don't compute it, and so i'm not gon na get into that. But, however, that's a great video and i would love to share with you folks uh, some of the stuff i do if the world wasn't so effed up, but that's the world we live in, so we'll skip that and we'll keep on keeping on and um.
That's that so uh, let's see jordan, he writes the biggest uh. So i asked a question: what should we talk about? He thinks we should talk about the biggest difference between working on heavy equipment and the typical auto mechanics. Well, let's see with regular, auto mechanics, you go home with all of your fingers, usually at the end of the day, you're, not black. From here to your toes with grease and oil you're, not mad.

You don't smell like cigarettes, you don't smell like diesel fuel um, your back doesn't, kill you um. Let's see your fingernails. Aren't jet black, your wife still loves you there's a lot of differences of not being a heavy duty guy and with these little pea shooters, i'm not a heavy duty guy all right, we'll just throw that right out there when i'm, when you're, taking out starters. That weigh as much as you do or you're doing a set of camelbacks or anything even a pete air leaf.

Those things are heavier now all that stuff's heavy. You know you're like. Oh, let me change the tire. Oh, i forgot the tires like 300 pounds.

You know so there's a lot of differences between the heavy duty guy, but the world needs heavy duty guys because that's what makes the world go round uh without heavy duty, guys, there's no trucks without trucks, there's no amazon without amazon we all die so simple. As that um come on baby, that's for jared jared barry likes to be called um william. He loves our content. Narratives have a good day.

We will thank you and the dare man, uh 2003 cheerlead 601, taking off very boggy, but giving it more throttle that comes out of it any thoughts, it's boggy until you mash on it god. What would i look at the only thing i can think of uh right off hand? Uh, the dare man is if you uh go to full throttle. Let's say you know: you're taking off either six oh chevy and she's she's bogging, and then you just put the pedal to the plastic and the thing tips you know takes right off. The only thing i would think at that point is it goes into wide open throttle mode.

It goes into open loop at that point. So as long as it's not transmission related, you know anything drive train. You know binding anything weird like that. Um, the only difference between driving part throttle and full throttle is the lat you know, is fuel control, different closed loop and open loop, and so i guess what i would look at is when i was driving part throttle and it was boggy i'd be looking at My field trips, like you, know, how's this engine running, you know um, do we have a mass airflow sensor that skewed would that still screw up at wide open throttle that would probably still act up? That's what i'd be looking at i'd be looking at my field trips, just to see what this engine's doing, providing it's in the gear that it's supposed to be.
I guess right off hand, that's what i would think, but i've been wrong. A million times before pal uh emerson wants to know what my opinion on hondura 3.5 liter is uh common problems are things worth knowing i have an 08 ridgeline sending love from chicago. I think the odd 3.5 is a pretty darn good tooting engine as long as it doesn't have variable cylinder management, which i don't believe the 08 does, keep your valves adjusted. Do the valve adjustment, do your timing belts and and have fun and carry on? Oh, let's see here where's my jeep, my jeep is at home currently with a broken power steering pump.

Last time we were beating her up through the woods the power steering pump, which is the fourth power steering pump from cardone that i've put on it uh this one also exploded. They all do something different, some just the whole pulley right off the front of it. Some of them break the input shaft, some of them just whine. Excessively, this one blew all of its guts uh inside internally and made just driving along and all of a sudden.

It started making a little bit of racket, so i give it the old rev up tune up to neutral and bada bing bada boom, no more steering. So so that's where the jeep's at uh probably we'll sit there until next year, sometime uh we're coming up on deer season in nine days and my whole world shuts down at that point, so i probably won't fix it uh. Let's see why should a young person consider going into this trade pros and cons? Also, if you had to do it over again, would you have gone into this profession? Oh, my goodness mark i'm not the right person to ask for that um. There is a lot of people that are, you know, really big advocates of this uh trade and will really say you know like yes, you know go for it.

Do it, i'm not the perfect guy to ask for that. I will skip to the second portion of your question where it says also, if you had to do it over again, would you have gone into this profession and i can't sit here and knock this profession. It has made a good living for me. Uh.

It's made a good living for my family. I've been able to take what i know my talents and you know provide for uh provide for my family and you know utilize my talents to help uh. You know the local community um, so would i've gone into it again? I don't have any reason to not do is what i would say are there other things that i would like to do, uh yeah? Actually, i my initial plan was so things i would like to do. I'd like to either be a mechanic.

I'd like to be a farmer. I would like to own a salvage yard, um salvage yards pretty high on my list loved. I would have loved to have owned a scrap yard um. I don't know why, but i just love the scrap yard.
I love having access to all that stuff. It's like having a it's like being able to collect all the crap you want to collect legally. If that makes sense um i love salvage yards. Ah so, let's see and what i was gon na go to school, for i was actually going to go to the colorado school of trades for gunsmithing.

That was my. That was the direction my life was heading. When i was a young man working in a gun store working with a gunsmith, for you know many years as in my younger days, and that was where i was gon na go and and life took a different turn. Different direction and uh never never played out, ended up saying down with it and worked with my dad and boom.

Here we are 20, some odd years later, 22 years later, so never live that dream. Uh, let's see i used to. I remember seeing mrs oh come into the store so the place i worked used to be called ed. Hart's gun supplies a big big store here in bath new york, and i worked there and uh nestor would come in there where they're old man and she was pretty pretty young at that time.

She was probably 16 17 because i was 18 or so but yeah. I remember coming in there yep and then uh. The rest is history from there. We started dating not too much longer after that.

She didn't have no interest in me at that point, because she was living a different little lifestyle than i was. However, i've always been a pretty smart fella and i knew her dad from working at the gun store and i knew her mom a little bit here and there and because her mom worked at a place that i would go to and then, of course, she's retired. Since then, so i became real friendly with the mom. You see what i'm saying.

So if you work that angle, you know i'd go up and i'd go up and visit like i was gon na go up and visit her and i'd chit chat with her mom and we'd talk and we'd laugh, and then i got her mom to like me And then her mom kind of worked on her. You see how i'm saying it's, it's just a different angle. It's problem solving it's taking the big problem, breaking it down into smaller problems and then boom problem solved. You know what i mean.

How did we get off on that? Mrs dole could probably tell a little bit better. I think she is in the office, you know, let me go get her standby with me. Standby she's coming everything. So everybody behave, i'm pretty sure it's all went down.

Maybe that's how it went down in my head uh, but uh yeah. I think that's that's a good tip for anybody out there and, if you're, a young man and you're looking you're looking for a young lady, because that's how it was when i was growing up now. I know things are different. However, if you're a young man looking for a young lady, my motto always was check out the mom first, not in a weird creepy way, but just know that when your future woman, if you live with them, they grow up.

There's a pretty strong chance that they're going to look like their mother, so you can kind of get i'm giving advice, there's a pretty good chance now think about it! Now you guys that are older! You turn around right now and look at your lady and be like he's right. He is right, and i bet you i'm pretty close um could be. A good thing could be a bad thing. However, that was my thing.
I'd always always look at the mom, so um, but anyways. I was just telling the folks here miss though how hot my mom is well, i was telling no not only that i was telling them the angles that i worked of working your mother to boom because i told them they asked me. I guess this all got started because they asked me what i would do if it wasn't, if it wasn't a car guy which i'm not a car guy, they wanted to know what i would do if i didn't work on cars, so i told them a farmer B, i would own a scrap yard. Like world war ii pulled a bath um.

I don't remember what else i told them, and then i told them that i was going to go to college school trades and you'll work at the gun, store, blah blah blah, and i told them that the young, the hot mrs zoe, would come in with her Pop-Pop it was like what 12 no, you were not 12.. I was working there, so i was 18 17 to 18., so i was probably 15. 16 17.. I was there for a lot of years, 17.

Yeah that wasn't that long now you make me sound like a freaking creep, you do have a lot of white hair, so you must be way older than me. I'm not way older than you miss, though you're awesome, but anyhow i was telling the folks that you didn't really have my. I didn't tell them like what you were wearing. Typically when you came there, although that is vividly in my mind.

Okay, so yeah - i probably was a little bit older though yeah am i right give me some of that um, but i was just telling them the angle that i worked of going up to visit to visit your mother yeah and then make your mother like. I was just trying to give these young men advice out here that that's something that they could do. I don't even know how we got on this topic. Why am i out here because i wanted to make sure they think that i'm lying to you? I don't know if that's well, i don't know everything you said, so i'm not gon na vouch for it, but that's what i did right come up to your mom.

I think you were hoping i was there, but i wasn't so then you had to work. My mom work, it smooch my mom yeah, so she would like me and then she would tell you that you had to like me, because your current boyfriend was a dink. That's true and that's how it works next thing you know you're married, you got three kids. Well, so be careful what you wish for, but uh anyhow, they probably want to know something more about cars uh.

They do so um we're doing uh a facebook thing here where people ask the questions on the facebook. They ask the questions over here. We're looking up here, it's a lot going on. Thank you, john and uh.
So what are you doing in there? I got a lot going on too, like dishes and getting ready for tomorrow. That's a good woman right there. That makes me want to tell my joke about the she shed all right get up come on now, jeez get out of here all right. Thanks a little bit yeah i got ta go.

I got ta slip, the doom time's running now all right you're done goodbye. Okay, i love you oh yeah anyways. Where are we at folks now that we've got that out of the way um, i'm uh feeling? Where he's talking about uh anyways? Oh can't steal new york in the hay house. Well, let's see oopsie said dishes uh anyway.

I won't say my she shed joke because it's kind of it's not like the sexist. I guess it would be, even though i don't mean anything by it. Let's see what's up with the tundra, i think the tundra has some veltrain problems. It's got the big 4.7 liter and uh.

It's got a cylinder, eight misfire intermittent, but it has a lot of mechanical noise. On number eight cylinders, i sure did got ta ask if i got the strippers knit packs. You can't say the word pistol knit pex, one-handed grip. Thank you, sir.

I haven't used them yet be curious to know i'm curious about their straight on this. If it's gon na be helpful, i was out on the uh on the old rape van the other day. Aka the snap-on truck - and i bought a pair of these - these are straight on wire strippers, never seen. I call them little hammerhead um, so you know you can come down in because sometimes it's not convenient to use a conventional pair like these.

My favorite pair also came off the white truck uh. Sometimes let's say you know, you're down in a hole, and you know you can't get on. If this is a wire we'll use this finger, you can't get in there like that, but you can come in like this and do it like that, so i just got these the other day conveniently they have screw cutters on them, for whatever reason snap, that guy Told him it's like: oh look. They got screw cutters.

I was kind of being a smart ass, but then um and then he's like. Oh yeah, that's great yeah. It's got two sides screw cutter use those all the time. Uh.

Okay, i was just being silly, but yes, i've used the screw cutter on my wire strippers, but it is not something i typically look for, because i can't tell you the last time i found an 832 screw or a 648 screw on a car that i needed That was too long that i needed to strip so in the automotive world, not real, useful but uh. Perhaps in the carpentry world i don't know anyhow um, but an automotive application, it's about as handy as i won't say it, but you know uh did i heard that etcg had to find a new place? I did heard that um. I see as one video there where he said his building is being sold and that he has to uh find a new place to rent her own or you know, whatever. Whatever the case is there and that sucks, because well because movement sucks, especially when you got to move your shop and you get used to your layout and how it is, if it were me - and i were him - i'd be looking for a place to purchase.
But that's just me: it may not be in his budget or his future plans, or you know what he whatever he thinks the future may hold for him so uh to each their own. I am glad that i that i own my place and i'm not under the constraint or the possible problems that he's facing, because i can imagine that it's frustrating to find out one day like hey uh, yeah you're out of here in 30 days. That would stink. So i do feel bad for him, but he'll get through.

It he's a pretty mild-mannered calm guy, at least on camera. So who knows off camera he might be a raging lunatic, but aren't we all anywho uh, let's see brian powers right time and penian? What would you charge to fluid film, a 2005 sierra halftime, i think, for the pickup trucks. Brian is 179. I get to do a fluid film.

I believe it's about the same price that crown charges. However, i am booked out to the middle of october and i no longer do fluid film after october 1., so i'll, probably catch you next year on that or uh i would, if i was you i'd go to crown if i was in penang uh you're, probably Closer to goodrich auto works the bath, not a sponsor, they are a crown dealer and in my opinion, they do a fantastic job, because i have several customers that use them for crown, so i would highly recommend them if you're in that area and you're. Looking for rust proofing, whether it be fluid film or crown and you're closer to the bath area, uh goodrich auto works the bath 776. 7777.

I think it's your phone number. I like how it's on the radio all the time a great body shop, huge huge facility, but they do crown. So that's where i would go. Oh, let's pass one down and scroll it around here um.

By EricO

14 thoughts on “W.U.W 9-22-21”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jay Crowe says:

    Trying to recall what tires Eric said he liked for Mrs. O's van… I know he mentioned it on a WUW sometime in the past few months, but can't recall. Anyone with a good memory out there? I need to get new tires for my Mrs. van, thought I would take his recommendation.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Geng says:

    Keep us posted, you do a demo derby since you’re not far from me (bout an hour and a half) I’ll definitely come watch ! Awesome, that would be some great content Mechanic Man ! Lol

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars shop Art says:

    We never ever watch the news media we do follow things /items/events that we are interested in through very select searching.

    Favorite tool has to be the LIFT.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! adam christiansen says:

    imo the "dumb" cutomer is the one who knows better. "dont try to upsell me on a 40.00 part, use the 5.00 one" or the one who wants an oil change when their control arms are cracked in half…

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Philip Miller says:

    Eric, as you know. as you know, there is an immensely popular popular mechanic on YouTube, named Scotty Kilmer. I learned way back in '62 how to adjust mechanical lifter valve train lash , statically, in two revolutions of the crankshaft. The same procedure also works for hydraulic lifter preload adjustment. My instructor was Joe Sharp, Santa Monica City college. I challenged Mr. Kilmer to demonstrate this most efficient procedure without results, on his part. He obviously falls short. I now challenge you to do the same. Hints: Firing order, Cylinder pairs, Exhaust valve-intake valve overlap observation of rocker arm or cam overlap action. It's doable if you thoroughly understand the four event-cycle valve diagram of the "four cycle" Otto engine.!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Philip Miller says:

    Eric, with all due respect, I strongly recommend that you shave off the whiskers for a clean shaven face. Wear a shirt and tie over which a grey shop coat embroidered with your name. Then you will have the appearance of Mr. Wizard of automotive technology, befitting of your YouTube status.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James F says:

    A bacon sandwich “bacon butty” is as British as fish and chips. HP Sauce is my sauce of choice. FYI McDonald’s try to do them but fail miserably (steamed bacon just doesn’t cut it!) there must be some charring or crispiness and butter for the flavour – IMO. 😁 🇬🇧 🥓 🧈 🥖

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Hindery says:

    I'd like to get an Astro 52SL light and don't see it in the SMA Amazon link. Is there another SMA site where I can order one. Signed Old and need more light.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Travis Halverson says:

    On a 2014 super duty with 6.7, would it be too optimistic to think that I could get an engine swap done for $5000? That would be with me supplying replacement motor, which is complete from oil pan to air filter. So a plug and play type swap. As much as can be anyway.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Van Braxton says:

    And there's nothing you can do ab qout the politicians or what's going on in other parts of the country or world, it's just for people to have something to talk about

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars R H says:

    You have got the right idea when it comes to staying in your own corner of the world and not paying attention to the madness that’s going on around the world. I’m going to try that because I’m going crazy. Things were much better for me before Trump when politics wasn’t such a toxic subject and I didn’t think much about that stuff. Also whatever you do in your spare time, even if I wouldn’t agree with it or even if you’re a Trump supporter, I would still love you and watch your videos. I wish more people would realize you shouldn’t dislike someone or think they’re stupid just because they have a different opinion. We all should be able to have our own opinions and get along with one another, and the Karen’s need to shut it and mind their own business, because I would love to see what you do in your spare time

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BA BA says:

    I believe Eric the car guy said he no longer does the meetups because his neighbors are keeping the parking lot really busy even on weekends, which would make it hard to have that event again. I was at one of them. I'm sure it was stressful for Eric since he set it up, but everyone was really well behaved and I believe everyone there was just eager to meet or see him. I ended up talking to a lot of other people there. It was great to talk to other people into car repairs/mods….

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars E L says:

    Hi Eric. Thanks for posting great videos. Watching your videos has taught me quite a bit about auto repair. Wish YouTube was available when I was working as a line mechanic back in the late seventies. Your tips and tricks and tool recommendations are much appreciated! Since I retired I’ve been watching a lot of auto repair channels on YouTube. I subscribed to your channel because I learn things all the time. And you’re very entertaining. You have a lovely family. Please keep the videos coming.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Kosky says:

    Man talk about nasty cars we have had people come in where there is just bearly enough room for the driver then just trash up to the windows all the way threw the car ..a ford escape mind you shit in the back to the roof and it was all just trash old wrappers and bottles large pizza boxes just straight garbage …then I had one that had roaches so bad they were stacked up behind the cover for the gauges just died in there like 50 of um

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