My old USB endoscope was giving up the ghost so it is time to replace it. With a suggestion from a loyal viewer I looked on the Amazon and bought this little guy. Time will tell if it holds up but so far it seems pretty good for the price. -Enjoy!
*DEPSTECH Dual Lens Endoscope* -
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Yeah, you read it folks, the most boring videos on the internet and the camera that won't focus, but when it does you'll see, we got the depth stack depth, stack that whatever you want to call the ds350 uh, not a sponsor. I bought it because we needed a new uh endoscope, the other one is getting wonky, this one seemed cool and it was pretty cheap and it came from the mainland because we're pretty hard on these things. Why do i got rubber gloves? Because everybody in the comments is gon na ask what's wrong with your fingernails you're nasty: go jump off a cliff. Well guess what i know my thumbnails are nasty and my fingers are bumped and i can't move my joints.

It's because i have psoriatic arthritis. I didn't ask for it folks, i just have it and it affects your distal phalanges and your fingernails and also affects your toes in case you're, wondering you want to see them i'll spare you, the i'll spare you that uh anyhow. So here we go, i got it off the amazon i paid 89.19 on it. So that's how much this thing cost.

I was going to open it up and enjoy it all myself, but for some reason guys get off on these unboxing things. They love to see them. I think they're, the stupidest videos you ever made here we are, it comes with some stuff, tells you how to use it. It comes with one of these.

I don't know what this is main lens photo lens, tf card and all kinds of stuff there we'll refer to that. If we need to, i like to push buttons and try to make things, work got a little vial of something here looks like stuff that goes on the camera. Perhaps little hooks and things like that, yep we've got a little hooky doo dad and a magnet, perhaps, and some other kind of something or other most of this crap we don't use, but we'll just stick it in there for future reference, don't need to unscrew it By the way, usb, cable, okay - so that's what it comes with! There's your unboxing! Let's just get to the real stuff. Here's this bad boy hold this button for two seconds to power on off.

The endoscope looks like it has a card in it already. Of course, i got no fingernail there to click things with, so let's go get a poking apparatus. We have one, let's give it a click. Yep, it comes with 32 gigabytes of no-name brand card.

Perfect looks like we've got some kind of port here, a usb some kind of reset. You can jam a pen in there when the piece of crap quits working and you think that'll fix it, but we all know it won't or you got so many settings screwed up that you need to reset. It looks like it's got some velcro doodads here this cable's, the uh, the stiff kind you're gon na - have to take and throw these things right in the trash. We're gon na do that right now, because they're just gon na end up getting in the way i'll tell you that much so we'll stick that in here get rid of that one, because these things are gon na, be nothing but annoying i'll.

Tell you right now! Get rid of that one there! It's almost usable now um! This one has the feature of your front on camera and your little side camera here on the side, so you got a front and a sidey and it is about six millimeters. Maybe i don't know how big is that thing it's bigger than that fella, let's see, what do we got? Is it eight millimeter? Oh, it's bigger than eight millimeter. Is it ten millimeters it's smaller than ten, so it's somewhere between eight and ten we're gon na call. It a nine or you can look on the website and see what it is, but importantly, more importantly, it's the stiffy cable.
So you can it stays where you put it. You know what i mean. So that's good. I don't know if it has batteries in it or if we got to charge it we're going to push and hold for two seconds.

Look at that! It's fancy! So that's what it looks like when we first turn it on oh wow. It's me! So, let's see, let's just go, push some buttons on it. Let's go right to our menu. There's a touch screen, nope there's got to be an enter here, go up and down i'm going to move the camera here.

Okay, so let's see here so this is the up and down button our resolution, let's see we'll hit okay, okay, so 720 or 1080. I usually find on some of this cheap crap. It doesn't matter it's records in the same stuff, no matter what power off format. So this is uh.

You want to format the card sure boom you want to reset. You got everything screwed up, you just hit reset back to default boom time, setting don't really care about. We don't care what time it is so back to the menu back to here. Let's see, how do we change cameras? What's this? Do let's see here so pushing this plus minus button brightens and dims the light? Probably all this is in the owner's manual but, like i say we poke until we figure it out and then push and hold.

Oh, that records that shuts off the record. That takes a picture you push. It once see the little indicator up here boom. Taking pictures push and hold boom, it's recording, oh yeah, push and hold make it stop, recording all right.

How do we activate the side? Camera? Let's push and hold this button. Is that the side camera? Oh look at that! That is the side! Camera! That's fancy! Okay! Push and hold again: oh now, it's both the side, camera and the top camera. That's fun push and hold again, just like that. What's this little symbol down here, it looks like kind of like a pac-man thing: let's push and hold it: oh, oh it flips the image.

Okay, 180 degrees. It looks like yep, okay, so that's what that does. Does it do it for the side? Camera? Let's see. Oh, it does okay, so that flips the image.

I think we know what all the buttons are now and then perhaps can we go back and play okay, so we can play our menu, so you push and hold. You can go back and play them on here. What we would likely do is take them out and play them on a you know, computer screen, but we just took small images, so it's playing it back. So let's do this: let's go to the menu we're in uh the file menu.
Now because we were in the playback section, so, let's uh, let's back back out of here where's the backup button - is that a backup button menu menu menu. Let's push this and get back to our normal screen. Let's hit the menu button there we go. So, let's just go down and format this little guy, yeah, we're sure.

Okay! So now we shouldn't have anything here. If we try to play it, yep no file, so everything's clean, let's uh! Well, we got a car right here. Let's go down the spark plug hole. This is where you always hope.

Nothing goes wrong, because this car is not here for spark plugs. This car is actually in another video, the nissan with a bad alternator, causing all kinds of problems. You have to subscribe to check that out. Let's yank this little guy out we'll do that right there, let's get a wrench should be 9 16 on this little fella.

You don't want to break it or anything, hopefully the pistons down in this cylinder. If not, we might have to take out another one. All right there's that let me get a flashlight uh. I can't tell here i'm trying to look down over the flashlight when we got this fancy tool, so i'm going to go back and i'll.

Try to uh display this up on up on your screen. Uh. Let's see what button did we push? We want to hit menu again right, i'll hit. Ok, no hit that button, no menu, no, no, no, no files.

So we want to push and hold the play button because that's where we were okay. So now we are on like the top camera right, nope, that's on the side camera, so i got to get it to the other camera which button was that probably this one? It goes to dual screen right. We want it on regular screen now i should be on top yep, i'm on top okay and our brightness level is off and we're going to crank that up to maximum brightness, i'm going to unwind some of this cable and i'm going to stick it down here. Where i can see, because the fog goes well, you'll be able to see also i'm going to hit record i'll show you we're going to put remember we're going to push and hold this button here record boom.

It's recording, okay boy, it'd be nice. If the first couple inches of cable wasn't a stiffy, you know what i'm saying, because that does that is slightly annoying. I guess that thing kind of wants to flop around okay. Here we go going in the hole baby.

Oh she's gon na be snug, because this is about those are 12 millimeter threads on this little fella. Okay, hey! Look at that wow! That's pretty clear! I'm not gon na lie for a couple reasons, one i don't want to go to hell and two. I have no benefit of lying to you that does i'm trying to twirl it around here. That's pretty clear: let's go down, i'm gon na quit twirling go down and see how close we can get to the carbon.

Well, you can read the numbers there. That's pretty dang clear. Let me back off the light. I'm gon na dim it down whoa too dark fella too dark you got.
Ta have some lights on, so that's just the light setting on number one. That's the number one light setting there's number two. There's number three ultra light: okay, so there's the top of a piston. We can clearly see that this is way better than the chinese one that i have that we've been using.

That makes the video suck let's go to our side, camera dang it okay. I just started recording again: let's go to our side camera! Oh, you know what i got. Ta stop recording to go to the side, camera so stop. Recording switch cameras, start recording; okay, i'm recording now on the side, camera i'll be dipped.

Look at that! Those are some valves right, yeah. Look at that. Oh this is fun, so those valves are partially open right now using the side camera and then, if we go down, we should be able to see the cross hatch. Oh look at that.

It's got a beautiful cross. Hatch, lady and i can spin it around. We can see the crosshatch in the cylinder as we come up. We can see a valve.

Let me come up a little bit oop and go down a little bit so right there just inside the hole, so there's the edge of the hole and i'm just in there there's the valve closed and i twirl around a little bit here. Boom there's another valve. They look gigantic and there's another way to ding minute. They.

There ain't three belts right side by side like that. There's a bell: there's a valve anyway, spinning around there's a valve. There should be another one over here: okay, there they are so there we go. We got two intake, two exhaust.

I was like one that thunder so then i twirl back around this way just by turning the cable. Oh, this thing is fun that side camera has better resolution than i thought it would have. This lady needs to get her bells cleaned, so that's a lot of fun there. Folks i mean look at the detail that we can see on that cross.

I didn't expect this okay, i thought this thing is going to be a piece of crap. I thought it was going to work and be better than what we had. Let me cancel this. Let me quit it recording, let's switch cameras.

This is dual mode. I'm gon na hit record. It's recording i'll, pull up here a little bit. So, let's see i'm just coming out of the hole, so the top of it's the piston, the bottom recording here is well.

You guys know where we're at at this point. That's a valve! That's a valve yeah! I don't know about the whole dual screen thing here. What the purpose of it would be, it's kind of confusing, but stop recording i'm going to switch dang it all the heck. I'm going to switch back here, go right back to normal mode.

I imagine it's pictures. It takes her clear. Let me take a picture of the piston boom boom pitcher up and out of the hole, wow wow folks, i don't know i'm a little bit impressed. It seems to work well um.
I turn this thing off push that for two seconds turn it off boom she's. Turning off - and i say so far so good - the resolution looks well, so we can't complain about that um. Maybe you guys have used this brand. Somebody recommended me on one of my uh one of our comments that i get this brand because somebody else used one.

I don't know if it was raymond ray rayman, ray or uh. Somebody used one in a in a video and they were bragging it up. So i was like hey if it's good enough for the youtube people, it's good enough for me. Now we're gon na go this way with it uh, so it does seem, it does seem legit folks i mean i don't know we'll see uh the picture seems nice and clear, there's probably more information in here, but i'm pretty sure we've covered uh all the buttons I'll save my receipt, uh, not a sponsor, of course, but uh we'll see how it works out.

I'll leave a link where i bought mine from the amazon kind of a plain face there. That's what it looks like uh. I think they, this company had some other ones that were like a little bigger screen. I think i figured it out price per inch.

I think this was the best bargain and i don't know if having a 4.3 inch versus a 5 inch really is a make or break a deal when uh. You know if you got some good clarity, so it seems good i'll see what it looks like when we play it up there on the computer and whatnot, and hopefully you guys will see this in some future videos. I'm a little excited about that side, camera business that works better than i thought and, like i said, we'll throw these things away. We're good uh you'll be good and go in that comment section.

The questions the comments, the concerns, let me know which brand you have and perhaps you'll own a depth step that will fulfill all of your joy because that's their motto, all of your joy and you guys have a great day thanks for watching.

By EricO

12 thoughts on “Tool time: depstech dual lens endoscope”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 65bugnut says:

    I saw the title, and thought it said Dubstep. And I was wondering what that was about. I think I need glasses.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Miguel Arellano says:

    I read that as dipstick lol! Awesome videos like always Eric!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tom Urban says:

    I know your days as a hand model is over, but I still love you man!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars K.B. ANDERSEN. says:

    So people don't know how a working man hand looks like, they must have been on an office all life.😁.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bill Lowe says:

    Can these bee used 4 doit yourself colonasscopees?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Funny Muffler Garage says:

    I remember Ivan having a dual lens endoscope, was just thinking about it the other day.
    Much cheaper than the fancy options that can bend at the tip.


  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thomas Fletcher says:

    The " dipstick " ds350 ? Endoscope , sounds like something Dr Ben Dover would get lots of use of 😜

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike Beson says:

    Early Ice Cream today…HELL YEAH…Today's ice cream is an unboxed Strawberry and French Vanilla with Butterscotch and of course DEZZ NUTZ…… THANKS for the video Mr. O.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Carroll says:

    Don't pay attention to the rude comments Eric, they probably have office jobs and have never performed a vehicle repair in their lives!😂

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Classic Volvo says:

    I bought this for use in the pest control field. For what it is, it really has helped me elevate my game. Great little tool.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kelly R Johnson says:

    Ah, Mortske got sent one of these recently.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joe G says:

    Is it a sponsor, unlike Nappar?

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