In this video I bring you along as I address and repair a customer complaint of the center stack screen going blank on his 2017 Buick Encore. He also said the radio quit working and on plays static with no volume control or back up camera.
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Open sesame, alright folks got something out here, a little different variety. We have the encore uh it's made by buick. We find the no open open, not sure what year it is fancy one though uh this little guy doesn't work anymore. The screen uh, currently the fuse, is out of it because he asked me to remove the fuse because, with the uh, i turn this thing off uh with the fuse in it.

You would just get static on the radio, no control, none of the buttons work. Nothing was functioning, i brought it in the shop. This is, i don't know a couple weeks ago and i check it out, and i made a quick determination at that point - that the human machine interface module is not functioning okay. Whatever that means, i believe it was a no-com, couldn't talk to the hmi module.

Gm has a bulletin on this to do an update on it. However, if you can't talk to the module, you can't update it. So what i told them i'd like to do make sure the door shuts is. I need we need to get back in there and actually test the hmi module.

We need to put the fuse in it and then we need to see um, you know, do we have power? Do we have ground? We have ability to communicate and why can't we talk to this little guy and then, if we find out that it's bad, then we could put the new one in. But what i wanted to do is prior to tearing all this garbage apart was to have a new one in my hands, so i called chevrolet and we got this new one. However, chevrolet told me they said if you're wrong and you install it, you own it like anything else. The downside to it is if i'm wrong, and i install it about 700 bucks.

So we want to try to be right and not wrong. We may be wrong, but we may be right, so, let's uh find let me find the fuse. I think i left it somewhere is here. Oh left right in his little change holder, i'm gon na find out what hole this little guy goes back in this little 15 ampere.

I'm going to put that back in we're going to hook up the gds2 oem scan tool get out of there and we're going to take a look at some data. This is the fuse box, is printed back here and then we're gon na see. If indeed we still have the same situation, which hopefully we do and now we're just gon na get at it fuse is reinstalled. It is uh which fuse was it down here in the lower left-hand corner that grid of four it is the upper left one.

I don't remember what it says on it. I don't have my readers on, but it's a little 15 amp fuse upper left, one. The grid for there on the left anyhow, i know it's the right fuse because listen, we got nothing but static, no function, no buttons, no backup camera, no nothing! I know this is less than ideal shining the camera at the screen here, but i don't think we're going to be looking at this very long, so fuse is in it, and this is the part that baffles me. So our hmi module right here is a no com lost communication uh.

It is talking on the high speed data bus. So that's worthy to note, because it has a couple networks going to the most data bus and then the gm high speed um. The part that bothers me is that none of the other modules set codes against it. That's the part i don't understand like how come the you know, the amplifier, the you know, the radio control module, how come how come they're, not storing codes against the hmi module.
I don't know, that's that's the part that has bothered me about this whole thing. So, needless to say, we need to be able to talk to it to do anything with it and it does control that whole center display. So, let's uh figure out how to get to that sucker and see if we can do some tests. Okay, so this should be a control, module references and then we want to find uh whatever we're working on hmi module.

I don't know what number it is: scrolling scrolling scrolling, keep scrolling the case, 74, human machine interface, control, module, scan tool, information and then replacement and then programming. So let's go to replacement. We probably got to take apart a lot of jiggly bits. Oh that's easy! Uh get to the bracket, remove it yeah piece of cake thanks for thanks for the inflator gm real helpful there chip chop chip.

Here we go so we got to keep working backwards, i'll figure this out, we'll get in there we'll rip and tear, and sometimes it does this. You get this screen right here, and this is what the service bolton is on. It's the people who constantly get this screen and the resetting, and this and the other thing uh. We need to shut this thing off, so just so, you know kind of where we're at here i don't know, stays in that loop.

Yep all right come on quit. Dinging there we go, let's get ripping and tearing here folks, it's not in my car and i don't care, that's not the song. We sing, you should care, come on we're not making good progress. So i tell you that we win, we got it so yeah.

They don't tell you in service data to pop the little lower half off. First, they show you these two screws that are pointless. One. Two three clips check now i have to hit the back button.

That's gon na be the stupidest video you guys ever saw goodness gracious good thing. We didn't pry under the gray. You see you see folks because uh it's out here where she comes off all this stuff. Oh gosh! It scared me um.

This stuff feels brittle uh. One clip must have stayed in there. Where does that go nope, there's no clip to be found. Could that been missing from the factory? Did gm screw up and never install this guy's clip we'll never find out today an sma, so it should be a clip there.

I think um, no, actually there's not that just has the the plat or the felt over it one two three clips, and then you just got these little guides here and a couple little dongers there, okay step two check: oh okay. Well, at least we can see the clips on this one. Oh it's the leather. This is the one.

That's got all the leather, oh, that comes off nice and easy holy smokes. Look at all the clips on that thing, two four, six, eight ten twelve! You could break half of those and i think it'd still work check. I hear something running the hmi module, i think, has a fan on it and i hear something: humming, a human humming back here, it's kind of odd. Maybe that means something there's some red paint over here on the dash too that's kind of weird we're going to take them screws out, we'll stick them right down here next to the ketchup packets.
What did that say, swing this out and do something should have read better. It says: clicky click grasp the bottom of the radio, pull out enough to clear the locators and pull down to release the clip seated in the instrument panel we're out far enough. Oh goodness, a couple of them guys unplug of the cables, there's that so there's our radio, something something interface, something and here here she is boys. So this is a usb or most media or something something data, bus yep.

So this is the hmi module. Really i just want to go grab the new one and plug it in just to see. If everything comes back to life, they made this convenient said no one. Ever that's unplugged that one's unplugged and quit humming.

How does that usb connector work? Okay, that's got one way on the back. It's really awesome. We have arthritic fingers with no feeling gosh dang it. Oh, this should be a real treat to put back in buddy there's one there's two went up to the dome light she went out.

So this is this: is our hmi module? This is what we can't talk to so now that we're here we need to find out who who's, sam and who's henry down here. Okay, is it for the radio? We don't want to mix those up. We won't mix them up this little usb just goes from here to from the module to there, okay um. What we need to do is powers and grounds which i assume work, and i don't know what it takes to wake this thing up.

If it has a wake up signal or if it just gets woke up on the data bus, we need to see if it's woke, i don't see any wires pinched down there or anything like that. So now that we're after it we're going to do that powers grounds ability to communicate. So i'm going to get a diagram and we're going to go at it and then we're going to cross our fingers say a little prayer and poke one in there. So pin seven and eight on connector x1 get this little mother lover up here: um when you're gon na need to turn loud, quiet, okay, we turned it on and we should have a good power and a good ground enough to light a headlight here anyway.

So i'm just gon na very gingerly back probe the ground and then the power - oh that's bright, so that's nice and bright. Can you guys see so that tells me hey we're good! We're happy hey! What's up pretty lady, oh simmons! Rockwell! Let me talk to these folks now that we have power and ground, i'm just checking a diagram here for the comm wires, so we should have two common and two come out uh, so this must be. I am on the blue with green, so that is high. Speed can so it's gon na be, can high and then white with green? Oh, can you guys see uh? So we can see the data.
You know the two and a half to three and a half volts or whatever it goes to there. Now this i'm just using the? U scope, we should really probably have a two channel scope on here and then it should be a white with green. It's probably right next to it eleven and twelve yep. So it should be this wire here and that's just the opposite.

So that's to be our can low oops. So we can see that you know data printing across the screen there and then i believe our other we'll keep going across yep. So there's the other can high and here's the other can low. So can i can low four wires total because it's talking in talking out, i am not super familiar with the mo most data bust and its function.

Um! It's not something that i'm that i'm fluent with i've heard of it, but being that this communicates on the high speed data bus, i'm not super concerned with that. I believe i'm gon na have to do some looking to see how this most data bus works. I think it goes from module to module to module is all i could be wrong. I don't believe that it goes to the data link connector anyways.

We got a serial data com enabled, so we have to have something to tell this module to turn on and that's supposed to be, pin five white with blue and that should be on this connector it's on x1. So, let's see if we can find, pin five one two, three four five white with a blue stripe, we're gon na try to back probe into that, and i think our signal just went right off the screen. Uh we're at uh one volt per division. Let's bump that up so there she is, we are at five volts per division and we've got a good signal sitting right at 13.6 volts.

Let me shut this key off. I don't know at what point oops i don't know what point it tells uh. I'm gon na move my ground clamp here to shut off. Oh okay, right there.

So right now it is shut off. So i'm thinking i need to get my ground back. Oh no! It's shut off because i removed my ground dummy okay, so we can see so we're looking at the green line down here. Let me uh change the speed here: oops, not one micro.

Second, bumper we'll make it nice and slow. So we can see our green trace is at zero volts. This is our our wake up signal i'll turn. The key on wow turn on baby.

Oh well, it already turned the module on there. We go now it's on, so it is receiving its wake-up signal. It does have power and ground it does have high-speed can go into it and the ability to communicate. However, it doesn't um, i think, what i'll do.

I think what we should do, or what we should try is something else here. Let's take this little guy here, let's just plug in: let's leave the most data bus, unhooked um, because we know from looking at scan data that this thing was trying to communicate on, pin 6 and 14.. So, let's just plug in that side, because i don't know if something, let's say, for example, like something were to shut down on the uh most data bus. Can it pull down to high speed in just a single module? I doubt it to be honest with you, because the part that the really the part that bothers me is the fact that it doesn't no other modules set codes against it.
That's the really bizarre part that bugs me, we should have a bunch of codes now. I hope because we've got the radio interface or whatever they call that module unhooked, so i'm gon na let this go through and do its thing. If not, i have no other reason to believe that it's anything but bad, and then i waste a bunch of money here and we'll plug it in and see if it can talk. Human machine interface lost communication couple codes stored in the radio and, let's see what the details are lost, communication with device on lin bus and then we got a most bus data code and control module communication.

High speed extension can two off so yeah. It's got some weird stuff going on with the radio unplugged. I don't know folks uh. I think we need to make the call.

I don't see any reason not to we can't talk to the sucker. Let's uh, let's go get the new one. So here she is folks uh. The only way to get it is a refurb from gm can't even buy it brand new uh, big warning on the box.

Do not oh right here, do not open until you are certain. This model number is exactly what you ordered. Oh, i didn't think about that. So we got the right number.

We already opened it we're screwed uh. I don't know, i don't know i ordered it by then. Who cares uh we're, probably good. We probably should have prayed.

Oh dear lord, please let this be right. You're, a god of mercy and grace, please uh. Let's see, i know we're right. What else can it be all right, remember to ask yourself that uh, sometimes if you're working on stuff, you got ta, ask yourself if this doesn't work.

My good friend keith taught me this: if this doesn't work, what are you gon na do next and uh so try to answer that question prior to pulling the trigger on something. If it's an expensive part like this one, this is an expensive part. You know i mean this is like by the time it's all said and done it's like a thousand dollar ordeal or something like that, because we've got to do this and then we have to program. It he's got to pay for our time and knowledge or diagnostic time i mean that's only fair right, i'm not trying to justify it.

I'm just trying to tell you how it goes down. So we're going to put this baby in. Why? Because we own it we're going to slip that sucker in try to get the wires down and around kind of a bit of a piss pot. I don't want to pinch anything there.

She is she's down in she's, clicked my foot's stuck i'm coming in. There's a roll back outside dropping off the car. I can hear it out there ready cross your fingers cross your toes cross, your nose and something else. This thing, oh it just went.
I heard it so, let's plug this in see. If we, it only goes one way, fella that one's plugged in cars are so stupid. I think i probably said that before you know, i remember when i was a kid radios had knobs and we're gon na push. The button and cars had keys thin all right.

Hoorah, okay, now hey calibrate device. It says that's something that we haven't had before. So that's plugged in we'll go to module diagnosis and then we'll find this little guy hm human machine interface control module, we're going to go to that and just for poop and laughter can we talk to it boom boom. We can talk to electronic control unit.

Software configuration that program been not programmed, so it's not programmed. Imagine that and then we'll come back to here and then we'll go right to gmsps. I know this is really crappy to do it. This way to shine you guys at it, but it's the only way that it's going to happen today and then we're going to go, replace and reprogram we're going to click next.

This is a long ways to go to make your freaking thing work here. Huh human machine interface, usb file transfer is how it does it so we're going to hit next and it's going to take one of our vin slots, one of our paid vin slots. Unless this vehicle is already, i don't know, if we've ever done programming on this or not nope, it says it's going to take our slot. I may have to turn the camera off to do some reading.

I'm not really good at showing whoa. Hey, hey, hey! Hey! That's so annoying it's shutting modules off, so everything gets kind of wonky new calibration, so we're going to hit next whole bunch of unrecognized calibrations. Here's all the selected calibrations that it needs and then we're going to hit uh, i'm just going to back up one little click here i would assume if there was any options it would ask us. I just thought about that.

Speak recognition, review camera. I don't believe so so we're just gon na we're gon na hit next we're gon na hit start programming, it's gon na download the stuff, and then it's gon na write it to that little guy that we just put in there and from the sounds of it. Don't worry, we're not making a video, oh my gosh, you're, so annoying and then from the sound of it. We've got to do a usb update also, so that's hopefully there's some on-screen instructions for us that baby just went blank turn down.

Okay, so that thing's lit up look the volume works. Now, that's handy right, so we're gon na go. My vin subscription has been updated. We're going to hit see that later proceed with same vin.

This did usb copy file transfer and it pops up it checks. Apparently, what software current calibration is in the hmi module, and it shows us uh the eight four two niner six four six niner is the current calibration. It shows that's the only calibration available and it says right here. Usb file transfer is neither necessary nor supported on this hardware.
At this time. Please proceed with normal hmi programming. Instead, so - and i service data - alluded to that fact that that could be a possibility that there may be no um update right. Didn't we read that uh? I believe we did i'm not going to go back through because, as far as i'm concerned, we're done um upon completion if the drives are available.

So yes, if no files are available, usb proceed to step 12. We go down to step 12 on screen. Instructions follow instructions, clear, dtc's, uh turn the wrap off yada yada blah blah blah such and such so i say we're good we're good with that. I know this.

Video is kind of stupid, but let's see here we're going to take we're going to clear these codes out. Programming alone can can set a bunch of codes in a bunch of modules. So we're going to do this. We're going to clear everything out here, because we were poking and prodding.

Why won't you run now? It runs hey. We got a backer upper camera. I realize you guys are in a bad spot in a bad way. Ain't.

You fancy out, goes the lights. So i'm thinking, that's it folks! Whoa you! Don't hey! Hey, hey, hey, hey! You need to calm down um. This guy wouldn't be happy. If we left a couple screws loose um.

I don't know if you guys, like these kind of videos, i think they're kind of stupid personally but um. If you guys don't like these kind of videos. Just let me know in the comment section because there's no sense in making them if nobody wants to watch them um. You know they're they're kind of boring.

Nobody likes uh the electronic videos, plus it's they're kind of mundane. I don't know it's the same stuff. Every day this place, of course, this was a new one, so i wanted to bring you along because i never fixed one of these things before, but it's similar to a lot of stuff oops. Remember this one got ta pull the panel out a little bit down there.

It's always so much easier to click stuff back together. Am i right? Okay, the whole car is put back together. Then you take your sleeve and you give her one of these. You shine up the black stuff here.

Every good mechanic knows that trick: um gosh. That is loud every time i tell it it's loud. It gets quiet. It's like it can hear us.

I'm gon na take care of the stuff folks wow, look at that in intel link intelligent link well into the link. You just cost this guy a smooth thousand dollar bill. So, thank you very much for that and thank you guys for liking, comment, subscribing and coming along and by, like i say in the in the description: if these videos suck put it down there i'll quit, making them and we'll move on and we'll make stuff that Makes you happy and when you're done, you should buy yourself one of these. It clicks on the window via suction cup.
It is the astro slm cup and then you click it on the window. Then boom. You click your light on it, because it's a magnetic turns the glass in the middle while you're down here subscribe, ring the bell. All that just remember.

If i can do it, you can do it thanks for watching hey.

By EricO

13 thoughts on “Buick encore: intellilink hmi module failure – replacement programming”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steven says:

    I think this is a really nice change of pace for a video! I enjoyed it beginning to end. Electronic stuff is interesting.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars blackbobjo says:

    It’s all about learning πŸ‘ and understanding why it takes so long to fix my car lol

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chip offtheoldblock says:

    Eric O. Bless you and the family I just wanted to say Ivan would be all up in that

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kboomarang Finch says:

    Pop that gizmo open and do some Russian resoldering on it.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Global Deception says:

    Chevrolet…”If your wrong and you install it, you own it” [ insert fist pump meme here] πŸ˜‚

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JMB says:

    Not a stupid video! Very informative. But I wouldn't attempt it – I would end up using a hammer, lighter fluid and match. Lol. I miss the days of an AM FM push button radio!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joey The Dime says:

    Buick Encore – is currently assembled in South Korea at Buick's Bupyeong manufacturing plant. Made with mostly parts from Mexico, Spain, and China.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars davidgriffin14 says:

    I used to have a Renault Encore. Anyone else remember them?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars davidgriffin14 says:

    Over 1,000 views in less than 10 minutes. You rock!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars KC Matloff says:

    what if you just made a usb stick with the update media and plugged it in, let the module finish what it was trying to do?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jon Ramirez says:

    This will be my new saying when tearing down a vehicle, "Get out of there you motherfrea…." Thanks Mr. O!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars bones007able says:

    Encore… made by Buick… built entirely in Taiwan ….

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars NICk AYIVOR says:

    KNOWLEDGEABLE South Main Auto Repair
    Thanks for sharing what you know with Us very helpful video πŸ‘ πŸ‘Œ
    From Nick Ayivor from London England UK πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

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