In this video I bring you along as I over come a crappy situation where an extractor broke off in a bolt. It is easy to lose our minds and flip out. I have learned over the years that as easy as it is to do just that, at the end of the day it does not solve any problems. Stay cool, refocus and work your plan. Life is a learning curve. -Enjoy!
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Well, folks, i'd be lying to you if i said every day was a great day and a happy day and every job is awesome, uh, some jobs, suck and some days it's just not fun being a mechanic, at least in the northeast. Today, it's one of those days, so we got to dodge the coder here. Uh it needs a manifold. Uh needs both manifolds and i already did the other side.

The other side was a straight up. Mother and disaster. I had a easy outbreak in a bolt which that's the first time i've done since i was a weed lad uh. Fortunately, i have a rescue bit and it turned out absolutely beautifully.

I should have showed you guys that process, but sometimes when you get jobs like this, you just need to calm down uh. You got ta slow down to go fast, and so i thought well what the heck we'll bring the people along. You guys keep me calm and cool and collected and keep me from swearing excessively and throwing tools and stuff like that. So let's, let's see how this side turns out.

I know this isn't just a normal video, but i just i don't know what it is. It's something let's rattle some of the rust off and that's a good free tip there for you, folks, if you're, not reusing the manifold go at it with the air hammer for a bit just jiggle, it uh, there's already broken bolts in this side, but this gives You the best chance of getting these bolts out now i see these are whittled right down to just about nothing. So i think what we'll like to do on this we'll get out the fire extinguisher we'll get up. Oh vic see what he's up to already got him out this morning and then we'll uh we'll take it we'll go pick up our light and then we'll just blow the heads off all these and then see what we've got underneath at least get the manifold out Of the way then deal with all the broken bolts or all the stuff, usually on these four sevens and the five sevens they come out pretty easy.

So, let's see what let's see what happens i'll be honest with you folks. I cannot remember the last time that i throw a bolt off or an easy out off in a bowl. What? Ah, oh man, these idiots that keep calling today just relentless like a block like 15 numbers already, and it's only 10 30. to help hopefully break that bond here.

Hopefully, there's something left of this flange uh, it's looking pretty rough, so i'm just banging on the manifold there it goes i just saw. I just saw pop so that's down here. Let's see, let's see if we can just stick a socket on that one. It fits nice, uh, they're, usually a 12.

I think we're probably american being that part here now. I got no ratchet found it well, i didn't feel yeah. It's got returns. It didn't feel quite right, but oh yeah.

Now it does a little hello. So what we need to do, let's get a shorter 13 here. I think the one yeah the one down below this is broke off, but it's sticking out. So that's good.

What's up misses, though, coming out and give you some moral support? What do i need? More support for where he fixed the other side. I needed more sport. An hour ago, oh, i made you coffee. That was, i know, and he did that one other thing smiled at me.
That's all i need from you, mrs, not really don't, don't believe everything i'll tell you, oh so i brought the people along tell them about how some days you get the bear some days the bear gets you, but then we then we killed the bear because we We won technically so the bear didn't really get us, but we tried it tried. Oh, let's see so what's uh, so what's up for real, will you really just come out and give me some oven? Yeah really, and i have a question. Oh i knew it. I knew it remember how you tell me like yep, you just ruined it.

You know how you tell me that all the time, all the time hey in that toolbox over there in the big drawer, oh go ahead and slide it right. Open three-eighths drive, three-eighths socket i'll, build a big door. The big dartmouth, though, over on the left, the middle row - oh come here. Luna come here.

Baby come here, kitty kitty come here, so we're going to see if we can stick a 3 8 socket on these ones on the bottom side of the manifold. The middle bolts on these chryslers usually aren't an issue famous last words: it's a little harder than i want to be pulling. Tell you what folks the rear ones busted off. I tell you what why don't we just take and torch those two middle ones out.

Instead of dilly dallying around here this way we can get the manifold off and then we've got something to work with. That's how you do it in the salt belt baby, you do it with fire. There's one! What's up baby, there's two! I'm gon na buckle. My shoe that's right, where's, your daddy, but i don't want to.

I should have left the y pipe unhooked on the other side. Idiot come on baby get piper get out of my belly. Come on baby. Oh there calm down, dude, calm down, there's the manifold goodbye and then all the bolts are sticking out now.

So that's good i'll show you man, i didn't put you in the crappiest spot on purpose, but i just needed a friend for a minute. That's all! I guess i could turn the camera off at this point. I don't know, maybe somebody else is having a bad day or they got a manifold job to do first thing on a monday and they broke an easy out like a ding dong. Never if you break one of them off boy, i tell you what you better have a plan c.

Fortunately i do things were super stressful for a minute, but, okay, all right there we go we're done the show's over everything should be easy from here. Famous last words should not have just said that i retract my last statement. I don't want bad juju, i don't even know jim juice, real, we'll assume it is. We don't want it all right.

Theoretically, you can just grab these and spin them out with your fingers, but that ain't gon na happen. That's when we got out naturally and then there's all the rest of them. Now this one was already broke and this one was already broke, so that's good. They broke in a good way and in a perfect world, we'll stick a little stud extractor on here and we'll whiz.
These right out, we'll laugh and we'll have fun. It'll be good time. Perfect world just happened right there that one cracked loose. You know what today hey record there folks.

Oh, we did look at that two for two: let's see if this one cracks that one is already loose, let's see if this one works that one's loose - oh, it's loose, probably the one! That's the son of a mother drill that won't come loose loose. What in the thunder going downtown, go and give me some lotto tickets? We just made up for some lost time. On the other side. Folks, we got some juju working for us over here that one's out that one's out that one's out, i probably don't - have to keep saying that, but that one's out that one's out here you say it this time you ready yeah, very good together on the last One that one's out there we go folks we're done.

Mrs, oh there you go come here, you're, okay, i need to ask you something. I'm thinking about girl. Oh dear, was your daddy a beaver, wow wow? I can't use my other ones. Let's do only two.

I don't know if you should use those ones come on they're good. Those are good. Am i right? At least you got ta smile, little laughs and possibly one other thing. You laugh at you.

I got a question. Oh yeah. I need to pause it. No, not really, okay.

What do you got? Maybe the subaru needs to have an air filter. Yes, do it order it um? Now i don't have one advantage, so i said in advance what about the other napper in hornell? You want them to come here for uh yeah, because it'll be here all day, see if they got. I don't know he is that one that goes in and out pretty easily yeah. You sure i'm positive, that's one thing i do know uh-huh, so you're gon na call the other one hey.

What do you do you feel? Okay, imagine it might have hurt when you fell from heaven looks like she come loose on us. Oh she's left-handed thread she's a left-handed variety. Let's get something we can hit on here that gets in there a little better, so yeah. I should keep her cleat look fixed, grow up here, hey happy days.

I don't really know what the purpose of this video was. So it's certainly not helpful in the sense of how to change the manifold on your dakota um. Maybe it can be a inspiration, inspirational, video, that's weird, the young and aspiring technicians out there, mechanics as i like to call them when you get faced with a problem like this, it seems a horrific task like you're set up for failure. I don't sometimes you need to walk away now.

I know i mentioned earlier that i swore an excessive amount through tools. That's simply not true. Now, back in my day, you're darn tootin that horrible attitude i hated stuff like this when it didn't go right and then, ultimately, after a few years, 15 or 20, or so you learn to get pissed off, really doesn't get you anywhere other than you got a Job to do and now you're pissed off yeah it sucks when you're breaking easy out or it sucks when you got ta deal with broken bolts and brush crap, but nobody's making me stay here and do this it's my choice for plenty of jobs to be had. I don't know where i'm going with that going over here to get more bolts, but i guess i'm just saying whether it's diagnostic stuff and mechanical stuff plan to work and work the plant baby get in there with this one, everybody gon na need a shorty.
Now i swear on the other side. Those were 12 millimeter. Now it's under 13 huh, maybe maybe i'm confused easily easily confused wow. All right now we'll use a regular, ratchet, slash, torque wrench, slash, use your head and then we'll just go through start from the inside work, our way out and then very gingerly, snug them up nice and even well.

What the thunder this one, those little guys, are all snugged up. I guess the other thing i could say on jobs like this. Is i don't mind, saving saving a customer, some money? If, if i can but there's times on jobs like this, where it's just not realistic, and by that i mean you know, trying to save the manifold and save this and save that and nope. When i quote these jobs, you get everything manifold heat shield, nuts, bolts, the whole nine.

I do them all oem uh. You know i don't screw around with the doorman, manifolds and stuff on these and honestly, these aren't too horribly expensive, uh right from chrysler, and usually they got a pile of them in stock. So it's not that big a deal as a general rule uh and i think that's about it folks and then we got ta put uh this little guy on here, ah hold up wait a minute, something right: son of a mother. I think there's different there's different studs and i did it wrong now.

I got ta, go on the other side and check out the long studs son of a boozy. I didn't even look for the record. I was right. They were 12 millimeter on that side.

That's because i stuck all four of them, but i wasn't paying attention because i just grabbed four out of a random bag and happened to grab the four of the same. Otherwise i might have noticed, but oddly enough, the heat shield fit fine. On the other side. Manifold must be shaped slightly differently granted.

It didn't fit perfectly across the head like nice, and even but i just i guess i didn't give it a second thought, like the old ratchet's dying on me here, we have to tear into it. Something sounds so made right, we'll set that to the side. For a minute she sounds a little rattly. That thing gets abused quite heavily, though, to be honest with you.

Hopefully this this vehicle never comes in meeting the valve covers. The other side is just as ugly am i on there nope there we go that one's good, that one's good. Now, let's see how good we are boom. Look at that.
That's a whole lot, nicer, fella and all four of these little guys all right. Well, my day just got a little better folks, if your day sucks and some of your jobs suck just step back, look at it realize it ain't gon na fix itself being pissed off ain't gon na fix it any better. I know the feeling it's been there. I've done that probably could write a book on it, but folks, if it's can help you it all, just like i say, try to come up with a plan figure out how you're going to do it and just calm down and just do it now.

I know some technicians don't get paid well, but try to do it for a sense of self-satisfaction. I guess, even though self-satisfaction doesn't pay the mortgage, but just do the best you can and uh i don't i'm not really much for advice. So that said, i guess i would just advise you to go in that comment. Section tell me what jobs you do, that you don't particularly care for whether it's brake lines or fuel lines or wheel, bearings or whatever it is, leave it down there.

In that comment, section i'll go down and check them out. Love reading the comments, my favorite thing to do. Well, i got one other thing, but anyhow, when you're down there subscribe, find us on the facebook, the ansi and just remember viewers. If i can do it, you can do it thanks for watching.

By EricO

17 thoughts on “Exhaust manifold therapy”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dan connolly-stone says:

    Good on you mate.i work on motorcycles & its a mission when nearly every fastener is a differnt size.the factory never uses good thread compond,so its tight enough to break or just flogs out💀🎠

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Mankowski says:

    The worst thing I have ever worked on …. Are Fords. Like you. I get upset and keep saying to myself, What engineer thought this better idea up. And when I find an issue on other vehicles I say the must have hired an engineer from Ford.. Smile 😃 you know we have all been there.. Merry Christmas Eric O and family.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jdtractor man says:

    I've been lucky in life and have not had to do any of these manifolds. It's funny how in different parts of the country there are all kinds of different vehicle problems. We in the northeast deal with rusty parts and people in the south deal with A/C problems quite a bit. Down south I don't think they know what rust is.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Doug Sims says:

    Commenting since I can't find the like button. I was following right along with that stud removal. I appreciate you taking us along on this therapy session of beating the snot out of a rusted piece of metal.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Cunnington says:

    I just did the lock actuator for the captain's side sliding door on my 2017 Caravan. I could have shot Chrysler for the way that all goes together. That window track piece makes it terrible.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Benjamin Boyer says:

    Did the first brake job of my life last week on my car (my only car) partly to save money, partly to know it's done right, and partly because I like the idea of working on cars. It was taking ages because I was being super cautious and trying to do everything right – brush off the parts and rust, lube everything up, wonder why the rear piston needs twisted to push back, all that good stuff.

    Finishing up the rear I get my big manly torque wrench out to make sure everything is done right and about ten seconds later I'm wondering why it isn't clicking when the bolt BANGS like someone hitting a trash can. I felt like I was going to puke for an hour wondering how much money I just cost myself (ended up being a $2 bolt).
    After that I wondered if people that do this for a living ever feel that way or even have trouble like that so this video made me feel a lot better just to know I'm not the only person that feels miserable when things go wrong

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars amerixan trash says:

    Eric – I love your videos because you are one of the few front line blessed soldiers willing to deal with these rusted, fouled up northeast vehicles and video it all. I've learned the torch is my best friend, but you always give me inspiration when I have to work on my own rusted out Jeep (also a WJ)!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hailu Dyami says:

    in my 20's when i only had hand tools, snapped off 3 out of 8 manifold studs on a volvo 240. I was almost as fun to be around that day as the time i put in a main oil seal in wrong and had to redo that job

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike Engel says:

    I love to see the BIG KID in you come out sometimes…. Makes my day to know I am not the only one that lets his out…!!!! thanks for the Laughs and the car repair videos

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bruce Markey says:

    My "favorite job": Swapping rotors on a northern K2500 Suburban where you have to pull the entire bearing and pound all the studs out just to swap a rotor.. ugh..

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James McFarlane says:

    Great entertaining video, glad to know I am not the only one who suffers under a car sometimes. You missed a trick when changing screwdrivers just after finding the tool had a left hand thread to say 'I need a left handed screw driver for this!'

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Black3ternity says:

    Regarding saving the customer a buck or two:
    How do you handle the completely rusted bolts on the rest of the engine?
    Right above the manifoldsthe bolts are just a breath away from breaking. Do you inform the customer that there is more rotten stuff and that he should keep that in mind and offer more fixing or do you just let it go and hope that he isn't getting back to you angry when his car breaks down a week later?
    I would imagine that some folks might see it in the old "You touched it last and now it's not working" light.
    Thanks for bringing us along.
    Helps me relax with my office-life and clacking away at emails all day long.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Keith Fink says:

    Hey Eric, I could write a book, too. It would be titled 101 WAYS TO MAKE A PROJECT TAKE LONGER. If I had recorded everything from the beginning of my illustrious career, I would now be working on the 502nd edition. Never got to the book, though. Still too busy fixing things…twice.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pantherman1979 says:

    "Grow up Eric"

    Hey, it's your channel. If you do something; even if it's playing with the air hose while blowing out some threads/manifolds and I don't particularly care for it, tough luck. BTW I thought it was funny, but it's your channel man, keep being yourself. I've never had to do manifolds but it looks like it could be a huge mess.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mr B says:

    Oh man that was gravy, could of undone those with your pinky fingers …
    If you want get rusted bolts off you now know best product is a camera lens, beats penetrating oils every time lol .
    Keep calm and carry on with big nasty , therapy baby …

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars flagmichael says:

    All those calls are from concerned people trying to warn you that your car's extended warranty is expired. What will you do without extended warranty on your car? Do you have any idea what car repair costs these days?

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jacks Journale says:

    I hate anything that requires taking the entire vehicle apart. By the time they need a new engine, entire vehicle is wore out and it’s not worth fixing. Most people don’t spend any money on their car until it breaks down!

    What about those newer Chevy direct injection with the injectors buried under the intake. You take a chance and throw an injector at it, and put everything back together only to learn that ain’t it. They put things where you can’t easily test them anymore.

    Oh Infinity high pressure pump is a thousand dollars! Everything on the car is crazy expensive. You break it, you bought it!

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